Norwegian Refugee Council
External Evaluation of NRC Cash and Livelihoods Programme in Iraq
Published 30. Aug 2022
Extended: The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) welcomes you to the tender notification of 306265, External Evaluation of NRC Cash and Livelihoods Programme in Iraq.
NRC is an independent, humanitarian, non-profit, non-governmental organization, which provides assistance, protection, and durable solutions to refugees and internally displaced persons worldwide.
NRC promotes and protects the rights of people who have been forced to flee their countries or their homes within their countries. It is the only Norwegian organization that specializes in international efforts aimed at this target group.
The Norwegian Refugee Council invites you to submit a bid in (USD) in light of providing consultancy services on the External Evaluation of NRC Cash and Livelihoods Programme in Iraq.
Ref. Number ITB: IRAQ-RFQ-199-2022
If your company is interested in participating in the tender it requires online registration in the web-based e-Sourcing system CTM. It is free to register as a user in the system, and once the company is created, you will obtain access to all of the current and future tenders notifications implemented by NRC through the system.
After registration, you get access to all tender package. For registration instructions, please check the Supplier Bid Guide attached with this tender notice.
Follow the below instructions when you want to participate in one of NRC’s tender procedures:
Log into the system, read the access conditions, and click Accept. Be aware that when you click accept, you have not submitted a bid response, but have just accepted that you have been given access to the tender package.
By accepting you will get access to all the relevant material and you will be able to download them.
Please note that the last date and time for submission is by 17/09/2022 at 23:59 Iraq time. Otherwise, your application to participate in the tender will not be accepted by the NRC.
Offers must be submitted through the e-Sourcing system, and before the tender deadline expires. It will not bepossible to submit your bid after the deadline or outside the e-Sourcing system.
Manner of submission:
- Via e-Sourcing
Please submit your quotation in accordance with the requirements detailed below by e-Sourcing system, followingthe below instructions:
- The bidders can download the RFQ documents from “Access documents” from the system.
- Collect the RFQ.
- Fill the requested documents.
- Upload your Technical proposal documents in “Envelope 1 – Technical Documents”, The price shall NOT be mentioned in the technical bid.
- Upload your financial proposal documents in “Envelope 2 – Quotation Documents – Annex 4”.
- After uploading the required documents, please check that the progress bar will show green color “100 per cent complete”.
- Click on “Submit Response” button.
Note: For more information, please refer to the Supplier Bid guide.
NRC Iraq will follow the two envelop process for this procurement. Failure to comply with the above submissioninstruction will lead to supplier disqualification immediately.
Questions and inquiry: Questions for the tender content and process must be made to the contracting entity via the Q/A message module inside the e-Sourcing system by clicking on “Supplier questions and answers”, and then clicking on “Ask Question” button.
The last date and time for submission is by 11/09/2022 at 23:59 Iraq time.
Bid acceptance:
NRC reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the supplier’s bid.
NRC may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of the bids, by notifying prospective suppliers inwriting through the eSourcing system.
NRC is not bound to select any of the suppliers who submitted bids and does not bind itself to select the lowestprice offer. The Contract will be rewarded to the supplier considered most responsive to the needs and mostconforming to NRC general principles, including economy, efficiency, and best value for money.
Other information:
All correspondence between potential bidders and NRC is through the system.
Please note that both the NRC’s and the bidder’s actions are logged in the system for audit purposes.
For technical questions about the system, please contact [email protected].
How to apply
Closing date: 9/17/2022