Save the Children
The National Reconciliation Program is a national Indigenous and child rights program at Save the Children Canada. Our approach to partnerships and programming is informed by the Wi-Mino-Kisikat Relationship Framework, meaning “it is going to be a good day – a new beginning” in the Saulteaux language. Through collaboration, cultural safety, and a commitment to reconciliation, we serve as an additional tool and resource that our partners can use to enhance and strengthen their Indigenous-led programming and services aimed at supporting First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children, youth, and communities.
Among the NRP’s programming is the the “Aakozi’ma’gut Kima’Maa’anun” – or, Mother Earth is Sick – Project, in collaboration with Kenora Chiefs Advisory in Treaty 3 territory. Mother Earth is Sick puts children and First Nation knowledge systems and values, and the infrastructure they depend on, at the heart of climate change vulnerability assessments, adaptation planning, and decision making. The inclusive culturally-informed and community-engaged process facilitated through Community Concept Mapping and Photovoice methodologies ensure that First Nations, local and Traditional Knowledge systems and practices, including First Nations’ holistic view of community and environment, are also incorporated into the climate change risk identification and adaptation planning in the program.
There are four primary outcomes/objectives of the project.
1. Increased community ownership through active and meaningful participation of men, women, boys and girls and knowledge keepers.
2. Increased understanding of climate change impacts (on communities as a whole but also how climate change affects differently boys, girls, women and men).
3. Enhanced community resilience.
4. Increased capacity of the communities to conduct child-friendly and gender-sensitive community participatory planning for other future initiatives and projects.
The National Reconciliation Program is seeking a Consultant to support with completing a Final Report on the data collected for the Mother Earth is Sick Project. Three reports for three different communities in Treaty 3 territory have already been completed and will be used to inform formatting and content for the final report. The final report will encompass the findings of all eight communities that have participated, including the three that have already completed a report. All data has been collected, and the Consultant will support with writing a report to contextualise, analyse, categorize and describe the findings.
Objective 1
Produce copy for (1) Final Report on the results for eight communities in the Mother Earth is Sick program for the National Reconciliation Program at SCC. Sections should include current climate change contexts, Mother Earth is Sick program summary, land acknowledgements, methodology, limitations, concept mapping results and analysis, photo voice results and analysis, conclusions, and next steps.
Objective 2
Produce copy for (1) Summary document of the Final Report.
Objective 3
Review three completed community-specific reports, other example reports, and feedback to inform the content, structure, and length of the Final Report.
Objective 4
Engage with the Partnership Manager to validate and gain feedback on progress of the report as needed.
Demonstrated experience in research and report writing.
- (1) Draft Final Report
- (1) Final Report
- (1) Summary Final Report
Deliverables – Format – Timeline
Draft Final Report – Word document, max 50 pages – May 5, 2023
Final Report – Word document, max 50 pages – June 16, 2023
Summary Final Report – Word document, max 5 pages – June 16, 2023
Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit before March 31, 2023 to Cheyenne Haylor at [email protected]
Supervision of Assignment
The lead technical Consultant will be required to work closely with the Partnership Manager of the National Reconciliation Program.
Payment Schedule
Payment to the consultant shall be done in accordance with normal procedures of Save the Children Canada. In principal however, consultant fees will be paid upon the satisfactory report of performance.
The payment schedule will be as follows:
1st payment: upon signing contract and receipt of first invoice, be paid 30% of total payment.
2nd payment: upon completion of draft reports and receipt of second invoice, be paid 40% of total payment.
3r payment: upon completion of final report and receipt of third invoice, be paid 30% of total payment.
Disclosure of Information
It is understood and agreed that the Consultant(s) shall, during and after the effective period of the contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Save the Children, any information obtained in the course of the performance of the Contract. Information will be made available for the consultants on a need‑to‑know basis.
How to apply
Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit before March 31, 2023 to Cheyenne Haylor at [email protected]
Deadline: 31 Mar 2023