Position: CCCM Protection Officer
Department: Project Implementation Unit
Direct hierarchy: Senior Roving Protection Officer
Location: Baidoa
Contract Duration: 31st December 2023
Starting date: May 2023
I. Background on ACTED
Created in 1993, ACTED is an international non-governmental organization pursuing a dual mandate of emergency response and development interventions in 40 of some of the world’s most vulnerable countries affected by conflicts, disasters or socio-economic hardship. With a team of 7,000 national staff and 400 international staff, ACTED implements 500 projects a year to support more than 20 million beneficiaries, notably in hard-to-reach areas.
ACTED goes to the last mile through programs and approaches that look beyond the immediate emergency towards opportunities for longer term livelihood reconstruction and sustainable development. Guided by the motto “Think Local, Act Global” and its 3Zero –Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, and Zero Poverty – strategy, ACTED puts local territories at the centre and provides a tailored support to local needs.
ACTED is looking for professionally confident, self-motivated, experienced and committed team player to fill the CCCM Protection Officer position based in Baidoa Somalia
II. Position Profile
The Protection Officer manages the provision of all protection activities undertaken by ACTED in the framework of its CCCM programming in the sites of intervention. This includes: identification and monitoring of protection issues, ensure effective referral pathways to relevant protection partners but also ensure protection mainstreaming for all actors intervening in the camp, including the other CCCM units (i.e. information management, site maintenance…). The CCCM Protection Officer will also be responsible to ensure that a protection perspective is integrated in the coordination meetings organized in the sites and in other stakeholders’ meetings. While completing the above-mentioned tasks, the Protection Officer will be able to rely on CCCM outreach workers / CCCM skilled data collectors.
II. Responsibilities
Identification and monitoring of protection risks and concerns in the IDP sites
- Monitor protection issues and provide feedback to partners based on findings;
- Participate in regular spot check in the targeted sites;
- Conduct regular safety audit – in coordination with protection actors if any present in the camp
- Hold focus group discussions with site residents especially vulnerable groups to identify and analyse protection needs and gaps that exist within the targeted sites and settlements;
- Participate in the analysis – in coordination with the CCCM officers and CCCM managers – of protection risks and spheres of action where protection activities can be set in to meet the identified risks.
- Ensure monitoring of protection mainstreaming in the services delivered (e.g. distributions);
Identification and support to vulnerable site residents
- In cooperation with CCCM IM unit, ensure that individuals with special needs are identified during registration and through door-to-door visit;
- Ensure that vulnerable households and individuals receive information on services available and refer to other organisations if needs identified;
- Ensure that committees set up are inclusive and to the needs of the most vulnerable site residents;
- Assess accessibility challenges to access services for vulnerable groups/individuals through spot check, assessment, focus group discussion and analysis of complaints.
Support to Governance and capacity building
- Support for the establishment of site-level governance structure and ensure the representation in these governance structures of vulnerable / minority communities (i.e. women, youth…);
- Participate in the development of the site-level governance structures’ code of conduct and TORs;
- Monitor the effective participation of diverse camp population groups in camp activities including in employment opportunities, community social events and led initiatives;
- Participate in the development and/or review of training materials on protection in liaison with the Protection Technical Coordinator and the CCCM managers;
- Facilitate as requested training for stakeholders and site-level governance structures on protection related topics
Service mapping and protection referral pathways
- Ensure effective protection referral pathways with mapped service providers in active in the site of intervention;
- Ensure that referral pathways are communicated and explained to all intervening partners (i.e. humanitarian actors / local authorities) but also to site-level governance structure and more generally site population;
- In cooperation with the Complaints and Feedbacks Mechanism Officer, manage a database of protection incidents reported to and by the CM Teams. Ensure the protection of all data in the database;
- Inform about protection service gaps during coordination meetings.
External coordination
- Liaise with partners, service providers and camp committees on protection issues;
- Attend all camp coordination meetings;
- Attend external meetings as requested.
- Ensure timely weekly reports to the CCCM managers on protection activities implemented and/or monitored;
- Prepare, analyse and record all FGD reports;
- Prepare ad hoc reports upon request..
III. Qualifications/Skills and Experience Required
- Graduated from the university degree (i.e. at least Bachelor level) with a major in social science, law, education or psychology.;
- At least three-years’ experience working in an international/local NGO or for an international institution (e.g. agencies);
- At least 2-years’ experience working in the field of protection with an international/local NGO or for an international Institutions (e.g. agencies) in a camp;
- At least one-year managerial experience, including leading/supervising staff, report writing, meeting facilitation;
- Proficient skills with the Microsoft Office Suite (i.e. particularly in PowerPoint and Word);
- Very good level of English (i.e. spoken and written);
- Does not reside in the camp;
- Strong attention to details;
IV. Desired:
- Master graduate with a major social science, law, education or psychology.;
- Ability to translate reports from English to local language.
How to apply
Application Procedure:
Qualified Nationals persons with the required skills are invited to submit their applications accompanied by detailed curriculum vitae and cover letter as a single document i.e. with the cover letter being on the first page and the CV starting on the second page, detailing three work related referees and contacts to [email protected] and received on or before 5.00PM on 24th March 2023.
The application should bear the subject line “CCCM PROTECTION OFFICER – BAIDOA”
Please Apply for ONLY ONE POSITION.
Do not attach any other documents while sending your applications, if required they will be requested at a later stage.
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
ACTED will at no stage of recruitment process request candidate to make payments of any kind. Further, ACTED has not retained any agent in connection with recruitments.
ACTED is committed to protecting beneficiaries within our programmes from exploitation and abuse and any kind of misconduct. ACTED has specific policies, including PSEA and Child Protection, which outlines the expected behaviour and the responsibility of all staff, beneficiaries, consultants, and other stakeholders and has zero tolerance towards misconducts. Any candidate offered a job with ACTED will be expected to sign ACTED’s organizational Policies and Code of Conduct as an annex to their contract of employment and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these documents.
ACTED is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Deadline: 24 Mar 2023