Request for Proposal – Audit of Financial Statement of SEED Foundation

  • Contract
  • Erbil Iraq
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Salary: TBD

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.

SEED Foundation

Assignment Overview

SEED Foundation seeks an international audit firm to conduct an Audit of SEED’s Financial Statements and resources managed by the Foundation, Erbil – Kurdistan – Charity Reg. # K2097 for the period from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022.

The awarded audit firm will enter into a two years’ service agreement with SEED Foundation to conduct the audit engagements for the fiscal years (2022 and 2023). The same criteria/methods used for preparing the financial proposal of the year 2022 will be applied on the year ended on Dec 31, 2023 audit engagements financial proposal.

SEED Foundation in the Kurdistan Region is implementing programs and activities with fundings from various donors to promote the social, educational and economic development for Kurdistan Region residents.

Please provide your expression of interest via email by no later than 22 of Sep, 2022, and SEED will provide you with the needed information for the technical and financial proposals:

SEED’s certificate of registration – Authority Matrix / Organization chart – Last year audited financial statements 2021 – Summary of the year 2022 awards / Number of projects implemented and the coverage periods/Main donors – Average Number of transactions during the year 2022.

The audit should conform to the international donor’s agencies, standard audit guidelines, program guidelines, 2CFR200 (Annex B) the audit is a single audit for all SEED Foundation resources and programs, the audit should be done and submitted to SEED management based on the below timeline:

If you have below criteria, please provided your proposal:

# | Criteria | Credits

4-1 | Past performance including methodology | 20 points

4-2 | Past experience, including past USAID and/or USG audits, international Foundations funds, etc | 20 points

4-3 | Proposed audit team with their proposed level of effort per hour on the engagement and qualifications | 25 points

4-4 | Proposed completion schedule from the contract commence date | 20 points

4-5 | Proposed cost: Please keep note that the prices should be in USD for the fiscal year 2022 only | 15 points

Total Scoring = 100

How to apply

Submission of offer

Bids must be submitted through email to [email protected]. The subject of the email should be (ERB-22-0013- Request for Proposal- Audit of Financial Statement of SEED Foundation).

All bidders must submit all documents listed in Annex A: Table (2). Moreover, all bidders must fill out Annex A: Table (1) and(3).

Download full REF