Save the Children New Zealand
Save the Children New Zealand (SCNZ) in collaboration with Save the Children Australia (SCAU) seeks to secure the services of a consultant to gain deeper understanding of the current child protection context in the Pacific region, particularly post-COVID, to determine strategies and solutions to ensure quality, evidence-based child protection programming and advocacy work, inclusive of children’s voice.
SCNZ and SCAU are commissioning a regional child protection situation analysis across five countries in the Pacific (with an option to add a sixth one), to gather and analyse recent data on key child protection issues and trends prior to and since the outbreak of COVID-19, and recommend practical solutions for impactful child protection programming and advocacy. This study will complement the recent UNICEF 2021 Situation Analysis of Children in the Pacific[1] by diving deeper into child protection, and it will build on recent and ongoing SC research in child protection in the region, particularly in Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and PNG.
The Child Protection Situation Analysis will cover Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji (Melanesia) and Tonga (Polynesia). It will be conducted within the scope of the MFAT-funded Negotiated Partnerships Regional Child Protection project. The project aims at addressing violence against children by making change at the macro level and ensuring that children’s voices are heard.
Research Scope
This study focuses on key child protection issues and trends, particularly since the COVID-19 outbreak, in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Tonga, with the option of adding Aotearoa, New Zealand. The study includes a component of child-led research in at least two countries to ensure children’s voices are meaningfully captured along the whole study, and children are given space and skills to be active participants in finding solutions to issues affecting them and their communities.
The primary audiences for the analysis include SC Country Offices in the Pacific, SC New Zealand and Australia as well as relevant NGO, CSO and government stakeholders.
The consultant(s) will have an opportunity to share their suggestion for the methodology and timeline in an inception report. A qualitative method is preferred, with an emphasis on participatory, inclusive and qualitative exploration of the research questions.
The study will include a child-led research component and will require an appropriate methodology including data collection techniques and tools that are child-friendly, age-appropriate, gender sensitive, inclusive, and ethically safe. These may vary depending on the country/context and may include the use of technology when deemed appropriate and respectful of the do not harm principle.
The study will be undertaken by an external consultant and data collection will be undertaken in person by the consultant and its own research team. In country SC teams will provide logistical support to facilitate data collection. Alternative arrangements may be agreed upon depending on country offices capacity to lead on data collection.
Required Qualifications
The consultant/s will have the following skills and experience:
- Advanced degree in relevant field e.g international development, social science, research and evaluation, gender, human rights or similar.
- Demonstrable experience in qualitative research methods, particularly in conducting child protection analysis and child-led research in international development context.
- Experience in managing and delivering research in the Pacific preferred.
- An understanding of key frameworks on child protection, child participation, gender equality and inclusion of marginalized groups including persons with disabilities in particular relation to child wellbeing outcomes.
- A thorough understanding of and experience applying ethical principles and a do not harm approach in research.
- Strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings, draw practical conclusions, make recommendations and to prepare well-written reports in a timely manner.
- Excellent writing and presentation skills in English, including ability to write concisely.
Request for full TOR
Interested parties are invited to request a copy of the full Terms of Reference for the Analysis by emailing Leanne Brooks, HR Generalist, SCNZ at [email protected].
How to apply
Interested individuals and companies are invited to share an expression of interest (max 4 pages), for the attention of Leanne Brooks, HR Generalist, at [email protected] by COB on Thursday 27th October 2022.
The subject of the applications should be marked as: PACIFIC CHILD PROTECTION SITUATION ANALYSIS. Application materials should include:
- Expression of interest clearly summarising your understanding of the assignment, relevant past experience, team composition, proposed methodology, timeline, and details for three past referees. Please include illustrative budget with daily rates in NZD inclusive of travel budget, in country data collection budget and costs for child-led research component.
- Please consider approximate total days for this assignment is of 130 days (or 150 if study includes Aotearoa, New Zealand).
- Profile and Curriculum Vitae (CV) of all proposed consultants and roles (if proposing a team to undertake the work).
- Applicants may be required to provide examples of previous work, similar to that described in this ToR.
Shortlisted applicants will be subject to police and reference checks as per SCNZ recruitment policy. Please note that all applications will be acknowledged, however, due to the number of applications we typically receive, you will only be contacted again if you are short-listed.