Consultancy to Conduct the Diaspora Mapping Exercise

  • Contract
  • Gaborone Botswana
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Salary: TBD
  • Closing date: 17 Apr 2022

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.




Consultancy to Conduct the Diaspora Mapping Exercise

  1. Duty Station of the Consultancy: Gaborone, Botswana

  2. Duration of Consultancy: May – October 2022


The diaspora networks contribute to a country’s global visibility and often represent valuable development partners, through targeted investments, acts of goodwill, and civic engagement. The Government recognises the limits of the many traditional development policies and notes that mainstreaming of the diaspora into the development agenda of the country is an exploration of new and complementary avenues. The overall potential of the diaspora in the development agenda can reach significant levels involving such area as business creation, trade links, investments, remittances, skills transfers and exchanges of experiences. Bringing in innovative ideas for National Development. Over the years, Batswana have been migrating to different countries for various reasons, including work and study. As a result, Batswana diaspora communities have been established in different countries. The country has a lot to gain from strengthening ties with its diaspora. However, there are challenges with availability of current, disaggregated data on Batswana diaspora, as a result the size of diaspora communities, their skills, aspirations, and needs are not fully known, which has resulted in their potential contribution and participation in national development not being fully tapped and capitalized on.

In addition, the Government does not have a policy or guiding framework to strategically facilitate engagement with Diaspora on meaningful participation in national development. This has curtailed the Government’s engagement with the diaspora, and the diaspora engagement with their home country. The development of Diaspora policy will facilitate Government to engage and support diaspora communities around the world. It will provide a broad and inclusive definition of Botswana Diaspora and further reflect on the rich diversity of Botswana global community in terms of their contribution to the national development agenda, as well as their welfare abroad.

It is against this background that the Government of Botswana, through the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation in coordination with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) aims to conduct the diaspora mapping exercise and get an indication of their numbers/size, skills, aspirations and explore ways to enhance their participation and contribution to the country’s socio-economic development. With the data gathered, Government subsequently seeks to develop an evidence-based policy to serve as a framework to strengthen engagement with the diaspora. The diaspora mapping excise will position the Government of Botswana to fully harness the development potential of Batswana in the diaspora. The diaspora engagement project is in line with the National Vision 2036, National Transformation Strategy, as well as the National Development Plan 11 and 12. Furthermore, it is aligned to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); in particular, on issues of gender, industry, innovation and infrastructure, peace, justice and security, strong institutions as well as partnerships to achieve the goals, specifically 5,8, 9, 10 16 and 17).

The project is also in line with IOM’s strategic approach to diaspora engagement that focuses on the 3E’s, that is, to enable, engage and empower transnational communities as agents for development. In addition, the project will also directly link to the Migration Governance Framework’s (MiGOF), Principle 2 that promotes evidence and whole of government approaches policy development; and Principle 3 that indicates that good migration governance relies on strong partnerships.

The Diaspora Mapping exercise is expected to generate the much-needed data on the number of Batswana living abroad, and provide a database of their occupational knowledge, skills, aspirations and experiences living outside the country. A comprehensive, systematic gender-sensitive mapping of the Batswana diaspora through social media and diaspora mobilization campaign by involving Batswana Diaspora Associations, national stakeholders, and Botswana Embassies in at least 3 targeted countries to be conducted.


The objective of the proposed project is to contribute to increasing the contribution of the Batswana diaspora in the socioeconomic development of Botswana. In this regard, the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation aims to develop a comprehensive Diaspora Engagement Policy as part of its 2022 – 2023 Strategic objectives. An important component of developing the policy is to conduct a Diaspora mapping exercise with the intention of informing key elements of the Policy, which is intended to form part of the proposed Botswana Foreign Policy Framework as well as the Economic Diplomacy Strategy and the drive for a knowledge-based economy. The project also seeks to support the gathering and generation of disaggregated data on the Batswana diaspora through a diaspora mapping and profiling survey of Batswana abroad.

The specific objectives of this assignment are to:

· Conduct a comprehensive, systematic gender-sensitive mapping of the Batswana diaspora through social media and diaspora mobilization campaign by involving Batswana Diaspora Associations, national stakeholders, and Botswana Embassies in at least 3 targeted countries to be conducted.

· Support the gathering and generating of disaggregated data on the Batswana diaspora through a diaspora mapping and profiling survey of Batswana abroad

· To assess the national regulatory and legislature environment regarding the engagement of diaspora in both private and public sectors to better understand the context and current alignment practices on the engagement of the diaspora; as well as identify needs, gaps and challenges.

· Contact and coordination with Botswana missions in the selected countries as well as IOM Missions in these countries be established to facilitate engagement with the diaspora in those countries and to complete the diaspora mapping exercise.

· Compile the Diaspora Mapping Report with recommendations, which will contribute to the development of the Diaspora Engagement policy.


The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Officer in Charge of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Botswana, under the guidance of the relevant Regional Thematic Specialist, in close coordination with the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation and the Technical Working Group (TWG). The Diaspora Mapping Report will be submitted to the Regional Migration Data Hub for Southern Africa (RMDhub) allowing RMDhub to provide technical oversight.

Inception Phase

§ Based on a desk review of existing information, develop an inception report which outlines:

Ø proposed work-plan;

Ø data collection methodology and instruments;

Ø proposed strategies to ensure the ownership of the process by the government and Batswana diaspora;

Ø suggested discussion points for the strategies to enhance the diaspora engagement.

§ Present the inception report to IOM team, government stakeholders at the Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting and receive inputs and feedback.

§ Revise the inception report based on the comments from the TWG and IOM.

Conduct the Diaspora Mapping Exercise

§ Conduct the diaspora mapping exercise, by gathering qualitative and quantitative data on the diaspora communities in the targeted countries and the use of social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) as well as the use of big data platforms.

§ Conduct interview-based outreach to key private sector, civil society, government ministries, formal and informal recruiters and trade unions

§ Present the Diaspora Mapping Draft, which will include the presentation of preliminary findings of the number of diaspora in the selected pilot countries, as well as the diaspora situational analysis. The report to include an assessment of the existing mechanisms of engaging the diaspora (legislative instruments); identify existing networks, policy gaps, challenges and opportunities associated with engaging the diaspora; and formulate recommendations of key and relevant areas for diaspora engagement that are relevant to Botswana

§ Present and solicit feedback on the draft Diaspora Mapping Report from the Technical Working Group (TWG) Committee and other relevant stakeholders (equal gender nominations)

§ Revise the draft by incorporating inputs, feedback and additional information and data collected during subsequent TWG meetings

§ Organize quarterly meetings with relevant key stakeholders (equal gender nominations) to ensure buy-in and coordination and cooperation at national level

§ Present the final draft to the members for validation.


  1. Inception Report

  2. Draft Diaspora Mapping Report of i) desk review ii) consultations and interview-based outreach iii) analysis and recommendation for Botswana Government and presentation to TWG.

  3. Present the Final Diaspora Mapping Report and summary brief – power-point presentation, graphic design, layout and print ready.

  4. Develop an action plan with recommendations and guidelines on the engagement of Batswana in the diaspora

Ten (10) hard copies and soft copy will be delivered to the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation. All documents are to be produced in English Language (UK English).





  1. Submission and Approval of Inception Report

4 Weeks

  1. Submission of the Draft Diaspora Mapping Report and presentation of the report to the TWG

12 weeks

  1. Submission of the final Diaspora Mapping Report

2 weeks

  1. Develop an action plan with recommendations and guidelines on the engagement of Batswana in the diaspora

2 weeks



Qualifications of the Consultant

§ Post-graduate degree in international relations, public policy, political science, demography, statistics, development economics, migration studies or any other relevant related disciplines.

Experience of Tenderer

§ At least twelve (12) years of relevant experience on Migration Policy Development, of which five years should include guiding and directing policy development and implementation.

§ Experience working with governmental institutions.

§ Knowledge of statistical methods and migration data sources required.

§ Confident with use of social research methods.

§ Proven ability and experience in leading and facilitating training workshops.

§ Abilities to work under pressure and meet deadlines.

§ Strong analytical, writing, editing and communication skills.


§ 20% upon submission and approval of inception report.

§ 30% upon submission and approval of draft diaspora mapping report.

§ 20% upon submission and approval of final diaspora mapping report.

§ 30% upon submission and approval of an action plan with recommendations and guidelines on the engagement of Batswana in the diaspora.


The Consultancy will be undertaken within Botswana, therefore there is no travel required outside the country.



I. Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.

II. Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.

III. Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.

Core Competencies – behavioural indicators

IV. Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.

V. Delivering results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action-oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.

VI. Managing and sharing knowledge: continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.

VII. Accountability: takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own action and delegated work.

VIII. Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.

How to apply

Interested Individual consultants should submit an Expression of Interest which should include the following:

§ A proposal which summarises a proposed work plan, proposed methodology and relevant experience (not more than 10 pages in total).

§ Three (3) most relevant previous work on Migration/Diaspora Policy Development (preferably written as main or sole author).

§ Updated curriculum vitae.

§ Proposed consultancy fee in USD (Direct costs for the trainings, systems strengthening, and travel should not be included).

Applications should be sent to [email protected] not later than hours (Botswana Time), 17**th April 2022** with a subject line “Diaspora Mapping Exercise Consultancy”.


IOM shall be entitled to all copyrights of related deliverables and materials under this consultancy contract.