FSD Kenya
The Financial Sector Deepening Kenya (FSD Kenya) is an independent Trust dedicated to the achievement of an inclusive financial system that supports Kenya’s long-term development goals. FSD works closely with Government, the financial services industry and other partners to develop financial solutions that better address the real-world challenges faced by low-income households, enterprises and underserved groups such as women and youth.
FSD Kenya launched its Affordable Housing Program in 2020 with funding from FCDO. The background research is available on our website. FSD Kenya has also undertaken and shared a draft review of the legal, policy and institutional framework for affordable housing in Kenya, available on our website.
To support the development of tenant purchase schemes and REITS for the development of the affordable housing sector using an actual project under delivery and share the outputs with the market. Apply critical thinking to how the development of such real estate financing models can promote FSD’s strategic drivers, particularly gender and women’s economic empowerment and greener and more resilient housing.
Ideally, the applicants should be a consortium of a financial consultant and a landowner so that the TPS and REIT structuring can be tested on an actual parcel of land.
- Synthesis of different types of Tenant Purchase schemes and their applicability to Kenya
- Applicability of REITs to support Tenant Purchase schemes offtake finance for Affordable Housing in Kenya
- Linkage to a development project (optional but preference will be provided to these bidders)
- Open Access framework
- Report on Scope outlined in 3.1 with word contract and excel financial model provided in raw format that can be shared with market
- Clear report and supporting financial model for REIT and investors in REIT
- Applicability to a development project
How to apply
Tenders may be submitted in any format and should encompass.
Interested bidders should click the below link for a detailed Terms of reference and submission details