International Organization for Migration
Position Title: Consultant – Development of a Diaspora Training Toolkit
Duty Station: Homebased
Classification: Consultant, Grade Other
Type of Appointment: Consultant, nine months
Estimated Start Date: As soon as possible
Closing Date: 28 September 2022
Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.
Project Context and Scope
Transnational communities and diaspora organizations are becoming increasingly recognized as key actors not only in the local and national development agendas, but also at the global level, as influential partners in addressing major societal and humanitarian challenges and crises as well as across humanitarian, peace and development nexus. Their potential to create bridges between societies and countries to transfer skills, knowledges and technologies, connect and create transnational networks and bring economic and social development benefits to their communities of origin have been widely acknowledged in the global international agendas and forums.
In particular, diasporas have been recognized as contributors to the development by the 2030 Agenda (in particular, to the SDGs 8, 9, 12 and 17) and by Objective 19 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) which calls to “create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries”. At the national level, many countries of origin are gradually adopting strategies and developing programmes to engage with diasporas and facilitate their contributions to local and national development programmes and plans, humanitarian assistance and sustainable reintegration strategies. At the same time, a growing number of countries of destination are engaging with diaspora organizations as partners to support economic and social inclusion of migrants, promoting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, combatting xenophobia, addressing labour market shortages, and stimulating economic growth.
Such wide recognition of diasporas as vital development and humanitarian relief actors creates the need to support diaspora associations in enhancing their organizational and operational capacities to become “engaged, enabled, and empowered” and to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals on the equal footing with other organizations. Adopted in April 2022, the Dublin Declaration specifically calls to “make available the necessary resources to boost capacity of diaspora leaders and organizations, including through training, exchange learning programmes, technical and financial support, development of dedicated guidelines leading to formal recognition and institutionalization”.
To date, a number of guides and training tools has been developed to support capacity building of diaspora associations in various areas of organizational development, ranging from strategic formulation and planning, enhancement of organizational effectiveness and accountability, to building technical and operational capacities of diaspora associations, communications and public relations, fundraising, networking and engagement with governments, donors, civil society and other actors, as well as project development and implementation and responding to the needs of diaspora members and communities.
Most of the tools developed stem from the practical experiences of specific diaspora or migrant organizations and represent a reflection of main lessons learnt and good practices, with the examples of case studies from specific countries and contexts. At the same time, there is a lack of a training toolkit which would address all key areas of capacity development for diaspora organizations in a comprehensive and coherent manner and provide a set of key learning areas/modules, designed in the format tailored to the specific needs and demands of diaspora organization members. Development of such a toolkit would allow to consolidate and systematize the existing training materials and resources in one comprehensive manual which would create the necessary resource base for further development and promotion of training programmes for the leaders and members of diaspora organizations and boosting their capacities as development and humanitarian support actors. In addition, creation of a diaspora capacity development toolkit would allow to facilitate expert peer exchange and mutual learning amongst specialized training organizations and individual experts involved in the development and delivery of the training activities for the members and leaders of diaspora organizations. In the longer term, such efforts would create the necessary base for more formal recognition of diaspora organizations as international development & humanitarian relief agents.
In response to the current need in enhancing capacities of diaspora organizations and their members, IOM is planning to engage with the consultant or a group of consultants for the elaboration and development of a comprehensive training toolkit for diaspora organizations which could be then further adapted to the national, local or project contexts and used for specific trainings activities organized by IOM and its partner organizations, including governments and specialized training institutions in their training curricular.
Organizational Department / Unit to which the Consultant is contributing:
Within the framework of the Global Programme on Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development, the Consultant(s) will provide expert support in the development of a comprehensive training toolkit for diaspora organizations and their members, based on the analysis of existing tools and training programmes and in close collaboration with diaspora engagement experts and representatives of diaspora organizations. The scope of the assignment will include thorough review of existing training programmes and capacity tools which specifically target diaspora organizations, elaboration of the concept of diaspora training toolkit (its scope, structure, content and necessary elements), development, peer review and testing the toolkit.
Core Functions / Responsibilities:
Tasks to be performed under this contract
- Facilitate creation and liaison with the Technical Advisory Board to secure expert technical advice and quality assurance during all phases of the development of the training toolkit.
- Conduct diaspora capacity development needs assessment, in the form of consultations, roundtable discussions and/or an online survey to identify major capacity gaps and key areas where capacity development support is needed for diaspora members and what formats and types of training activities will be most suitable for diaspora representatives.
- Conduct mapping and analyzing existing IOM and non-IOM training guides, tools and training programs for building capacities of migrant/diaspora organizations and their members, paying particular attention to the projects and activities which were developed and implemented by international organizations, governments and diaspora associations themselves. This should be done in consultations with thematical experts and practitioners working in the area of diaspora engagement and capacity building.
- Based on the results of needs analysis and resource mapping, elaborate the concept of diaspora training toolkit (including the structure, content and preferred formats of training activities), in consultations with diaspora engagement and training experts, representatives of diaspora organizations (members of the Technical Advisory board and beyond if needed) and IOM staff from the Country and Regional offices working on diaspora engagement projects.
- Based on the results of the consultations and analysis of existing tools, develop the detailed outline for the structure, content and format(s) of the training activities for diaspora organizations which would form the basis for the training toolkit.
- Present and discuss the detailed outline for the training toolkit with IOM and the members of the Technical Advisory Board (formed by diaspora engagement experts, trainers and diaspora representatives) as well as with the members of iDiaspora Advisory Board.
- Develop draft diaspora training toolkit, in line with the proposed detailed outline.
- Pilot main modules of the diaspora training toolkit in several online trainings organized for diaspora representatives from the countries of the Global Programme.
- Present and discuss the results of the pilot training with IOM and the members of the Technical Advisory Board.
- Based on the results of discussions, finalize the training toolkit.
Methodology of the assignment
To ensure the content and structure of the training toolkit responds to the current needs of diaspora organizations and its format is adjusted to their learning preferences, the assignment will apply a highly participatory approach using several forms of engagement with diaspora representatives and experts:
- The Technical Advisory Board will be formed, comprised of the members of diaspora organizations, diaspora experts and trainers who have direct training/capacity development experience with diaspora organizations;
- Consultations and discussions will be organized with the members of the Technical AdvisoryBoard during all key stages of the process, to receive inputs and to ensure the deliverables are validated via peer review;
- Additional small group discussions with colleagues from IOM Regional and Country offices and representatives of diaspora organizations and national will be organized for review and validation of the key deliverables of the assignment;
- Piloting of the main modules of the toolkit will be organized with the representatives of diaspora organizations to test its content and format in practice. The results of the end of pilot training survey will be used to finalize the training module;
- Specific examples of case studies and practices of diaspora organizations will be identified, discussed and included as one of the content elements of the training toolkit;
- Additional feedback and validation methods, incl. project specific evaluation tools and mechanisms could be proposed by the consultants for specific stages of the process, to improve the quality of the final product.
Tangible and measurable output of the work assignment:
- Establishment of the Technical Advisory Board for the assignment.
- Identification of the major capacity gaps and key areas for capacity development support needed for diaspora organizations.
- Mapping and analyzing existing training guides, tools and training programmes for building capacities of migrant/diaspora organizations and their members.
- Developing the concept of diaspora training toolkit and the detailed outline for the structure, content and format(s) of the training activities for diaspora organizations.
- Presenting and discussing the detailed outline for the training toolkit with IOM and the members of the Technical Advisory Board.
- Developing draft diaspora training toolkit, in line with the approved detailed outline.
- Piloting main modules of the diaspora training toolkit in several online trainings organized for diaspora representatives from the countries of the Global Programme.
- Presenting and discussing the results of the pilot training with IOM and the members of the Technical Advisory Board.
- Based on the results of discussions and feedback received, finalizing the training toolkit.
Performance indicators for evaluation of results
- Satisfactory completion of tasks indicated in these ToRs.
- Timely delivery of deliverables as indicated these ToRs.
- Compliance with IOM House Style Manual (2018); IOM Brand Guidelines (2018), IOMPublications Layout Manual (2018), IOM Spelling List (2018) as well as IOM Data Protection Principles (2009).
Required Qualifications and Experience:
- Master’s degree in Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, Educational Technology, Communications or a related field from an accredited academic institution with five years of relevant professional experience; or
- University degree in the above fields with seven years of relevant professional experience.
- Extensive experience in social science or policy-oriented research, including development ofthe methodologies, selection of appropriate tools and sampling, qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis;
- Experience in working in the international development system in the context of migration and sustainable development required, operational experience on diaspora engagement is a distinct advantage.
- Proven track record in conceptualizing, developing and facilitating adult learning trainings and capacity development activities, experience in designing and delivering trainings and utilizing interactive audience engagement tools and methodologies;
- In-depth understanding of and expertise in training and adult learning pedagogy and training of trainers (TOT) methodology;
- Sound knowledge of training design and evaluation;
- Knowledge of the full Microsoft Office suite, including PowerPoint (essential);
- Knowledge of and experience in virtual training modalities and online training platforms;
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, ability to elaborate and visualize new concepts and design ideas as a result of discussions;
- Attention to detail, excellent planning and organizational skills, ability to work independently and meet the deadlines;
- Excellent written and oral communication skills with multicultural and geographically diverse audiences.
IOM’s official languages are English, French, and Spanish.
For this consultancy, fluency in English is required (oral and written). Fluency in French and/or Spanish, or another of the UN’s official languages is an advantage.
Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.
Applicants are required to apply via PRIMS IOM e-recruitment system and attach the following:
- CV
- Technical proposal
- Financial proposal
The consultant must adhere to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Data Protection Principles (IN/138) and maintain confidentiality.
The consultant will be responsible to follow IOM writing guidelines and latest glossaries in all given assignments for accurate translation.
Accredited Universities are the ones listed in the UNESCO World Higher Education Database (https://whed.net/home.php).
Required Competencies:
Values – all IOM staff members must abide by and demonstrate these three values:
- Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.
- Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.
- Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.
Core Competencies – behavioural indicators
- Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
- Delivering results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.
- Managing and sharing knowledge: continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
- Accountability: takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own action and delegated work.
- Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.
IOM’s competency framework can be found at this link.
Competencies will be assessed during a competency-based interview.
- The appointment is subject to funding confirmation.
- Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances. Subject to certain exemptions, vaccination against COVID-19 will in principle be required for individuals hired on or after 15 November 2021. This will be verified as part of the medical clearance process.
- Vacancies close at 23:59 local time Geneva, Switzerland on the respective closing date. No late applications will be accepted.
How to apply
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications HERE, via PRISM, IOM e-Recruitment system, by 28 September 2022 at the latest, referring to this advertisement.
IOM only accepts duly completed applications submitted through the IOM e-Recruitment system. The online tool also allows candidates to track the status of their application.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
For further information please refer to: www.iom.int/recruitment
No Fees:
IOM does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training or other fee). IOM does not request any information related to bank accounts.
Requisition: CON 2022 31 Consultant – Development of a Diaspora Training Toolkit – Homebased
(57753739) Released
Posting: Posting NC57753740 (57753740) Released
Closing date: 28-Sep-22