Peace and Security Cluster
The UNOPS Peace and Security Cluster (PSC) is a principal service provider in the field of mine action with the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), UNDP, UNICEF, Governments of mine-affected countries and other mine action partners. It is led by the Director, who has overall authority and accountability for the performance PSC on behalf of its clients. The Director is responsible for administering and providing oversight of the day-to-day management of the Project Field offices, both according to the client requirements and in line with UNOPS rules and regulations.
Background Information – Job-specific
United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) DRC
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has suffered nearly two decades of turmoil, particularly in the eastern provinces. The use of landmines was a feature during the conflict and Explosive Remnants of War from the fighting remain a hazard.
UNMAS established its presence in the DRC in 2002 to provide support to the Peacekeeping Mission (MONUSCO) and to conduct humanitarian mine action. It continues to work with all actors involved in mine action, and weapons and ammunition management and safety issues.
KOICA Project Information:
UNMAS DRC recently received funding from the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) to implement a two years project starting in June 2022 in the provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri and Tanganyika with the following objectives:
- Effectively implement UN Sustainable Development Goal 16 on sustained peace, justice, strong institutions and effective and inclusive governance through the development of a sustainable national capacity in explosive hazard management.
- Effectively implement UN Sustainable Development Goal 17 on strengthening the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development through increasing the National Mine Action Authority (CCLAM) capacity to coordinate Mine Action activities and therefore encouraging the return of displaced people, opening freedom of movement in a post-conflict society, decreasing fear and threat of the ‘frozen violence’ of landmines and other ERW and Goal 17.
Outcome 1:DRC security sector and/or national NGOs responds appropriately to EOD tasks Output 1.1: National NGO personnel trained to conduct explosive ordnance disposal. Output 1.2: Land is released for productive use. Output 1.3: CCLAM has increased capacity to coordinate Mine Action activities in the DRC.
Under the direct supervision of the Head of Operation, the Operations Specialist – Quality Assurance (Ops/QA Officer)) will perform the following tasks;
Operations – Design and planning
Support the Head of Operations in providing input to the HPU on programme and project design documents from an operational and technical standpoint, such as:
- Workplan (e.g. nature of threat; technical personnel and equipment requirements, etc.);
- Concept of Operations;
- Input into the documents above is from the operational and technical aspects encompassing mine action pillars (e.g. clearance, explosive ordnance risk education, victim assistance, advocacy and stockpile destruction);
- Ensure that implementation plans have viable timelines, are assigned appropriate resources, and that implementation options reflect the knowledge of the context, as well as UNOPS’ mechanisms and policies; key implementation documents include:
– UNMAS / UNOPS Project Agreements – Solicitation documents used to contract third-parties (i.e. contractors and grantees) – Human Resources plan
Operations – Implementation and monitoring
- Work with responsible experts to ensure operations are conducted in accordance with UNOPS policies and standards, such as: Financial and procurement rules, Contract and grant management policies, Project management standards, Health, safety, social and environmental standards, Gender parity and mainstreaming policies, Information management systems and standards and Organizational design standards and human resources policies;
- Ensure operations are conducted in accordance with mine action technical standards, such as: International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and corresponding National Technical Specifications and Guidelines (NTSGs);
- Oversee, coordinate, and monitor mine action operations and performance (both operations conducted in-house and those conducted through third-party contractors and grantees), This shall include the following: Ensure third-party contracts and grants are delivered in accordance with contractual / grant terms and conditions, including in accordance with mine action technical, operational and quality assurance processes (Implementation Plan, SOPs, task orders issuance, accreditation);
– Review all performance reports and populate internal monitoring and reporting mechanisms (i.e. grant and contract management plans) to inform the monthly payment process; – Implement the program quality management and information management system
- Advise the Head of Operations on potential technical and operational issues that may impact the achievement of programme / project outcomes and appropriate solutions;
- Participate in Boards of Inquiry as relevant;
- Ensure operational plans are effective and reviewed regularly;
Stakeholder management
- In support of the HPU, manage relationships with the CMAP and other direct UNOPS stakeholders, particularly around operational and technical issues;
- In support of the HPU, upon request from the CMAP, engage national mine action authorities and/or relevant Government ministries for purposes of coordination as requested, specifically relating to review/implementation of National Technical Standards and Guidelines and/or International Mine Action Standards and other relevant international standards as well as treaty implementation/obligations;
People management
- Mentor and advise operations personnel in planning, execution and delivery of allocated projects, ensuring incorporation of best operational processes;
- Promote teamwork, collaboration and diversity by providing the Operations team with clear direction, objectives and guidance to enable them to perform their duties responsibly, effectively and efficiently;
- Directly lead national and international UNOPS personnel in a multicultural team, ensuring a professional, ethical and well-managed operations team;
- Foster a positive and enabling work environment, respectful of both men and women, and ensure that the highest standards of conduct are observed;
- Ensure that regular performance reviews are conducted, and any issues are immediately addressed;
Knowledge management and innovation
- Ensure records of operations-related files are well maintained;
- Effectively manage efficient and effective operations in his AOR;
- Keep abreast of and incorporate latest/best practices, approaches and technology to enhance operational results;
Impact of Results
The effective and successful performance by the Operations Officer directly impacts the achievement of UNOPS project deliverables and UNMAS programme results and consequently reinforces the visibility and image of the UNMAS program.
Certification: EOD Level 3 certification is required.
-EOD qualifications should be from international organizations that train and educate EOD specialists in accordance with IMAS standards.
-Individual is responsible for providing proof of competence and curriculum of courses attended. Education:
- Advanced University Degree (Master’s Degree or equivalent) with a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience OR
- A First Level University Degree (Bachelor’s degree) with a minimum of 7 years of relevant experience is required OR
- A minimum of 11 years of military or police experience may be accepted in lieu (see “Experience” below).
- Relevant experience is defined as experience in project management in a military, humanitarian, conflict, post-conflict, or development context.
- A minimum of 3 years of proven and applicable experience(within the last 10 years) in the management of humanitarian mine action operations and in particular previous experience managing / implementing the following activities;
– Explosive Ordnance Disposal in single, multiple and bulk demolitions – Non-technical survey – Technical survey – Manual mine clearance – Battle Area clearance
- Knowledge of the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) is desired
- Knowledge working with information management systems such as Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) is desired
- Experience in writing and reviewing reports is required.
- Experience working in a developing country is desired.
- Fluency in English (writing, speaking, reading) is required.
- Knowledge of French is desired.
How to apply
Interested candidates should follow the link below to apply: