Première Urgence Internationale
Country : Ukraine
Starting date : 01/10 /2022
Duration : 40 days
Source of funding : BHA
The large-scale attacks launched by Russia on February 24, 2022, triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and neighboring countries. The United Nations estimates 18 million people affected in Ukraine and nearby countries. Environment became very dynamic, mostly along several front lines with active fighting or massive artillery shelling.
The unprecedented population movement created by the war stretched public services in many sectors and humanitarian needs increased drastically. The humanitarian community identified CVA assistance as the preferred modality of intervention in the country as it seems that all conditions are there for this type of modality to be implemented in the country.
An active Cash working group (CwG) is in Place in Ukraine and is coordinating the response between humanitarian actors. A harmonized approach is advocated by the CwG and stakeholders are encourage to participate in the different taskforces in order to define common guidelines.
In this context PUI positioned itself as a strong CVA actor, implementing a comprehensive approach to the context. The current programming includes for example the following, multi-purpose cash assistance, cash for rent, cash for protection.
Cash and Voucher approach are key to PUI response as it is the preferred approach to answer to the needs of the population.
The general objectives of this consultancy are to:
- Provide technical support to PUI to ensure sound implementation of cash transfer programming.
- Strengthen the technical capacities of PUI staff in cash transfer programming responsible for the overall oversight of the cash transfer activities.
Organization of the consultancy
The consultant will be expected to spend 40 days in the country.
The consultant will report to the Cash Programming Advisor in HQ and will share information about the progress regularly with the Deputy Head of Mission for Program in Ukraine.
When deployed on the field, the consultant will have to follow the rules implemented in the mission by the Head of the mission, including safety and security rules.
In Ukraine the consultant can rely on the logistic team of the mission in to organize trips in between locations. The consultant will, however, be responsible for organizing the trip to Ukraine.
The budget will be proposed by the consultant as part of the financial proposal/quote.
More information in the Terms Of Reference
How to apply
Interested parties should submit a technical proposal in French or English, which will include:
- A technical proposal presenting the methodology proposed as well as an understanding of the challenges of the proposed Terms of Reference (ToR).
- The timeline presenting the details for the realization of each phase of the consultancy.
- A financial offer including a detailed budget by headings (fees, travel, other costs).
Applicants should send all documentation before the 25/09/2022 in electronic format to :
Marion Charpentier: [email protected] / CC [email protected]
Closing date: 9/25/2022