African Union – InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources
Agriculture is the mainstay of most of southern African region economies, and processing agricultural products is a primary regional industrial activity. The livestock sector plays a pivotal role in contributing towards, food and nutritional security as well as being the economic backbone especially for countries in Southern Africa region.
The Southern Africa Region selected the development of the red meat and live animal (beef and small ruminants) value chain as its priority regional livestock value chain and identified three key Strategic Actions necessary for the development of this chosen Livestock Value Chain, namely; improved quality, safety, production and productivity of red meat animals (cattle sheep and goats), to promote the participation of the private sector throughout the red meat value chain and develop mechanisms to promote sustainability of red meat value chains.
This is premised on the fact that agriculture is the mainstay of most of southern African region economies, and processing agricultural products is a primary regional industrial activity. The livestock sector plays a pivotal role in contributing towards, food and nutritional security as well as being the economic backbone especially for countries in the Southern Africa region.
Currently, the need to drive the adoption of a market-oriented value chain approach has heightened. It has been emphasized that through this action, interventions that are demand driven and meet market requirements should be promoted. This approach will encourage greater productivity, improve supply linkages, strengthen relationships among suppliers and attract investment across the whole the value chain, ultimately leading to increased incomes for all actors.
Livestock value chains are complex, comprising compound networks, relationships, and transactions, as at each stage or transaction, the animal or its product gains “value” either as its quality improves or as its delivery to the final consumer is made more efficient. Therefore, to ensure efficiency, quality and system competitiveness, value chain analysis and mapping is critical as it provides important insights into four main issues of any sector, these include macroeconomic issues; governance issues, social capital issues and dynamics of interlinkages.
Value chain analysis provides a knowledge platform especially for new producers including the smallholders who are trying to penetrate global markets. It further provides an analytical tool to better understand the policy environment; identify the economic, environmental and social drivers; business linkages and global market environment and promotes systemic competitiveness.
In response to the growing global and continental needs to enhance value chain efficiency, SADC member states identified the need to establish a value chain analysis and mapping tool that will enable several features to be identified, including; characterization of the Red Meat livestock value chain, value chain analysis including economic, environmental and social drivers of the chain. value chain mapping, value chain governance, risk analysis and sustainability.
In addition, to enhance the level of participation of the public- private- producer sectors in the red meat value chains it is necessary to understand the factors stifling the development of Public Private Producer Partnerships (PPPPs) and design mechanisms that will overcome the identified challenges and support the promotion of effective partnerships in the red meat and live animal value chains across the region. This is critical to ensure a conducive environment is made available for all stakeholders.
Context of the Consultancy
The AU-IBAR which is a specialized technical Office of the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (DARBE) of the African Union Commission (AUC) with the mandate to support and coordinate the utilization of livestock, fisheries and wildlife as a resource of both human wellbeing and economic development in the Member States of the African Union (AU). Its mission is to provide leadership in the development of animal resources in Africa through supporting and empowering AU Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs).
In this regard, AU-IBAR is implementing a 5-year project “Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa – Live2Africa” has as its overall objective “To support transformation of the African livestock sector for enhanced contribution to environmentally sustainable, climate resilient, socioeconomic development and equitable growth.” The Live2Africa has the specific objective to strengthen the systemic capacity of continental, regional and national livestock sector stakeholders for the economic, environmental and social sustainable transformation of this sector.
The Live2Africa project pioneers a coherent continental programme approach to build systemic capacity in seven livestock components, that include: Investment in Value Chains, Animal Health; Animal Production, Productivity and Ecosystem Management; Resilience Building; Technology adoption in the Value Chains to inputs, Services and markets; and Strengthening institutional capacities.
The Southern African region selected the development of the red meat and live animal (beef and small ruminants) livestock value chain (LVC) as its priority regional livestock VC (RLVC) and identified three key Strategic Actions necessary for the development of this chosen Livestock Value Chain as indicated below: (i) improved quality, safety, production and productivity of red meat animals (cattle sheep and goats), (ii) promote the participation of the private sector throughout the red meat VC and (iii) develop mechanisms to promote sustainability of red meat VCs. The premise of these strategic actions is that agriculture is the mainstay of most of Southern African region economies, and processing agricultural products is a primary regional industrial activity. The livestock sector plays a pivotal role in contributing towards, food and nutritional security as well as being the economic backbone especially for countries in the Southern African region.
In response to the growing global and continental needs to enhance VC efficiency, SADC member states identified the need to establish a VC analysis and mapping tool that will enable several features to be identified, including: characterization of the Red Meat livestock VC, VC analysis including economic, environmental and social drivers of the chain, VC mapping, VC governance, risk analysis and sustainability. As well as to establish the mechanisms of partnerships across the Public Private Producer, this was undertaken successfully and the outputs of both consultancies will be used as the foundation to the development of digital tools for value chain analysis and assessment of
To support the SADC region, AU-IBAR conducted a Value Chain Analysis and mapping of the SADC Red Meat and live animal Regional Livestock Value Chain. Through this study, characterization and mapping of the value chain was undertaken with the identification of constraints and opportunities in the VC; VC performance indicators established, the stakeholder ecosystem mapped, VC governance systems established and a regional upgrading strategy framework drafted. Through these preliminary findings, a value chain Analysis tool (VCAT) prototype was developed with the ability to Characterize the value chain, undertake ecosystem mapping; develop meat pathways for the VC; Develop value chain flow diagram; Perform end market analysis; perform VC governance analysis; Describe and or estimate VC performance indicators amongst other actions.
Additionally, in order to improve the efficiency of the SADC value chain, a study was undertaken to develop mechanisms and strategies for effective PPPPs and enhance market access at local, regional and international levels. From the study, best practises were identified that will support in removing barriers to the participation of the private sector and under-represented stakeholders in this sector as well as an assessment score-card for PPPPs across the red meat and live animal value chain developed. These Interventions will significantly contribute towards creating a conducive environment for PPPPs across the red meat and live animal value chain.
In light of these outcomes, AU-IBAR seeks to undertake the next action of digitalizing the Value Chain Analysis tool and PPPPs assessment score-card. These first-ever tools once adopted will be customized for use across the other regional priority value chains.
AU-IBAR seeks the services of a firm or consortium of experts (comprising of at least a team leader and a team member) to digitalize and operationalize Value Chain Analysis tool and PPPPs assessment score-card, incorporating established categories and with close reference to the proposed frameworks.
The specific objectives of the consultancy are to:
- Develop digital Value Chain Analysis Tool (VCAT) and Assessment score-card for PPPPs in the Red Meat and live animal in the SADC region
- Develop appropriate training manuals for the developed digital tools
- Facilitate validation of operational digital tools across SADC member countries
- Facilitate the orientation and training the digital tools across African Union Member states
Expected Outputs of the Consultancy
Working closely with the Live2Africa Technology, Innovations and Skill development expert and building on the above, the expected outputs of the consultancy will be:
- A well detailed Inception Report encompassing; introduction, methodology, and proposed workplan.
- A functional and validated digital Value Chain Analysis Tool (VCAT) and Assessment SCORE-CARD for PPPPs for the Red Meat and live animals in the SADC region
- Validated user manuals
- Trained users across the continent
Inception Report (IcTR) An Inception Report (IcTR) within 5 days of commencing duty. The IcTR of not more than 10 pages should include the proposed methodology, the timeline/calendar and programme of activities and an outline of the contents of the Final Continental Strategy/Technical Report.
Final Technical Reports (FTR) The Final Continental Strategy/Technical Report (FTR) should take into account contributions and comments from the relevant stakeholders and AU-IBAR. The draft final report must be submitted at the end of the period of implementation of the tasks.
The consultancy will be conducted over three months (90 days), starting from the day of the last signature on the contract.
The assignment shall be undertaken as a desk-study from the consultant’s home-base.Any travel deemed necessary will be agreed and approved in advance by the project supervisor and the Contracting Authority.
The consultancy fee will be a lump sum of USD 20,000 (Twenty thousand US dollars), covering all the costs incurred during the conduct of the consultancy. Any travel and daily subsistence costs under this consultancy will be borne by AU-IBAR as per the Rules and Regulations of the AUC.
Payment shall be upon receipt and approval of all deliverables stated in these terms of reference including but not limited to the prototype of the digital Value Chain Analysis Tool (VCAT) and Assessment Score-card for PPPPs and the Final operable operable digital Value Chain Analysis Tool (VCAT) and Assessment score-card for PPPPs.
There shall be no other entitlements
Team leader
Education: A University degree in Computer Information technology/systems or Computer Science specializing in Database development systems, web portal development and other relevant disciplines. Knowledge in animal genetic resources, livestock value chain systems and utilization of the ODK software will be an added advantage.
- Proven 7 years working experience in areas associated with this consultancy, such as Information systems and design systems, development and management of data repositories
- Advanced knowledge of system modeling, design and implementation.
- Proficiency in software and computing skills pertaining to concepts of website design and development and data dashboards
- Proficient in implementation of database systems, data communications and systems analysis.
- Conversant with various databases – MySQL, PostgreSql
- Experience with CMS – open source, proprietary and custom solutions
- Proven ability in data analytics (visualization and interpretation)
Other skills and attributes:
- Knowledgeable in system design and development
- Proficient in website design and development
- Ability to work efficiently and independently under pressure, handle multi-tasking situations with strong delivery orientation
- Proficient in English/French language, spoken and written
- Creativity and attention to detail is essential
Team member
Education: A minimum post-graduate degree in Agricultural economics, Animal Science, Animal production or nay other relevant degree. A PhD is an added advantage.
- At least five years’ working experience in livestock development specific to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states
- Proficiency in the red meat and live animals’ livestock value chains
- Familiarity with the specific value chain actors and how partnerships should work
- Knowledge of national and/or regional policies, strategies, laws and regulation amongst other policy instruments
- Knowledge in
- Familiarity with regional, national and continental
- Record of successful accomplishments of similar tasks conducted
- Evidence of excellent writing and communication skills
- Proficiency in spoken and written English language
- Evidence of experience in stakeholder consultations and engagement
Language: Excellent grasp of written and oral English
Other skills and Competencies: Professionalism – good understanding and knowledge of animal resources development, agricultural economics, Public-Private-Producer-Partnerships, communication, advocacy or other relevant disciplines. Planning and Organizing – Ability to plan own work and manage conflicting priorities. Demonstrate effective organizational skills and ability to handle work in an efficient and timely manner. Writing and Communication – excellent writing skills; ability to write in a clear and concise manner and to communicate messages effectively
Supervision and Coordination
The consultant will work closely with the Live2Africa Technology, Innovations and Skill development expert.
Evaluation Criteria
Criteria Score
Methodology & workplan 30
Team Leader 40 Education and Qualification Experience Other skills and Attributes
Team member(s) 30 Education and Qualification Experience Other skills and Attributes
Total 100
How to apply
How to Apply
Interested applicants should submit the following documents to the address given on or before the deadline:
- Proposal including work-plan
- Curriculum vitae of the proposed experts including references
- Signed declaration on exclusion criteria in the form attached
Address for Submission
All applications should be submitted in pdf on or before 20th October 2022 17:00 hours (Nairobi Local Time) to [email protected] .
Applications should clearly indicate in the subject line “Development of digital Value Chain Analysis Tool (VCAT) and Assessment score-card for Public Private Producer Partnerships (PPPPs) in the Southern Africa Development Community Red Meat and Live Animals value chain”.
Terms of Reference (English Version)
Closing date: 20-Oct-22