International Organization for Migration
IOM Mozambique is calling for consultancy: Assessment on energy access levels, energy marked activation/development activities and energy ecosystem in 8 resettlement sites in Sofala, Manica & Zambezia province, Mozambique
Following the severe impact of cyclone Idai on the Central Region of Mozambique 2019, resettlement sites were established in view of improving access to basic services and eventually durable solutions. As per the latest DTM report, currently around 129,327 internally displaced persons (IDPs) live across 85 sites in Central Mozambique. IOM Mozambique partnered with Shell to improve the lives of the displaced communities through energy access. To achieve the above objective, IOM and Shell developed an energy access project that will not only strengthen the self-reliance of the IDPs though improved energy access but also develop sustainable ways (energy delivery model) of delivering energy access in displacement settings by collaborating with humanitarian and private sector partners.
Enter Energy: Sustainable Energy for Displaced Communities Project
IOM in partnership with Shell is currently implementing The Sustainable Energy for Displaced Communities Project -SE4DC which is a collaboration between humanitarian and private sector partners with an aim to deliver energy access. The main objective of the project is to increase energy access in displacement settings through solar home systems and serve as a pilot to test energy delivery models of energy solutions in displacement settings to identify best practices and gather key lessons to inform future project upscaling, expansion and replication in other displacements contexts. The specific aims of this project are to:
- Improve sustainable energy access for household use among IDPs in the resettlement site and nearby host communities.
- Improve the financial literacy of IDP households to pave the way to increased access to capital and financial independence.
- Improve access to livelihoods among IDPs through the productive use of energy.
To achieve the above objectives, IOM employs market-based approach working with both the resettled IDP communities and the private sector to accelerate adoption of solar home systems for household and productive use. The project is currently being implemented in 7 resettlement sites Muawa, Maquina, Bairo de unidade, Magaro , Macocoe and Thusene Shoma in Manica province and Mutua in Sofala province. IOM bridges the gap between supply and demand for solar home systems market by engaging both the displaced communities and the private sector. IOM is implementing the various workstreams listed below with activities geared towards stimulating demand for solar home systems i.e., establishment of the saving and lending groups, awareness creation with the displaced communities and on the other hand incentivizing the private sector to establish presence on the resettlement sites and partnership with other energy market development funds for partnership and leveraging on their existing networks and support to private sector. All the activities are geared towards accelerating adoption of solar home systems by the displaced communities as described below.
- Awareness creation
Aim is to improve the knowledge of the displaced communities on clean energy technologies and their impacts standard of living, education, opportunities for livelihood and on saving and lending groups. This is to ensure the displaced communities have the relevant knowledge to make informed decisions on energy access.
IOM has established energy information desks in all the target resettlement sites manned by the Energy field assistants herein referred to as Energy Ambassadors-EA. The info desks are the go-to place for the displaced communities to get information in relation to clean energy technologies, saving groups and also about the energy project. In addition, The info desks act as a point for feedback on the progress of the project.
- Energy Saving and Lending groups
Aim is to build the financial capacity of the displaced communities to afford clean energy solutions through establishment of saving and lending groups as majority of the resettled population do not have disposable incomes. The saving and lending groups give the displaced communities a platform to save for the initial deposit and the subsequent monthly payments for solar home systems under pay as you go mechanism for household use and or productive use. With the savings, the ESLGs are also linked with the sales agents from the solar company -ENGIE energy Access -a partner working with IOM. The ESLGs have two saving lines i.e an Energy Savings line to purchase energy solutions and a Social Fund to support social cohesion and ensure sustainability and continuity. The Social Fund is constituted by individual quotas and its purpose is to cover for social functions such as child births, initiations, weddings and funerals.
- Private sector Engagement
The project employs a market-based approach hence working with private sector is key to realize and achieve the main objective of the Project. IOM established an energy fund to stimulate the activities of the private sector in the resettlement sites as well as to de-risk their activities in the sites. Through the support of the energy Fund, IOM is supporting ENGIE Energy Access to establish presence and operate in the resettlement sites to provide sustainable supply of solar home systems to the displaced communities under pay-as-you-go mechanism.
In addition, IOM has collaborated with BRILHO Energy Market Development Fund to leverage on their existing list of companies and financial support (catalytic grants and result based financing) to private sector companies to avoid duplication of efforts and resources but to ensure and promote collaboration between humanitarian and private sector.
- Best practices and lessons learned from the Project are documented and available for replication.
The project has taken a pilot approach and gathering of learnings and best practices is key to improve on the delivery model current being employed for replication and upscaling. IOM is collecting and documenting various success stories and learnings to inform this specific agenda though monitoring visits, feedback from energy information desks, partners engagement and project evaluations.
Study Objectives
The SE4DC is employing a pilot approach to test the viability of the energy delivery model described above to improve energy access in displacement settings. The model aims to create a market system for clean energy products by bridging the gap between demand and supply for solar home systems. The current model is being implemented in 7 resettlement sites spread across Sofala and Manica province.
However, to completely understand the viability and effectiveness of the model under implementation, IOM is inviting consultants /consulting firms to:
- conduct an energy assessment in resettlement sites not currently targeted by the project to understand the current energy access levels and the energy ecosystem for comparison with resettlement sites currently targeted by the project; and
- explore and determine the existence energy markets in resettlement sites with NO or minimum support and validation of the need for energy market development /stimulation activities to improve energy access in displacement settings.
Scope of Work
The assessment shall be conducted in 8 resettlement sites in Sofala, Manica and Zambezia Provinces in Mozambique.
The assessment will include, but not limited to:
Household Energy Needs Assessment
- Assess and evaluate the socio-economic status of the displaced communities looking at the main economic/income generating activities, quantitatively determine average household’s monthly income, demographics etc, economic activities
- Assess and evaluate access to financial services available to the displaced communities i.e mobile money, Saving & lending groups, DFIs or commercial banks
- Conduct a participatory assessment of the current energy situation/access levels and needs at the household level looking at energy for lighting and small power uses and their energy patterns, cooking (fuel & cookstove) and productive use appliances.
- Assess the current expenditure on energy for lighting and future aspirational energy demand and expenditure (Willingness and ability to pay)
- Assess the current state of local grid services by EDM or FUNAE in or near the resettlement sites and proximity to connection point
- Evaluation of local technical and logistic capabilities, including mobile phone ownership and coverage, local skills and infrastructure around the resettlement sites (sources of diesel fuel, local battery availability (professional solar and other options)
- Assess and map access to local markets for the resettlement sites in and around the resettlement sites
- Engage the community leaders drawn from the resettlement sites and local authorities to confirm data and information collected, such as the number of households, structure of the resettlement sites and activities and support form humanitarian agencies and development partners
- Quantitatively assess the current and planned energy situation and needs of households in the local host communities if applicable.
- Assess on energy related impacts on gender and vulnerable groups or effects related to energy scarcity
- Assess the negative impacts associated with energy scarcity both at household and community level. i.e., impact on the environment, safety and security, health, education etc
Energy Market Development Activities Assessment
- Assess and determine any energy interventions by the humanitarian agencies in the resettlement sites over the last 1 year, modality of engagement (free-distribution or market-based) and energy products involved
- Assess and determine any Energy Market activation, awareness and marketing campaigns /activities related to clean energy technologies for solar home systems, cookstoves or PUE appliances championed by government, UN agencies or development partners. Type of engagement- door to door, focus group discussions, leaflets distribution, product demonstration. Messaging: Raise awareness on quality of clean energy products, behaviour change communication
- Assess and determine any activities /footprint of a clean energy technology company in the resettlement site Existence of sales agents, Any clean energy products demonstrations taken place in the site, Type of products offered for sale/sold in the sites i.e., SHS, ICS, PUE appliances, After-sale services offered, existence of facilitation centres or shops
Access to Finance
- Assess and determine the access to financial services available for the displaced communities with a focus on energy i.e Saving and lending groups, credit from commercial banks and DFIs etc. Saving groups: number of the groups in the sites, objectives of the groups, composition of the groups, any external support provided, training in establishment of the saving groups or if it was a community initiative. DFI & Commercial banks: determine if they target displaced communities, energy loan products if any
Energy Market Development Programmes targeting the resettlement sites
- Map all Energy market development funds-MDF in Mozambique and more so those that also target displacement settings. Assess & determine their support to private sector i.e., grants, RBF, Technical Assistance in displacement settings, geographic locations covered, No. of companies supported targeting displacement settings, No. of sales reported over the last one year if possible
- Viability of markets in displacement settings from MDF perspective, learnings and future/plans aspirations for displacement settings
- Risks of working in displacement settings from energy programmes perspective and mitigation measures.
Private Sector Companies (solar, cookstoves, PUE appliances)
- Map all energy companies with presence in Sofala,Manica and Zambezia provinces. Engage to determine their modus operandi in the three provinces, target areas including the resettlement sites, their clean energy technologies sold, performance of the portfolio, support received by the MDFs
- Viability of the energy markets in displacement settings from energy companies’ perspective, learnings and recommendations
- Risks of working in displacement settings from energy companies’ perspective and mitigation measures.
Government agencies
- Map and determine the current electrification plans by both EDM & FUNAE near or in the resettlement sites
- Determine any future electrification plans by electricity utility company EDM or by FUNAE near or in the resettlement sites.
Methodology It is expected the energy assessment study will include a range of methods as follows:
- Design of an effective and efficient data collection methodology and workplan to be reviewed by Shell and IOM
- A desktop review of energy access in the resettlement sites looking at current and previous interventions if any. This is from reports and publications by the humanitarian actors, NGOs and government. The desk review needs to also collect relevant information about other rural electrification technologies, regarding the policy and regulations in Mozambique, current off-grid electrification initiatives and future plans near or in the resettlement sites by EDM or FUNAE
- A visit to the resettlement site which will include consultative and participatory meetings and household surveys targeting both men and women in the resettlement sites, host community and local leadership.
- Focus group discussions and key informant interviews for more quantitative data collection with IDPS, community leaders, NGO focal points, government focal points etc
- Consultative meetings with other stakeholders i.e., humanitarian actors, NGO`s, government energy agencies, energy programmes, financial institutions and the energy private sector companies and project promoters IOM and Shell. etc
- The consultant is also free to employ any other methodology where appropriate, but it has to be discussed and agreed prior.
Deliverables, Level of Effort (LOE) and Timeline
The consultant will be expected to complete the assessment with a Level Of Effort-LOE of 30-man days over a 15-week working period starting from 28th November 2022 – 10th March 2023, and divided as follows:
1 An inception report**:** The Inception reportwill describe: (LOE:2 days)
- Conceptual framework to undertake the assignment
- Methodology to be employed
- Detailed questionnaires, data collection methods & tools for interviews and discussions, sampling and selection criteria for respondents
- Detailed work plan
- Outline for the Final Report
2 Field/ Resettlement sites in-site assessments, stakeholders’ consultations, and Desktop reviews (LOE:15 days)
3 Data analysis and conclusion (LOE:5 days)
4 First draft of the Report (LOE:5 days)
5 Preliminary findings workshop (LOE:1 day)
6 Final Report (incorporating feedback received from IOM and Shell) (LOE:2 days)
Note:2 weeks (19thDec – 2nd Jan) have been accounted for a Christmas break where it is assumed work will not be carried out. Please advise if this reasonable.
The below shows expected deliverables and provisional timelines:
1. Draft Methodology: 16th December 2022
2. Desk Study summary: 6th January 2023
3. Resettlement sites in-site consultations: 20th January 2023
4. Stakeholders’ consultation, Data analysis and conclusion & Draft Report: 17th February 2023
5. Preliminary findings workshop: 17th February 2023
6. Final Report Write-up: 10th March 2023
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated technically and scored based on how well the proposal meets the requirements of the summary Terms of Reference iterated above.
The consultant/consulting firm will work under the supervision of the IOM Mozambique Project Manager for Energy and Energy Officer, and under the overall supervision of Chief of Mission of IOM Mozambique.
- Valid proof of registration from a relevant authority: Accreditation and registration documents must be attached to the proposal.
- Similar experience of conducting similar assessments targeting displaced communities – At least 3 (1 specific in Mozambique)
- Demonstrate the capacity to deploy staff in the target sites
- Demonstrate measures/guidelines/tools for quality assurance
- Required skills – Thorough understanding of design, management and executing energy assessments; at least 5 years’ experience
- Desired knowledge – Understanding of energy access projects; Knowledge of energy market systems; Previous experience working in displacement settings in Southern Africa preferable; knowledge on behaviour change communication and community engagement
- Knowledge of Portuguese and Local Languages is an advantage
Payment Milestones
- First installment of 30% of the contract value will become due upon submission and approval by IOM of the draft methodology
- Second installment of 30% of the contract value will become due upon submission and approval by IOM of the Draft Report
- The third and final installment of 40% of the contract value, will become due upon submission and approval by IOM of the Final Report
How to apply
Bidding document: Please click HERE or follow the link below to access the Request for Proposal (RFP):
Your proposal
The submission of the detailed technical and financial proposal should take into account the following:
- Letter of Interest
- Consultant/Consulting firm Profile
- CV (s) for individuals to undertake the assignment
- A summary or at least 3 samples of similar assignments undertaken previously
- A technical proposal clearly indicating description of the proposed methodology
- Detailed work plan
- Detailed budget; inclusive costs for activities, administrative fees.