Academy of the Ruhr-University Bochum
The Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) is one of the leading academic institutions in Europe for teaching and research in the context of humanitarian crises. Within the framework of a consortium project with the Umbrella Organization of German NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Relief (VENRO), the IFHV conducts more than 20 trainings to improve the quality of programs of humanitarian NGOs in Germany.
On behalf of the IFHV, the Academy of the Ruhr-University intends to commission external service providers to develop an e-learning Package (webinars + accompanying material) on “Anticipatory Humanitarian Action in Conflict Settings”. The material is aimed at staff of NGOs in the humanitarian sector, especially those already working with anticipatory humanitarian action and/or disaster risk reduction. The webinars will be advertised and the final material provided under the umbrella of the academy for humanitarian action (aha).
We invite you to bid with a written proposal on the services described below by email by October 30th, 2022, at 12:00 noon.
Service description: e-learning Package on “Anticipatory Humanitarian Action in Conflict Settings” (1-2 webinars of 60-180 minutes each plus accompanying material)
Location, Time and Language: Online, expected in December 2022. The webinar(s) can be delivered either in English or in German.
Objectives of the workshop: a) Participants learn about available concepts for anticipatory action (AA) in conflict contexts and which possibilities and limitations these offer. b) They are introduced to the current state of research and practical examples from anticipatory action in conflict settings. c) They learn to distinguish two main types of approaching anticipatory action in conflict contexts: (1) anticipating the impact of extreme weather events in conflict situations, and (2) anticipating the humanitarian impact of new/intensifying conflicts. d) The participants are able to critically reflect on challenges, opportunities and risks it bares to set up AA systems in situations of conflict, including an understanding of forecasting models for both climate in conflict-affected countries and to predict conflict itself.
Brief Description of Content: Anticipatory humanitarian action has emerged as a promising approach to predict disasters and their effects in order to provide the necessary support for communities at risk and to enable early action even before a disaster strikes. So far, the approach has mainly been applied to natural hazards, but there have been increasing efforts in recent year to leverage anticipatory action in conflict settings as well. In more depth, this means to a) learn how to apply anticipatory approaches to natural hazards that take place in conflict settings, and b) anticipate the humanitarian impacts of war and violent conflict itself.
The goal of this e-learning package is therefore to provide humanitarian practitioners with a brief overview of the status-quo, potentials and challenges related to the application of anticipatory humanitarian action in conflict settings. They should learn to distinguish the most important concepts as well as critically reflect on the risks and limitations associated with anticipatory action in conflict settings. The package should consist of an introduction to the topic in a synchronous learning format, such as 1 to 2 webinars of 60-180 minutes length each. These webinars can be recorded and then be complemented with additional material (i.e. further video recordings, case studies, graphics or other comparable material) in order to form an introductory e-learning module on anticipatory action in conflict settings that can be made permanently available.
The e-learning package is part of a broader training series on “Anticipatory Humanitarian Action” at the academy for humanitarian action and complements previous trainings on “The Selection, Planning and Implementation of ‘Early Actions’ in the Context of Anticipatory Humanitarian Action”, “The Use of Geoinformation in (Anticipatory) Humanitarian Action” and “Climate Change Adaptation and Managing Risk of Extreme Events”. IFHV staff are available to advise on the integration of the workshop into the training program. Please note, that the property rights for all training materials remain with the respective implementing organization and the e-learning materials cannot be modified and/or reused by the IFHV. Beside the unrestricted use by the implementing organization, however, the final materials (recordings of webinars + accompanying materials) should be embedded permanently on the webpage of the academy for humanitarian action.
Services to be provided:
The following services are to be provided under the scope of this call:
1) Planning: Conceptual planning of the webinars for a minimum of 20 participants and the accompanying material. Preparation of a detailed concept (about two DIN A4 pages) showing the different elements, contents, methods and objectives of the different components of the e-learning package. It should be hands-on and designed for humanitarian practitioners. All logistical planning matters (online platform and links, participant management, advertising, recording) will be handled by the IFHV and are not part of this tender.
2) Implementation: Professional input and independent moderation of webinar(s) as well as development and preparation of additional material. The offer may include the commissioning of external speakers for additional professional input on certain topics. IFHV will support with technical and logistical assistance during both events. Additional assistance services (co-moderation, chat support etc.) can be provided by arrangement.
3) Documentation: Provision of the e-learning materials (webinar recordings + additional material) for permanent integration on the website of the academy for humanitarian action.
Please note: All services are provided in close consultation with the responsible IFHV staff member. Ongoing arrangements regarding the conception as well as documentation of the training (via e-mail and telephone) are part of the service provision and will not be remunerated separately. A transfer of property rights to the training material (concepts, working materials, powerpoints, etc.) are not part of the tender and remain with the trainer or his/her organization.
How to apply
Further information on submitting proposals:
- Please send your written and signed tender documents as a PDF-document by e-mail to [email protected]. Please note: Tenders that are sent to a different e-mail address will not be considered!
- The deadline for submitting tenders expires on October 30, 2022, at 12:00 noon. The tender should enumerate separately the costs (without VAT) and daily rates for the service areas 1) planning, 2) implementation, 3) documentation (please note that the training will be VAT exempted under §4 Nr. 21 UStG under German law).
- Please add a written sketch of the project (with a suggested title) to the offer, which shows the different elements, formats, content, methods and goals of the material (max. 2 to 3 A4 pages). The goals formulated in your offer may deviate from the goals listed here if this appears reasonable from your point of view.
- Please also send us the curriculum vitae of all trainers or speakers, showing relevant work experience (in terms of content and methodology).
- The decision to award the contract will be made on the basis of the costs (50%) and the quality of the tender (in terms of fit of the individual elements of the schedule to the objective, feasibility of the approach and variety of methods) (40%), as well as the experience in conducting training in humanitarian aid (10%).
We are looking forward to receiving your offer. For questions on the call for proposals, kindly consult Sören Schneider at [email protected] or phone +49 (0) 234 32-27747.