UN Women
- Background
Violence against women and girls is a fundamental violation of human rights.In 2021, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN Women were allocated $25 million in CERF funding to strengthen response to, and prevention of Gender Based Violence in emergencies (GBViE). Specifically, the funds were to provide additional resources to initiatives to 9 countries to ensure multi-sectoral GBV response including medical care and family planning, psychosocial support, safe spaces, legal support, and counselling as well as access livelihoods related training and cash for work opportunities across diverse country settings and prevention. Furthermore, the Emergency Relief Coordinator in allocating the funds recognized the agency of women’s organizations in responding to GBV in their communities, and aligned with Grand Bargain commitments on localization, provided that 30 percent of the CERF Global Grant funding must be allocated directly to local Women Led Organizations (WLOs) and Women’s Rights Organizations (WROs), with a view to enhancing their GBV operational capacity (prevention and protection) and engagement in humanitarian decision making and accountability.
- Description of the project
The allocation is aligned with sectoral priorities under the protection cluster and GBV sub-cluster, food security/livelihoods cluster and multi-sectoral cash assistance across the country contexts where CERF funded programmatic interventions will be implemented. With a budget of USD 8 million, UN Women implements the CERF Global Grant funded allocations in 6 countries: Bangladesh (Cox’s Bazar); Cameroon; Colombia; Ethiopia; Myanmar and Occupied Palestinian Territory.
The countries represent diverse country settings where internal and across border forced displacement has primarily resulted from different factors, including political crises, conflict, violent extremism, and climate change. Through the project, 174,610 men, women, boys, and girls will access services, information, referrals, livelihood opportunities and cash, as well as community-based mechanisms linked to GBV prevention and response. 316,462 people including IDPs, refugees and host community populations will indirectly benefit from the project activities.
UN Women’s CERF Global Grant project has 4 outcomes:
Common Outcome 1 (jointly with UNFPA): Targeted people, through program interventions, report changes in perceptions and attitudes towards social norms and practices that perpetuate gender-based violence and gender inequalities.
Common Outcome 2 (jointly with UNFPA): WLOs and WROs are empowered to increasingly engage in decision making and leadership in GBV response, mitigation, and prevention.
Outcome 3 (Agency specific): Women and girls who have experienced/are experiencing GBV or are at risk of GBV benefit from provision of and access to quality, multi-sectoral services, including legal aid.
Outcome 4 (Agency specific): Reduced risk of GBV through provision of livelihoods opportunities, cash transfers including cash for work[1].
- Mid-term Assessment-Purpose
UN Women Humanitarian Team initiates the CERF Global Grant Mid-Term Review with the view to 1) measuring progress in relation to reaching the project targets and outputs and identifying key issues that impact on the implementation of the project[2] 2) identifying promising practices, programmatic approaches and country examples to inform UN Women’s programming in humanitarian settings[3] 3) making practical recommendations with the objective to achieve quality results by the end of the CERF Global Grant implementation, including through drawing on inputs and feedback by local women’s organizations and other local partners.
- Stakeholders
The main stakeholder groups for this mid-term review are UN Women’s WPS-Humanitarian Unit, UN Women COs, UN Women ROs, WLOs/WROs including these women’s organizations and networks participating in the CERF Global Grant implementation, UN agencies (for example, UN-OCHA, UNFPA).
- Objectives of the Mid-Term Assessment
The purpose of the Mid-term Review to provide an in-depth Review of progress towards achieving the four outcomes of the program and its performance in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and localization; as well as contribution to equality, non-discrimination and LNOB (Leave No-one Behind) principles/commitments.
The Mid-Term Review aims to:
- Assess progress towards the achievement of programmatic outcomes, outputs, and targets as well as key issues impacting on implementation.
- Assess the quality of UN Women partnerships with Local Women’s Organizations and Networks[4] and the level of the project responsiveness to the needs and priorities of local partners (focus on localization and participation revolution-CERF Global Grant Outcome 2).
- Assess the collaboration between UNFPA and UN Women identifying areas where we see increased synergies and complementarities drawing on specific country examples[5].
- Identify promising practices/programmatic approaches that can be scaled up in the context of the project, including in relation to the advancement of diversity, inclusion and LNOB objectives[6].
- Mid-Term Review: Scope and Timeframe
The Review will focus on the activities of the Programme during the first-year implementation 15 February 2021 until end-April 2022. The geographic scope of the Review will include the CERF Global Grant countries: Bangladesh (Cox’s Bazar), Cameroon, Colombia, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Occupied Palestinian Territory.
Timeframe: The CERF global grant mid-term project review will cover the implementation of the project from 15 February 2021 – 30 April 2022.
- Mid-term Review questions
- Were the programmatic approaches, strategies, and partnerships across the 4 outcomes appropriate to responding to the humanitarian needs and priorities as identified in HNOs, HRPs, gender analysis conducted by UN Women, partners, and other humanitarian actors?
- To what extent have the expected intermediate outcomes (outputs) been achieved, and targets met? Which strategies/partnerships contributed to the expected results/outcomes? What are the enabling factors that facilitate achievement of project outputs?
- What are the key challenges/risks encountered during the project implementation in settings representing complex humanitarian crises? What were the adaptation/risk mitigation strategies put in place by UNW and IPs to ensure effective implementation of the project in rapidly changing humanitarian settings?
- What are the key lessons and promising practices in relation to the project implementation across the four Outcomes[7]?
- To what extent has the CERF Global Grant resulted in new modalities of collaboration between UNFPA and UN Women especially under Outcomes 1 and 2 (joint Outcomes) and Outcome 3 on service delivery for GBV survivors? In what ways has the Global Grant facilitated increased synergies and complementarities between the two agencies?
- What are the follow up actions and strategies that UN Women should adopt to ensure timely and high-quality project implementation?
- To what extent has UN Women partnership approach been appropriate and effective with particular focus on partnerships with local women’s organizations and networks, including modalities for direct funding and support under the principle of localization?
- What are the key lessons learnt in relation to funding local women’s organizations and networks, including reaching the 30 percent funding allocation requirement at the project budget level?
- Is there evidence of how the established partnerships across the 6 country contexts will ensure sustainability of the program beyond the two-year implementation period?
Localization and participation
- To what extent do programmatic interventions respond to WLO/WRO needs and priorities?
- What has been the contribution of CERF funded programmatic activities to strengthening institutional capacities of women-led and women rights’ organizations to engage in humanitarian decision making; and scale up GBV programming interventions (prevention and response) and AAP accountability mechanisms at community level (focus on Outcome 2)?
- What does success look like and for whom?
- How can the responsiveness of the project to the WLO/WRO needs and priorities be further strengthened? Through what actions and strategies?
Gender Equality, Human Rights, and Intersectionality
- What are the measures put in place by UN Women and partners to advance intersectionality, diversity and LNOB approach in line with HR principles and GEEWG commitments?
- Methodology and Data Collection
The Review will use a mixed method approach, triangulating both quantitative and qualitative data with in-depth case studies of 3 CERF Global Grant country projects.
The following methods are suggested for answering the Review questions:
Desk Review of Documents
It is recommended that the Review should begin with an in-depth context analysis of the CERF Global Grant implementation from a desk review of documents that can also answer questions of relevance. The following documents are suggested for review: CERF Global Grant Project Document/ donor agreement, Country Office Annual Work Plans (AWPs), CO M&E frameworks, CO Risk Registers, CO budgets, Global 9-month report, CERF HQ 2021 Annual Report, Quarterly monitoring reports for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 (2021), Q1 (2022), CO Knowledge products, reports, needs’ Review reports and analysis as well as communication materials.
Key Informant Interviews
Key informants are individuals who are knowledgeable or experienced in a specific areas or aspects of the CERF Global Grant. For the purposes of this mid-term Review the key informants will range from CERF Global Grant team members, UN Women management, CSOs, women’s organizations and networks and other UN agencies (for example, UNFPA and OCHA).
The Review team will conduct online semi-structured/ individual or group interviews. This methodology will be useful for triangulating information and interviewing a broad range of stakeholders.
Focus Group Discussions (FDGs)-Participatory Methodology (focus on women’s voices)
Focus group discussions can gather in-depth qualitative information from representatives of local women’s organizations and networks participating in the CERF Global Grant implementation[8]. The discussion will be facilitated and guided by a list of topics/questions developed by the Review team.
- Expected products of the Review and timeframe
The service provider will work under the overall supervision of the Programme Specialist on Humanitarian Action, CERF Project Manager. The expected products of the mid-term review include an inception report; a draft Review report with analysis of the findings and recommendations; and a final mid-term project review report which summarizes the findings and makes recommendations. The final report will be shared with relevant HQ Units, UN Women Country Offices, Regional Offices and UN Women implementing partners. The following table indicates the activities, deliverables, and milestones.
Structure of the mid-term Review report and Annexes
The final Mid-Term Review report should integrate the following sections:
I) Title and opening pages
II) Executive summary
III) Background, purpose, and scope of the Mid-Term Assessment
IV) Review methodology and limitations
V) Findings
VI) Recommendations
VII) Lessons Learned/Promising practices (including Annex: Case studies)
ANNEXES: ToR; Documents consulted; lists of institutions/stakeholders interviewed or consulted, and sites visited; analytical results and methodology related documentation, such as Review matrix; list of findings and recommendations.
The service provider is expected to begin the project in June 2022 and complete by 15 September 2022.
Conduction of payments
The payments will be based on the agreed rate and made based on the submission/ completion of quality deliverables and upon quality assurance by UN Women.
- Management of the Mid-Term Review
The UN Women Peace Security and Humanitarian team, in close collaboration with the CERF Global Grant Country Project Managers, will be responsible for management of this review. The CERF Global Program Manager/Focal point at UN Women in Geneva is the main focal point for the mid-term review and will ensure that key internal and external stakeholders participate in the Review and that the overall Review approach remains utility-focused and inclusive. The CERF Global Grant Programme Manager will facilitate the process to the extent possible, by providing contact information, documentation for desk review, reviewing draft report and providing feedback to the Review team.
- Qualifications of the Organization
UN Women is seeking to contract a supplier with sufficient capacity to perform the tasks outlined in the ToR, preferably with previous experience in working with UN Women or other UN Agencies, and familiarity with the humanitarian system and its processes, particularly with women’s participation and leadership and intersectionality. The supplier should have at least five years of relevant experience in developing capacity building tools, guidance, and/or strategies targeting international institutions, including UN agencies and/or CSOs particularly with substantive knowledge of humanitarian coordination mechanisms and work of women’s organizations at country level. The supplier must meet the criteria outlined in the “Minimum Requirements” section of this document.
Required competencies of the Project Manager and the Team Members:
- Strong knowledge of issues concerning development frameworks, statistics, gender statistics, gender equality and women’s empowerment.
- Experience in working with UN agencies and UN programs, project evaluations and reviews.
- Excellent facilitation and communication skills.
- Experience with focus group discussions and key informant interviews.
- Ability to deal with multi-stakeholder groups; as well as displaying cultural sensitivity.
- Ability to write focused Review reports; as well as excellent writing skills (in English).
- Broad experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection methods.
- Experience and skill in administering online data collection and facilitating virtual meetings.
- Experience in undertaking home-based consultancies.
- Willingness and ability to travel to project sites, when deemed necessary.
- Ability to work in a team.
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Parties
UN Women will have the oversight of the Review and to provide technical guidance where possible. The Supplier will report directly to UN Women and is required to bear all the related costs e.g. logistics and administrative costs incurred for this assignment and work independently to successfully achieve the end results.
The service provider will be responsible for following costs:
- Professional fee must be quoted in lumpsum amount per deliverable. The lumpsum amount must be detailed of how the professional fee of each team member is calculated.
- Indirect costs such as printing, stationeries, communications in relation to the scope of work of services must be included in the financial proposal.
- All costs related to logistics arrangements for data collection, interviews, webinars, and other key activities.
- The supplier will oversee coordination including reaching – out to organizations to schedule and coordinate FGDs, KII, etc.
UN Women will ensure that the service provider has access to the following information:
- Contact details of CO and RO colleagues to be invited to interviews, online workshops and other processes/initiatives organized in the context of this assignment.
- Previous research/guidance produced by UN Women on the thematic areas relevant to the
development of the guidance notes.
- Communication and Reporting Obligations
The service provider will work under the direct supervision of UN Women CERF Global Grant, who will be responsible for the quality assurance of the deliverables. UN Women reserves the right to ensure the quality of products submitted by the contractor and will request revisions until the product meets quality standards. All data collected by the team of experts must be provided to UN Women.
UN Women Minimum Requirements
Team composition (if applicable)
Project Manager
- Master’s Degree in Women/Gender Studies, Humanitarian Action, or relevant Social Sciences.
- A minimum of 15 years progressively responsible experience with gender and GBV in Emergencies at global, regional and/or country level.
- At least 7 years of progressive experience in conducting project/program evaluations/assessments as team leader Internationally.
- At least 7 years of relevant experience with results-based management Review methodologies.
- At least 3 years of s experience in managing and supervising an assessment/evaluation team.
- High proficiency in English
Project Team Member(s)
- Master’s Degree in Women/Gender Studies, Humanitarian Action, or relevant Social Sciences,
- A minimum of 10 years progressively responsible experience with gender and GBV in emergencies at the international level.
- At least 5 years of experience in conducting project assessments/evaluations
- Fluency in written and spoken English is required.
- Knowledge of other UN official language, such as French and Spanish.
Relevant Experience of the Organization
- At least 5 years’ track record of implementing relevant projects, including references and list of employers that demonstrate experience in conducting large scale assessments and/or evaluations of humanitarian/development programs.
- At least 5 years of experience in the design and roll out of multi-country gender responsive evaluations/assessments in crisis, emergency and/or development settings.
The vendor is strongly encouraged not to sub-contract. If a vendor/s intend to do so, they must state the actual percentage (that will be outsourced) in their offer/quotation.
Submission package should also include:
- At least one sample of previous work
- At least 3 references with the client contact details, contract value and period of performance
- Team composition and duly completed CVs of each team member
- Company profile and registration
- Technical and Financial proposal in the provided format
[1] As the aim of this allocation, UN Women focuses on:
-Life-saving program interventions through community outreach resulting in changes in attitudes and beliefs towards social norms that perpetuate GBV and gender inequalities.
-Quality multisectoral GBV response services that are accessible to women and girls and delivered through a survivor centered approach.
-Empowerment of crisis affected women to take a lead role in programming, implementing, and monitoring GBV response, mitigation, and prevention interventions and increase their engagement with the humanitarian response and in decision making more broadly.
-Providing survivors of GBV and those at risk of GBV with livelihoods and agency to facilitate their access to lifesaving humanitarian services and facilitating their voices in promoting GBV accountability and delivery of results for crisis affected women and girls in humanitarian contexts.
-Provision of cash for work opportunities and unconditional cash assistance to women survivors of GBV and women who are most vulnerable such as female heads of households, women with disabilities and widows.
[2] Integrating specific country examples and approaches where relevant.
[3] With particular focus on Outcome 1 and 2.
[4] Partnerships with local women’s organizations and networks will be assessed looking at their role as follows: IPs (implementing partners), agents for change within the humanitarian decision making and beneficiaries of institutional strengthening capacities interventions and other support modalities under the CERF Global Grant.
[5] Especially with focus on CERF Global Grant Outcome 1 and 2.
[6] Covering the four CERF Global Grant Outcomes.
[7] Drawing on specific country examples and case studies.
[8] When possible, it is important that the representation of CSOs/WROs/women leaders is based on a differential and intersectional approach, representative of the variety of WROs with which the project is implemented (ethnic and indigenous communities, women with disabilities, LGBTIQ groups as relevant).
How to apply
General Instructions:
If you are viewing this notice on UNGM, click on the “Go to link” under the “Links” tab and you will be re-directed to the UN Women E-Procurement Portal. In order to “Express Interest” for this procurement, you will need to login to the UN Women E-Procurement Portal using an existing account or register a new account for your company.
Once logged in, the tender documents can be accessed from the “Tender Documents” tab.
Dear Madam/Sir,
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, hereinafter referred to as UN Women hereby invites prospective vendors to submit a quotation(s) in accordance with the Request for Quotation (RFQ) documents, including General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and the Schedule of Requirements/Terms of Reference as set out in this RFQ.
To enable you to submit a quotation, please read the following documents carefully: • This Letter of Invitation • Instructions to Vendors (“Tender Documents” tab) • Terms of Reference • UN Women General Conditions of Contract and Model Forms of Contract, available publicly on the UN Women website at: https://www.unwomen.org/en/about-us/procurement/contract-templates-and-general-conditions-of-contract
Your submission should include the following: a) Quotation Submission Form (Online Form) b) Technical and Financial Offer (to be uploaded using the format provided) c) CVs of Key Personnel (where applicable, to be uploaded using the format provided)
Other Forms to be Submitted by the Vendor awarded the contract at the time of contract signature: • Voluntary Agreement to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (using the standard format provided)
If you are interested in submitting a quotation in response to this RFQ, please prepare your quotation in accordance with the requirements and procedure as set out in this RFQ and submit it by the deadline for submission of quotations set out in the tender notice.
Should you require further clarifications, kindly communicate with UN Women procuring entity through the “Correspondence” function in the UN Women E-Procurement Portal.
We look forward to receiving your quotation, UN Women Procurement Section