Action Contre la Faim France
Created in 1979, Action contre la Faim is a non-governmental organization that fights against hunger. Its charter of humanitarian principals- independence, neutrality, non-discrimination, free and direct access to victims, professionalism, transparency – has been part of its identity for more than 40 years. Its mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of under-nutrition, particularly during and after emergency situations linked to conflicts or natural disasters. Action contre la Faim focuses its actions on 5 main areas of expertise: Nutrition and Health – Mental Health, Psychosocial Support and Protection – Food Security and Livelihoods – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – Advocacy. In 2021, Action contre la Faim provided aid to 25 million people in more than 46 countries worldwide. www.actioncontrelafaim.org
The recent development in Ukraine have led over 7.6 million refugees to flee over the borders from Ukraine and a further 6.3 million have been displaced within Ukraine. The estimated 17,7 million people that are stranded in Ukraine face shortages of basic needs such as water, food and medicine.
5,796,748 refugees have crossed the Polish border, 591,947 refugees have crossed the Moldavian border and 1,127,998 refugees the Romanian border.
This situation has led ACF France to open Country Offices, in Ukraine, Poland and Romania and ACF Spain in Moldova.
ACF has deployed a regional multi-sectorial strategy through direct implementation and partnership. Core activities are Food Security & Livelihood (canned and dry food distribution, hot meals, cash) and Mental Health & Care Practices (psychosocial support, PFA training, Baby Friendly Space, psychiatric referrals). In Ukraine strategy includes WASH activities (rehabilitation/repair of centralized water and sanitation networks as well as gas networks and boiler plants, minor repair of Collective/Transit Centers and hygiene kit distribution) as well as Health & Nutrition ones (primary health care structures support).
In Ukraine ACF intervenes in the East (Dnipro, Kharkiv and Zapporizhzhia in particular), the West (Vinnytsia and Chernivtsi) and is extending its coverage to the southern part of the country (Odessa and Mykolaiv).
Your main responsabilities are to define the FSL strategy of the mission and supervise its implementation, provide technical support to ACF FSL team, and follow and provide technical support to the implementing partners.
This is an extremely interesting and challenging position, requiring strong adaptability and management skills – you will manage directly an FSL Deputy HoD and bring technical support to the 3 FSL Program Managers. The main challenge will be to define the best modalities of intervention in a complex context (huge needs spread on large area, onging armed conflict, electricity shortages). Establish strategy via implementating partners for hot meals, dry food and potentially cash and livelihood interventions.
– Extensive experience in Food Security & Livelihood in challenging context,
– Experience with partnership management and early recovery activities.
– Ability to absord important workload and work under pressure.
– Experience in volatile environments and excellent interpersonal, communication and listening skills.
– Experience of team management, with ability to support and empower a large team.
– Excellent adaptable skill and cultural awareness and able to work with various nationalities.
– Fluent in English.
– Knowledge of the region and the local languages (Ukrainian and / or Russian) would be a great plus.
– Knowledge of ACF internal proces would be a great asset too.
– 6 months fixed term contract under French legislation
– Monthly gross salary from 2450 to 2800 EUR upon experience
– Monthly per diem and living allowance: 686EUR net, field paid
– Monthly country allowance: 450EUR
– Cold allowance: Reimbursement of purchase of winter equipment to a maximum of 380EUR per person per year in severe cold contexts
– Child allowance: 1500EUR per year per child present in the country of origin (maximum 6000EUR/year)
– 16% of the gross monthly salary for pension insurance reimbursement for non-French citizens
– Transportation and accommodation: Coverage of transportation costs and guest house
– Medical coverage: 100% coverage of health contributions (social security + health insurance) and repatriation insurance
– Leaves and RnR: 25 days of paid leaves per year, 20 RnR per year and 215 EUR at each RnR period
– Training: Free and unlimited access to the certifying e-learning platform Crossknowledge ©
ACF is committed to people with disabilities and actively fights against all forms of discrimination.
How to apply
Pour postuler, cliquez sur ce lien / To apply, please click on this following link : apply here
Deadline: 9 Apr 2023