Plan International
1. About Plan International
Plan International Thailand has been working in Thailand since 1981 to help build a just society using
a Child-Centered Community Development approach that puts children’s best interests as its top priority.
We work with children, young people, public/private partners, communities, and families. Our aim is
to drive positive changes that further children’s rights and gender equality at the local, national
and global levels. We use our knowledge and experience, together with the power and ability of children,
to address the root cause of problems affecting children including poverty, violence, exclusion,
and discrimination.
2. Project Background
Stopping Exploitation through Accessible Services or SEAS of Change Phase II funded by Sida CIVSAM from July 1, 2019-June 30, 2022 (3 years). The phase II project builds on the previous SIDA-funded SEAs of Change project, and aims at developing a strengthened civil society in Thailand and Cambodia that effectively enables migrant children and youths to claim their rights, and proactively influences government migration and social protection policies both in-country and across borders.
The project has cross-country elements and activities in both Thailand and Cambodia in each outcome. In Thailand, the SEAS Phase II project will continue in Rayong, Trat , Samut Sakhon and Bangkok, in Cambodia, the project works in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and Battambang. The project is aligned with the Child Protection programme area in Thailand country strategy and the project is working in partnership with the 2 implementing partners in Thailand namely Labour Protection Network Foundation (LPN) and Foundation for Rural Youth (FRY) and the other 2 partner organizations in Cambodia consist of Cambodia Against Child Trafficking Networks (CA) and Banteay Srei (BS).
Civil society will be strengthened through awareness-raising, assessments, and technical capacity building in areas such as gender, M&E, and child protection. However, and perhaps more importantly, the project will work to create an enabling environment for civil society by training organizations and groups on how to influence and lobby effectively. In addition, networks of civil society will be supported and encouraged to work in concert to claim migrant’s rights. Finally, the project will work to link civil society to governments and the private sector to influence governments’ migration and social protection policies and increase transparency and accountability of the public and private sector in both source and destination countries.
3. Evaluation Focus
3.1 Key areas of program areas to explore:
Scope of this assessment will be to assess the scope of the project’s Logframe and M&E Framework, which will be assessed in accordance with the six MERL Standards: Relevance (past and future), effectiveness, sustainability, efficiency, child rights, gender and inclusiveness focus, impact, when the assessment results are compared with the project’s Baseline results, the details of the scope of the assessment are as follows.
Outcome statement / Outcome indicators / Target Areas /Target Group**
Outcome 1: Children and youth, especially girls and young women, affected by migration in source and destination communities claim their rights to social protection and education services
Outcome 2: Parents, caregivers, community members, and local leaders in source and destination communities accept and fulfill their responsibilities to ensure their rights and well-being of children and youth affected by migration, especially girls and young women.
Outcome 3: Civil society organizations, including child/youth led networks, work closely together and have strengthened capacity to deliver quality and gender-sensitive services to children and youth affected by migration.
Outcome4: Government and private sector nationally and bilaterally take action to cultivate an enabling environment for the realization of child rights and gender equality for children and young people affected by migration.
Thailand: Trat, Rayong
Cambodia: Siem Reap, Battabang
Children age 10-below 15
Children age 15-below 18
Youth age 18-below 25
3.1 Purpose of the Evaluation
The purpose of the final evaluation is to examine the process of implementing the SEAS II project as a cross-border project between Cambodia as a source country and Thailand as a destination country. The key program areas to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the programs and whether the program goals and objectives have been accomplished to advance children’s rights and equality for girls. It also to review the results under each outcomes to what extend reach the target.
This final evaluation will be compared between baseline and final evaluation result based on each outcome indicators, not compared at output level.
4. Users of the Evaluation
The final evaluation’s findings and its recommendations will be benefit to several groups as below:
o Plan International Thailand, Plan International Cambodia, Plan International Sweden
o The two implementing partners in Thailand (LPN and FRY)
o The two implementing partners in Cambodia (CA and BS)
o Local authorities and schools in Rayong, Trat and Samut Sakhon
o CSOs who are working for Cambodian migrant children and youth both in Thailand and Cambodia
o Migrant parents/caregivers in Thailand and Cambodia
o NCCT, MoEYS, PoE and DoE and the targeting schools in Cambodia
o MoE, Department of Children and Youth under MSDHS
5. Methods for Data Collection and Analysis
This final evaluation has applied the Mixed Methodology in the research process. The Mixed Methodology research process is a process that integrates both quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to obtain comprehensive and complete information. The quality data collection process will be conducted by using primary and secondary data collection methods with the following methods. The analysis report will be disaggregate data by age (10-below 15, 15-below 18 and 18-below 25), gender and provinces;
Desk research: Desk research is an analysis & synthesize secondary data from literature documents as well as related research to summarize the relevant situations in the past and also gap for design the research tools to collect data.
Focus group discussion (FGD): A focus group discussion involves gathering people from similar backgrounds or experiences together to discuss a specific topic of the relevant project context. It is a form of qualitative research where questions are asked about their perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, opinion or ideas. In focus group discussion participants are free to talk with other group members; unlike other research methods it encourages discussions with other participants. It generally involves group interviewing in which a small group of usually 8 to 12 people. It is led by a moderator (interviewer) in a loosely structured discussion of various topics of interest.
Key informant interview (KII): Key informant interviews are qualitative in-depth interviews with people who know what is going on in the relevant project context. The purpose of key informant interviews is to collect information from a wide range of people—including community leaders, professionals/government staff, migrant’s children and youth or parents/caretaker who have first-hand knowledge about the relevant project context. These community experts, with their particular knowledge and understanding, can provide insight on the nature of problems and give recommendations for solutions.
Case study (at least 2 cases): The case study approach is particularly useful when there is a need to obtain an in-depth appreciation of an issue, event, or phenomenon of interest, in its natural real-life context. Our aim in writing this piece is to provide an insights approach in relation to the design, planning, analysis, interpretation and reporting of case studies. Case study will be used as evidence-based documentation which the project defined in counting each document that write or show about good practice, success model, success story from the project implementation for example; 1) project collaboration and management with CSO partners, and stakeholders from Thailand and Cambodia; 2) bilateral education model; and 3) social protection.
Questionnaire Survey: as for data collection in quantitative survey data by using questionnaire as a tool. Due to Covid-19 situation which still continues spreading at our target areas, so the survey will be conducting with mix between face to face and phone interview.
6. Ethics and Child Protection
Plan International is committed to ensuring that the rights of those participating in data collection or analysis are respected and protected, in accordance with Ethical MERL Framework and our Child and Youth Safeguarding Policy. All applicants should include details in their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and child protection in the data collection process. Specifically, the consultant(s) shall explain how appropriate, safe, non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be ensured and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children and other vulnerable groups. The consultant(s) shall also explain how confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be guaranteed.
7. Key Deliverables
Deliverable / Format / Length / Due / Detail
– Final Data Collection Tools * / 10-15 May 2022 / Survey, FGD, KII questions, / Sampling list and participants*
– Inception report / MS Word/Powerpoint / 15-25 July 2022 /*Data presentation and visualization for example using charts, dashboards***
– Draft Evaluation Report / MS Word/PowerPoint / 25-50 pages /Mid of August 2022 / PowerPoint should be presented to SNO to get feedback before final report /(Data presentation and visualization for example using charts, dashboards)**
– Final Evaluation Report (including Executive Summary) / MS Word / 25-50 pages / Mid of Sept 2022** /
- Cleaned Data (including transcripts) / Mid of Sept 2022** / Return all hard copies of data collection tools to Plan Thailand
– Completed Consent Forms / Mid of Sept 2022** /
– Other Communication Products for Dissemination: case studies / Video clips 3 clips / Mid of Sept 2022
8. Timeline
Activity / Days of Work / Responsible / Individuals involved
– Tendering / 14 days / Procurement / MERL, Project team, Procurement
– Background Checks and Contracting; / Inception Call/ Inception Workshop /*3 days** /* Procurement**
CD, Procurement, Project team*
Preparations for Data Collection
a) Develop tools / 10-15 days / Consultant / MERL, Gender Specialist, Project team (THA-KHM), SNO
b) Tool translation / 3 days / Consultant / MERL, Gender Specialist, Project team (THA-KHM), SNO
c) Field piloting / 1 day / Consultant/ Consultant
d) Tools finalisation / 1-2 days / Consultant / SNO
f) Enumerator training / 1 day / Consultant / Consultant
– Data Collection / 6 weeks / Consultant / Consultant /
– Data Entry and Cleaning / 1 week / Consultant / Consultant
– Data Analysis / 2 weeks / Consultant / Consultant
– Submission of cleaned data set/ raw data set to both Plan Thailand and Plan Cambodia / 1 day/ Consultant / Consultant
– Validation of findings with key stakeholders and respondents & feedback incorporation / 3 days /Consultant /
– Submission of inception report / 10 days / Consultant / MERL, Gender Specialist, Project team (THA-KHM), SNO
– Submission of Draft / Mid of August 2022 / Consultant / MERL, Gender Specialist, Project team (THA-KHM), SNO
– Submission of Final Report / Mid of Sept 2022 / Consultant / MERL, Gender Specialist, Project team (THA-KHM), SNO
– Submission of Other Deliverables / Mid of Sept 2022 /Consultant / Project team
- Management Response and Action Plan / End of Sept 2022 / Project team / CD, Project team
9. Expected Qualifications (4 – 5 main qualifications)
o Applicants can be an independent consultant team or researcher (s) from a university/research institute or consultancy firm based in Thailand or Cambodia.
o Demonstrated strong understanding of migration context, child protection, gender equality and international development and familiarity with cross-border collaboration projects.
o Significant professional background in conducting social research relating to international development, child protection, gender equality and cross-border collaboration project, with experience in conducting survey research of this nature and analyzing findings.
o Excellent writing skills in English
o Previous experience in conducting similar work for INGOs or international donors will be preferred
[1]**Note**: Impact evaluations should only be conducted a number of years after the end of the project activities as it is very difficult, if not impossible, to make any statements regarding the (positive or negative) impact of a project when conducting an evaluation at the conclusion of project activities.
How to apply
Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:
· Detailed response to the ToR with proposed methodology
· A work plan detailing how the work will be done and how the objectives above will be met, including proposed timelines
· CVs of the researchers and the names of at least two references (these should be clients for whom you have conducted previous research with).
· Example of previous work
· Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, etc.
Please send your application to [email protected] by 22 April 2022 referencing “**Final Evaluation SEAS II Projec**t” in the subject line, and including support documents as outlined.
*Early application is encouraged as we will review applications throughout the advertising period and reserve the right to close the advert early. We reserve the right to extend the closing date at any time.