UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Operational Context:
Mozambique is one of Africa’s most vulnerable countries to climate change. Mozambique ranks 154 out of 181 countries in the ND-GAIN index (2016) that measures vulnerability to climate change. It is the 35th most vulnerable and the 24th least ready country – meaning that it is vulnerable to, yet unready to address climate change effects. A combination of poverty, weak institutional development and frequent extreme weather events places the country at heightened vulnerability. In recent years, Mozambique has been hit by climate-related hazards such as droughts, floods and cyclones. Of those, in the context of climate change and disasters, cyclones have been increasing in intensity and frequency mostly hitting central Mozambique. Cyclones that in recent history were happening over period of years are now happening on an annual basis causing displacements, disruption of livelihoods and increasing vulnerabilities of populations. In the last 16 years, the country has recorded 10 tropical systems, among them cyclones and storms. In the last two seasons, cyclone Gombe was the most devastating, in terms of deaths, affected population and damaged infrastructure. Comparing the category four cyclones recorded from 2006/07 to date, Idai has caused the most human and infrastructural impacts, followed by Gombe and Kenneth.
Nampula hosts the only refugee settlement in Mozambique, Maratane, with around 9,300 refugees of multiple nationalities. The Maratane refugee settlement has some 18,000 host community members living in villages around the settlement. In addition to the general population, IDPs, refugees and host communities in Nampula were severely affected by the Cyclone Gombe.
Since the beginning of 2022, the country has been already impacted by 5 tropical storms which regularly hit the northern coastal areas affecting thousands of families both in rural and urban locations. On 11 March 2022, Tropical Cyclone Gombe made landfall over the coastal area of central Nampula with strong winds, intermittent rains, and thunderstorms, causing significant damages. The cyclone reached the category of level 4, which was the same level measured for the IDAI cyclone in 2019. GOMBE had stronger winds in comparison to IDAI and these were mainly felt at the sea and coastal areas. As of 22 March 2022, local authorities declared that over 448,570 people have been affected in Nampula, Zambezia and Sofala provinces, with the vast majority (380,000) in Nampula only. In addition, 82 people were injured and 61 reported dead.
Out of 735,000 conflict-induced internally displaced persons (IDPs) in northern Mozambique, 69,000 are in the affected area and also in need of urgent assistance after the cyclone. Based on preliminary data, around 1,600 emergency shelters have been impacted by Cyclone Gombe in Corrane IDP site. Many public infrastructures were destroyed. In addition, the impassable roads leading to the IDP site make it too challenging for health care workers to visit. This situation exacerbates the already difficult access of IDPs and host community to services. Other districts heavily affected by Cyclone Gombe are Angoche, Nacala-Porto, Mogincual, Ilha de Moçambique, Mossuril, Liupo, Monapo and Meconta. Many IDPs who escaped violence in Cabo Delgado reside in those districts, and now see themselves being displaced again, which increased their vulnerability. Rapid assessment by protection team and the cluster have shown clear needs for MHPSS due to the traumatic experiences, in addition to documentation and other basic needs.
The priority for the operation is to respond immediately to the needs of those affected. Applying the all-of-society and all-of-government approach within the defined geographic scope, the UNHCR operation with support of the consultancy will support key partners and stakeholders in government related departments, community and other key stakeholders, including humanitarian and development actors relevant in the response.
This project aims at strengthening the coordination role of National Natural Disaster Management Institute (INGD) and its Office for Social and Environmental Safeguarding as the government valid interlocutor in the response of Internally Displacement Situations (both conflict induced and Climate induced) at Nampula with support to Niassa, Sofala and Zambezia as well as to strengthen the integration and mainstreaming of protection in the INGD’s coordination activities.
The programme covers areas such as:
- Coordination and collaboration.
- Capacity building and protection mainstreaming.
- Institutional Support.
- Creation of reports on protection jointly with INGD.
These areas are in line with UNHCR strategic engagement with the government and the request by the National INGD’s Office for Social and Environmental Safeguarding and provincial level as the priority areas for collaboration with Protection Cluster/UNHCR. INGD recognizes that Protection Cluster/UNHCR plays an important role in fostering the protection of internally displaced persons and intends to make use of the expertise to improve its coordination role and integration of protection in its response to internal displacement due to extreme events.
Please also note that engagement under a UNHCR affiliate scheme is subject to proof of vaccination against COVID-19.
- Enhance the understanding of protection in disaster risk, considering hazards, exposure, and vulnerabilities for both UNHCR and external partners, in particular Government counterparts. The project will include a test to see how much the participants in the project have incorporated these concepts. Furthermore, it will be known how this knowledge will be concretely integrated within the contingency plans of the Government.
- Identify concrete ways to include the mainstreaming of protection in disaster risk reduction planning and response through, inter alia capacity-building of key national actors, adoption of risk mitigation measures that aim to protect lives and assets,
- Promote disaster preparedness and response through coordination of the different stakeholders at national and local level, including local community committees, and identification of other community-based interventions.
- Facilitate and advance centrality of protection in climate action with stakeholders, including by proposing, coordinating, and finalizing protection tools to be used by national stakeholders.
- Explore opportunities for strengthening centrality of protection with key Government and civil society respondents.
- Explore fund-raising opportunities for mainstreaming protection within DRR and response.
Under the guidance of the head of office and assigned technical expert, the consultant will cover the provinces of Nampula, Niassa, Zambezia and Sofala to support the below function:
- Present an action plan within two weeks for training at district and provincial with concerned stakeholders.
- Map out key policy issues, practices and decisions on DRR/Resilience at a district, provincial and sectoral level that would benefit to strengthen protection.
- In coordination with country office provide technical support as required to the development of training materials and resources for stakeholders.
- In support to the national level, ensure that documents and training materials developed are tailored for relevant audiences and stakeholders, it includes solutions that are guided by practicability and ability for easy implementation.
- Support and facilitate training to communities, beneficiaries and other appointment trainees
- Establish best practice from current and planned intervention, as well as from local, national and other network that aligns with the global sectoral standards.
- Compile good and best practices that can be shared and replicated at field level.
- Provide support to MOUs and agreements being drafted in relation to climate action.
Essential minimum qualifications and professional experience required
The ideal candidate will have the following:
1-year relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or no experience with Graduate degree; or no experience with Doctorate degree.
The person to be deployed should have the following competencies:
- The consultant should possess excellent knowledge in disaster risk management, climate change, protection, community resilience and its research aspects.
- Education background in Natural, Environmental or Social Sciences, with emphasis on development and risk management issues or a related field, or equivalent.
- Experience in the humanitarian and development sectors.
- Experience in developing strategies, position papers, and capacity building materials.
- Strong written and verbal communication, facilitation skills and the ability to establish good working relationships with the staff and stakeholders in a sensitive environment.
- She/he must demonstrate strong interpersonal, and motivational skills and the ability to work with minimal supervision and under tight deadlines.
- Excellent data analysis and interpretation skills.
- Excellent communication skills in Portuguese and English.
- Any other duties as requested.
Core Competencies
- Accountability
- Teamwork & Collaboration
- Communication
- Commitment to Continuous Learning
- Client & Results Orientation
- Organizational Awareness
A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For local individual contractor, the salary is corresponding to national service category.
How to apply
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements are requested to submit their applications with fully complete and signed Personal History Form and Supplementary Pages (https://www.unhcr.org/afr/how-to-apply.html) as well as updated factsheet (internal candidates only) via email to: [email protected].
Personal History Form not submitted in UNHCR format as well as not signed, incomplete and late applications will not be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Shortlisted candidates will be required to sit for a written test and/or oral interview. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, processing or any other fees).
The evaluation of applicants will be conducted based on the information submitted during the application. Applicants must provide complete and accurate information pertaining to their personal profile and qualifications. No amendment, addition, deletion, revision or modification shall be made to applications that have been submitted. Candidates under serious consideration for selection will be subject to reference checks to verify the information provided in the application.
UNHCR strongly encourages qualified female applicants for this position. UNHCR seeks to ensure that male and female employees are given equal career opportunities. UNHCR is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality, and culture. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
UNHCR has a zero-tolerance policy against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). SEA is unacceptable behaviour and prohibited conduct for UNHCR personnel. It constitutes acts of serious misconduct and is therefore grounds for disciplinary measures, including dismissal. Any concerns or suspicions about a possible case of SEA should be reported immediately to the Inspector General’s Office (IGO) at [email protected] or through the online complain form at https://www.unhcr.org/php/complaints.php or by confidential fax: +41 22 739 73 80.
Refugees – who cares? We Do