• Contract
  • Somalia
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Salary: TBD

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.

American Friends Service Committee



The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to shift the mindsets that prioritize militarized approaches over peaceful and people-centred solutions, promotes sustainable economic systems that benefit everyone, rather than those that favour the wealthy and exacerbate inequality and environmental crises and challenges forced displacement and champions the dignity and rights of all people on the move.

With a vision of a Just, Peaceful, and Sustainable world free of violence, inequality, and oppression, and a mission guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light of each person, AFSC works with communities and partners worldwide to challenge unjust systems and promote lasting peace. As such AFSC respects the equality, worth, and dignity of all people, seek rights relationship with all life on a sustainable Earth. AFSC asserts the transforming power of love and active nonviolence as a force for justice and reconciliation.

AFSC launched its new ten-year strategic plan in 2020 with a focus on three program areas. The Africa region prioritized two program areas over the next ten years namely 1. Shared and Sustainable Peace, which aims to shift the mindsets that prioritize militarized approaches over peaceful and people-cantered solutions. 2. Just Approaches to Forced Displacement and Migration, which aims to challenge forced displacement and champion the dignity and rights of all people on the move.

In Somalia AFSC works in Mogadishu, Kismayu, Bosaso , Dhobley and Dadaab Refugees Camps that host 90% of Refugees of Somalia origin. The Somalia Country program is based in AFSC’s regional office in Nairobi Kenya.

AFSC together with Lutheran World federation are implementing a three-year project titled Promoting Community Resilience through Engaging the Somali Society phase 1. (PRESS- DADOKI) from 1st August 2022 to 31st July 2025. Out of the three project objectives, AFSC contributes objective 1 which is “Communities’ Social Cohesion and Community Psychosocial support is enhanced”. The project targets the Somali population in Dadaab, those on the move (either from Dadaab to Somalia or vice versa), as well as the ones settled in, Dhobley and Kismayu. The main project participants are IDP’s, returnees, Somali migrants, and some of the less advantaged local communities and the ethnic minorities who suffer a high risk of vulnerabilities with a focus on women and girls, PWD/CWDs, and youth. AFSC seeks to address intercommunal hostilities, Conflict reduction through non-violent mechanisms, Psychosocial support, and mental health of migrants, IDP’s and refugees, Boarder monitoring, rights of migrants and people on the move and promotion of Social Cohesion among communities living together. AFSC will implement the project through three project partners in Somalia-Kismayu, Dhobley and Dadaab Refugee Camp.

For the partners to effectively implement the migration and displacement component, a four-day training for selected partner’s participants will be conducted by AFSC with the aim of broadly providing the context, trends, laws/policies, practice, key actors, and gaps in the sector. Specifically, the training will focus on Migration and Displacements in Somalia, Migration rights, Available policies, Legal Instruments, analysis of Migration trends along the migratory route shared and gaps identified. After the training the participants will be expected to create awareness on the same at the targeted project sites.

Objectives of the consultancy

The objective of the assignment is to train selected participants from three implementing partners on migration and forced displacement in Somalia to include policy and practice, trends in forced displacement and Migration, technical distinction between refugees, migrants, and IDP’s and to Train Training of trainers (TOT’s) in Migration and displacement.

Scope of the assignment

The consultant will be expected to:

1. Develop and submit an analysis for the training on: Migration and Displacement trends in Somalia with a focus on Kismayu, Dhobley and Dadaab refugees’ complex.

  1. Key refugee management legal frameworks, Kenya, and Somalia, with a focus on access to country territories, registration processes, access to sustainable solutions in countries of asylum; and how these link to AU, IGAD and other regional legal frameworks.
  2. Highlighting gaps, challenges, opportunities, and key stakeholders that enhance protection of forced migrants in Somalia, Kenya and Horn of Africa.
  3. Provide key recommendations for AFSC and Implementing partners

2. Conduct a training for selected partners participants TOTs on international, regional, and national refugee laws; trafficking and smuggling of persons; current global trends in migration protection such as the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and the Global Compact for Refugees (GCR). Other topics will include sessions will include and not limited to:

2.1 key migration trends within the Somalia and Kenya.

2.2 An introduction to forced migration—distinctions between refugees, IDPs, migrants and emigrants. Comparing similarities and differences in national legislation for Somalia and Kenya, Programming gaps and opportunities.

2.3 To train TOTs in Migration & Displacement who will be expected to create awareness on the same at the project sites of Kismayu, Dhobley and Dadaab Refugees complex.

Expected Deliverables.

  1. Comprehensive Training Agenda:
  2. Conduct a Four-day training for TOTs on Migration and Displacement in Somalia & Kenya
  3. A detailed training report
  4. Provide resource materials / package for reference/ training package.

Training Dates: 23rd to 26th January 2023

Participants: 20

Applicant Requirements

The consultant or team should have:

  1. A bachelor’s degree in Political science, social work, Sociology, or any other relevant Social Science.
  2. Minimum five years of hands-on experiences in migration trainings and sector
  3. A good understanding of migration in Somalia’s context.
  4. Knowledge of Somalia’s socio-political and historical narratives that often drive marginalization and conflicts
  5. Demonstrated understanding of migration dynamics in conflict prone, fragile or post conflict areas.
  6. Excellent oral and written English
  7. Be flexible, responsive to changes and demands and open to feedback

How to apply

All interested consultants are asked to submit their technical proposal, Assignment delivery plan, Methodology and financial proposal showing how they wish to carry out the assignment, as well as the 3 references (one being on the most recent assignment) to the below contacts by close of business on or before 4th January 2023.

The Country Representative – Somalia

P.O. Box 66448 – 00800

Nairobi, Kenya

Or email: [email protected]

The AFSC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.