Norwegian Capacity
NRC in collaboration with NORCAP, is looking for a Global Roving Expert on Capacity Building for Environmental Screening. There is a growing recognition amongst humanitarian actors on the need to take environmental concerns into account when delivering humanitarian response. NRC considers conducting environmental screenings as the first and necessary step towards adapting humanitarian response to avoid adverse negative impact to the environment. In the project, Strengthening the capacity of humanitarian actors to conduct environmental screenings, funded by ECHO, NRC will organise capacity building sessions on environmental screenings for the wider humanitarian community, at a field level in the countries where we operate, with a focus on using the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+).
The Global Roving Expert on Environmental Screening Capacity Building’s main responsibility will be to develop and provide capacity building and support on the NEAT + tool for the wider humanitarian community. The Expert will be deployed to NRC Country Offices and will conduct the capacity building sessions in field locations where NRC and other organisations are delivering assistance.
The Expert will be responsible for compiling the screenings’ findings, recommendations, and present these in debriefing sessions to the senior management of the participating organisations and other interested stakeholders. The Expert will also be responsible for preparing reports for dissemination, to be made available for the wider humanitarian community. During and in between missions, the experts will be available for further bilateral guidance on how the findings and recommendations can be integrated in design and implementation of programs and projects.
The expert will be guided and supported by the Head Office team in Geneva and Oslo, under the supervision of the Global Lead Climate and Environment and will work with the Project Coordinator. The expert will be part of the NORCAP Green Shift Energy Pool of experts.
Generic responsibilities:
- Adhere to NRC’s systems and procedures at a global level.
- Ensure adherence to NRC policies, handbooks, guidelines, donor requirements, national laws, and procedures.
- Support the implementation of the 2022-2025 NRC Global Strategy, with a particular focus on strengthening Environmental Analysis within the Strategic Objective 3 on “Efforts to address the impact of climate change on displacement-affected people”.
- Develop capacity building materials, tools, and guidance
- Conduct trainings and Trainings of Trainers (ToT) sessions for a wide range of organisations. Trainings will be hosted and arranged by NRC.
- Evaluate capacity building effectiveness, outcomes (appropriation of the NEAT+ tool, quality of environmental screenings) and make changes in the capacity building plan and package as relevant to enhance the outcomes.
- Upon request and in coordination with the Global Lead Climate and Environment, the sectoral Global Leads and the Head of Programs, provide technical advice and support to organisations on how to integrate and adapt NEAT+ prioritized recommendations and mitigation measures in projects and programs
- Ensure the results of the NEAT+ capacity building sessions are documented and shared with concerned stakeholders (displacement-affected communities, participating organization and NRC Country Office Senior Management, EHAN, JEU etc,).
- Contribute towards the strengthening of accountability and learning on environmental performance in humanitarian action through the publication of written reports from the NEAT+ screenings, debriefs with relevant stakeholders in countries and global digital event.
Specific responsibilities:
These responsibilities shall be adapted to the particularities of the job location and context, phase of operation, strategic focus, and type of intervention. This section shall be revised whenever a new employee is hired or the context changes significantly.
- Develop capacity building plan and package for environmental screenings, including the following elements;
- Technical training of the functioning of the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+) including the requirements for rolling out the NEAT+ tool adapted to the context of the screening including but not limited to focus group discussions, community engagement, prioritization of recommendations, establishment of relevant mitigation measures)
- Materials and resources for debriefs with Senior Management from the participating organisations and with relevant stakeholders
- Develop guidance for reporting on the results of the screening to ECHO, (if needed depending on the context) to other relevant donors and partners.
- Develop guidance for prioritizing recommendations, establishing mitigation measures and for integrating them in programme design and implementation.
- Develop a capacity building package for environmental screenings adapted to Training of Trainers (ToT) for focal points from the various participating organisations
- In coordination with NRC’s Global Lead on Climate and Environment, provide updates through the EHAN about the content and schedule for environmental screening capacity building sessions.
Liaise with the NRC Country offices logistics teams in facilitating the preparations of these capacity building sessions at the country level.
- Ensure that the training opportunity information is shared with the relevant participating organisations in the targeted countries.
- Coordinate the agenda and required materials/resources for the training in the country offices.
- Deliver capacity building sessions on the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+) at requested field locations in each country visited.
- Hold debriefing sessions with senior management of the participating organisations and relevant stakeholders such as donors to demonstrate the results of the NEAT+ and potential next steps.
- Write NEAT+ training and screening results summary reports for dissemination for all field locations covered by the action; Ensure that the findings and recommendations that come out of the NEAT+ capacity building sessions are shared with senior management of the participating organisations and other relevant stakeholders.
- Organize feedback session with Joint Environment Unit and post-training survey towards participants from NEAT+ capacity building sessions
- In coordination with the Global Lead Climate and Environment and with the support of the Project Coordinator, assist the preparation and compile contents to present at the Global event on Environmental Screening in humanitarian response
- Compile lessons learned and prepare a document based on the inputs from the participants in the capacity building sessions and participants in the online global webinar.
- Support capacity building participants and hosting NRC country offices to apply recommendations identified during the trainings, in the design and implementation of programs towards more environmentally friendly practices.
Work closely with the project coordinator based at NRC head office for monitoring and evaluation purposes:
- Modify changes to the capacity building trainings based on the post-training survey results, analyzed by the project coordinator.
- Monitor the level of engagement with capacity building participants outside of sessions and report to the project coordinator.
Education and experience :
- A Master degree level as minimum, in either Environmental Science, Political Science or Pedagogy
- A minimum of 7 years of professional background in a relevant field (e.g. Environmental Sciences, Climate Adaptation, knowledge or experience in learning & development or organisational development is highly desirable. Experience as an Adviser/Manager role or relevant work or similar experience will be a plus.
- Knowledge of environmental screening processes and methodologies, including NEAT+.
- Ability to engage stakeholders at various organisational levels and balance their priorities; ability to engage with local authorities.
- Willing to work in humanitarian contexts (camps and urban areas) in different locations worldwide.
- Familiarity with traditional and modern training methods, tools, and techniques.
- Familiarity with online training methods, tools, and techniques.
- Document activities, challenges, and achievements in view of the lessons learned and feedback towards stakeholders.
- Experience in successful training design, delivery, and evaluation to meet organisational requirements is of added value
- Fluency in English is required in both written and verbal, other languages as French, Arabic and Spanish are desirable.
How to apply
Please apply here :
Closing date: 10-Oct-22