Terre des Hommes Netherlands
Program Name: She Leads
**Client:**She Leads Uganda Network
Place of Assignment: Uganda- Districts of Moroto, Kampala, Wakiso, Napak, Bugiri, Iganga, Kamuli, and Buyende.
Manager of assignment: She Leads Country Coordinator
Application deadline: 20th March 2023
A) Background
The She Leads Network in Uganda seeks an external evaluator for the part of its Midterm evaluation. The terms of reference for this evaluation are elaborated below. She Leads is a joint strategic partnership between Plan International Netherlands, Defence for Children – ECPAT Netherlands (DCI-ECPAT), African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), and Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH-NL). Equal Measures 2030 is a technical partner. She Leads brings together child rights organisations, feminist/women’s rights organisations, and groups led by girls and young women (GYW-led groups) and aims to increase sustained influence of girls and young women (GYW) on decision-making and the transformation of gender norms in formal and informal institutions. Geographically, She Leads focuses on East Africa (Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya), the Sahel (Mali) West Africa (Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia) and the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan). In addition to programming in these countries, a considerable part of the programming is done at Middle East and Pan-Africa regional and global level, targeting institutions and stakeholders at these levels.
The MTR in general comprises 3 components,
1) an evaluation of outcome and output level basket indicators;
2) an evaluation of the cross cutting Issue (CCI) indicators. The girls and young women (GYW) will be responsible for data collection for all cross cutting issues (CCI) indicators which will feed into the report of the consultant).
3) an evaluation of the key strategies implemented by the consortium (coordinated centrally by She Leads desk in the Netherlands);
Together these three components will make up for the MTR report at She Leads Uganda consortium, these processes are coordinated centrally by the She Leads desk based in the Netherlands with support from She Leads Country Coordinator and MEAL leads for TdH NL, Plan international, and FEMNET in Uganda.
This particular consultancy comprises evaluation of She Leads basket indicators and ToC, and analysis of data on performance indicators ( points 1 and 2 above) in Uganda.
The She leads program is an alliance of three organisations within Uganda – Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH NL), Plan International, and Femnet. Uganda Network member organisations: Karamoja Women Umbrella Organisation ( KAWUO); Multi Community Based Development Initiative ( MUCOBADI): Girl Up Initiative Uganda (GUIU); Youth Advocacy and Development Network (YADNET); Trailblazers Mentoring Foundation (TMF); Global Learning for Sustainability (GLS); Integrated Disabled Women Activities (IDIWA)
B) About She Leads
She Leads Program is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) – Netherlands for a period of five years (2021-25) and is anchored on advocacy and capacity strengthening of girl and young women-led organisations and other CSOs; with GYW in the lead and setting their own (advocacy) agenda. Its strategic objective is to increase the sustained influence of Girls and Young Women (GYW) on decision-making and transformation of gender norms in formal and informal institutions. This will be achieved through the attainment of three main outcomes.
She Leads outcomes, key strategies, and target groups
Outcome 1: Increased acceptance of positive social gender norms.
Key strategies: Capacity strengthening, community engagements, role models, lobbying, Media influencing & advocacy.
Target groups: Local leaders (Traditional & religious leaders), GYW groups and advocates, media,
Outcome 2: Enhanced collective action and activism by GYW in a gender-responsive civil society.
Key strategies: Capacity strengthening support and joint-learning between civil society organisations (CSOs), girl-led groups and young feminist organisations.
Target groups: CSO & GYW organisations
Outcome 3: Political institutions at all levels enable meaningful participation of GYW in decision-making.
Key strategies: Lobby and advocacy, Data-driven and evidence-based advocacy & research, media engagement
Target group(s): Local level: District and sub-county Local government, KCCA,etc National level: GYW social movement/network, Parliament (UYFPA and UWOPA). International level: (AU, UN – SDGS).
C) Objectives of the MTR
The overall objective of this evaluation is to determine the extent to which She Leads has contributed to the change envisaged in its inception phase and how the Uganda Network can continue to do so sustainably for the selected outcomes. The mid-term review conducted by the external evaluator will address the following specific objectives.
- Assess programmatic progress made on output and outcome level basket indicators;
- Review and analysis of the changes in context, risks and mitigation policies;
- Identify strengths and weaknesses in the consortium performance (cross-cutting indicators), based on insights from data collected by the GYW involved in the programme;
- Based on the above, develop recommendations for annual plan 2024 and for future programming.
D) Scope of the MTR
The evaluation process will build on existing documents, plans, and data collected. These include baseline report, monitoring reports, annual plans and reports, activity reports, learning agenda report(s), and previously harvested outcomes. The tools for additional primary and secondary data collection will be shared with the selected consultant, our central consortium desk will provide the necessary support through tools, orientation, etc. The key audience for these reports are the network teams including GYW groups, the consortium desk, the global steering committee, and the Global GYW Board and other She Leads GYW network advisory bodies.
E) Key focus of the assignment
- Review and evaluate the validity of the she Leads Uganda ToC;
- Determine quantitative actual value on the basket outcome and output indicators for the period of January 2021 – June 2023.
- Develop qualitative information explaining and justifying the quantitative values and assess the progress (in %) made towards the final target and the need for course correction/improvements if any;
She leads outcome and output indicators
Goal: Increased sustained influence of GYW on decision-making and the transformation of gender norms in formal and informal institutions.
Indicator: S.O Number of laws, policies and societal norms blocked, adopted or improved to promote GYWs voice, agency, leadership, and representative participation in decision-making processes in public, private and civic sphere.
Outcome 1: Increased acceptance of positive social gender norms
Indicator: Number of individuals (disaggregated by type, age and gender) with improved attitudes and practices towards GYW’s voice, agency, leadership and representative participation in decision-making processes
Output 1.1: Actions to increase awareness on the She Leads Program
Indicator: LO.4 Number of local leaders reached by L&A on importance of GYW participation in political institutions
Outcome 2: Enhanced collective action and activism by GYW in a gender-responsive civil society
Indicator: Number of CSOs/CSO networks with increased GYW representation in active membership and/or leadership.
Output 2.1: Actions to increase awareness on the She Leads Programme
Indicator: CA.1 Number of GYW organisations trained in advocacy skills
Outcome 3: Political institutions at all levels enable meaningful participation of GYW in decision-making
Indicator: Number of formal/informal institutions with increased meaningful participation and representation of GYW
Output 3.1: Actions to increase awareness on the She Leads Programme
Indicator: LO.3 Number of national government officials reached by L&A on importance of GYW participation in political institutions.
Outcome 4: Cross cutting Issues
Output 4.1 Safeguarding: Safe involvement in the She Leads Programme is ensured for project target groups and an enabling environment is created.
Indicator: SA.2 Percentage of GYW involved in the programme who have knowledge, access to and trust in the reporting mechanisms to report safeguarding concerns
Output 4.2 Sustainability: Lasting results of the She Leads programme that goes beyond its implementation
Indicator: SU.1 Number of She-Leads interventions that have been adopted or scaled up in the country
Output 4.3 Inclusion: She Leads Programme promotes diversity and inclusion in all its interventions.
Indicator: IN.1 Number of GYW from diverse backgrounds who participate and are supported by She Leads interventions at the alliance and country levels
Output: 4.4 Power dynamics: Partnership relations in the She Leads consortium are valued as being ‘deciding’ (partners make final decisions).
Indicator: D.1 Number of partners that feel that in the She Leads consortium partners make final decisions
F) Methodology
The MTR should employ a mix of both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
- Qualitative data collection approaches may include participatory workshop/focus group discussion with the partners and girls and young women (GYW), community members, and project staff. Key informant interviews with some key stakeholders.
- Quantitative data collection approaches.
- Outcome harvesting methodology.
- Secondary data reviews.
G) Timelines and Deliverables
The envisaged timeframe of this consultancy is 15th April 2023 to 31 August 2023 and requires good planning and flexibility on the side of the consultant. It is expected that visits to the field project sites will be required. The consultant is expected to disseminate the findings during the annual planning workshop to be held in August 2023.
- Inception report (includes inputs from the network and an overview of the work plan and timelines )– 25th April 2023
- The inception report should be informed by a thorough desk review of information already available, and initial consultations with key stakeholders.— May- June 2023 (3 days +1 preparation day)
- First round of data collection (This involves facilitating sessions on context and risk analysis, TOC review, KIIs/FGDs where necessary. ) — June 2023 (4 days).
- Data review and analysis; Early July 2023 (2 days +half day for prep)
- Summary of findings and recommendations and validation meetings: July- August 2023 (2 days)
- Additional data collection (for Qtr2 and Qtr3 2023) and analysis: 8-11 August 2023 (4 days)
- Final consolidated report (English and French where necessary), a (youth friendly) summary document containing main findings and recommendations. The consultant is expected to participate in the annual planning workshop in August. 8-11 August 2023 (4 days)
- Anonymized primary data sets: 31 August 2023
Note: The data collection templates will be shared with the consultant that would serve as a starting point for the data collection on basket indicators and a format for the final report.
The consultant is expected to co-create the final work plan and youth friendly summaries with the consortium partners.
H) The profile of the applicant
The She Leads Uganda Network wants to contract an external evaluator to conduct this mid-term review. The successful application will consist of one or more key personnel within the evaluation team who meet desired criteria such as the following:
- Bachelor’s degree or a Masters degree in social sciences and advanced skills in quantitative and qualitative research methodologies;
- Proven track record in the evaluation with specific attention to Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation (MIYP), gender justice and values as described in this TOR;
- At least three years’ experience (preferably with evaluations) in the development sector;
- Knowledge of human rights, gender justice, gender-transformative approach, lobbying and advocacy, intersectionality, youth agency, meaningful youth participation, inclusivity, civil society and civic space, youth-inclusive policymaking and legislation and collaborative programming;
- Proven expertise in qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis for evaluations, and use of mixed methodologies for research including outcome harvesting.
- Experience of research/evaluations in Uganda similar to She Leads implementation approaches (capacity strengthening, lobby &advocacy); contextual knowledge and understanding of environments in the She Leads implementation area.
- Ability to work independently, take initiative and respond appropriately to constructive feedback;
- Experience in sharing and discussing review findings with clients, in-country partners and stakeholders, especially with youth-led and girls and young women led groups and organisations;
- Full working proficiency in English is a must and has a team with full proficiency in any of these native languages (Nyakarimojong, Lusoga, and Luganda)
I) Ethics
The She Leads consortium is committed to ensuring that the rights of those involved in data collection or analysis are respected and protected, in accordance with ethical research principles. The proposal should clarify how they will guarantee the ethics and protection of children in the data collection process. In particular, the consultants should explain how the adequate, safe and non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be ensured and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children and other vulnerable groups. The consultants should also explain how they will ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of the participants.
J) Financial Proposal
Only include all related costs in Euros.
Note 1: The selected consultant will have a direct service agreement with Plan international NL. Payments will be based on invoices on achievement of agreed milestones i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR and certification of acceptance by the TdH NL and Plan International. Note 2: Do not include cost relating to data collection by GYW under component 2 (Cross cutting issues) in your budget.
How to apply
Application deadline – 20th March 2023, 5PM EAT
Firms and independent Consultant(s) who meet the above requirements should submit the following:
- Your CV entailing relevant experience and contact details
- A brief on your track record on evaluation of partnerships with broad thematic focus.
- Experience in evaluation of programmes with core values of MYIP, gender transformation, and safeguarding is an advantage.
- A brief technical proposal (Max 10 pages) detailing your interpretation of the key outcome areas, MTR objectives, outcomes, outputs, and methodology.
- A proposed work plan for the assignment
- A proposed budget – daily fees per team member and number of hours spent on the evaluation, clear demarcation of costs for in-country activities and other desk-based research.
Interviews with only shortlisted applicants will be held between 4th and 6th April 2023. The successful candidate will start the evaluation process from 15th April 2023.
Submit the proposal to Uganda Country Coordinator; [email protected]
Deadline: 20 Mar 2023