Food Security Project Manager H/F

  • Contract
  • Lyon France
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Salary: TBD

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.

Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion


Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights. HI is currently implementing projects in more than 50 countries worldwide. Since the organization was founded in 1982, we have established programs in around 62 countries and responded to hundreds of emergencies. Today, the organization has around 3,500 employees worldwide. Eight national associations, based in the United States, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Great Britain and Canada, provide overall support for the field programs, which are implemented through the headquarters in Lyon, France. HI is engaged in an employment policy in favor of workers with disabilities.

As such, people with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information, please visit:


Context of intervention An estimated 193 million people are currently in need of urgent food assistance in more than 50 countries around the world. The war in Ukraine, supply chain disruptions, climate change and the continued economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic are reversing years of development gains and pushing food prices to all-time highs. The global food security cluster is sounding the alarm and has highlighted that the food security situation has particularly worsened in Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, the Sahel region, South Sudan and Yemen, where the severity of needs has sharply intensified, including in some instances pockets of populations already facing famine-like conditions. The global food security cluster call for a mobilization of all resources, coordination and response to reverse the glooming trend of hunger. HI’s positioning on the Global Food Crisis: We believe that action must be taken now, and that HI has a role to play in responding to the food security crisis. HI has identified, among its country programs, that Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, DRC, Chad, Mali and Niger as countries with some of the most concerning contexts. These countries need support in identifying needs and gaps in the food security response and potentially implementing relevant activities.


To provide this support, HI is creating a pool of Food Security Project Managers who can be rapidly deployed to the aforementioned countries in order to implement the Food Security Projects depending on the country program’s strategy. HI’s pillars of interventions to respond to the food security crisis are:

• Basic needs: In order to mitigate the risks of undernutrition, mortality, and to reduce the likelihood of households adopting negative coping strategies, HI will provide immediate life-saving food assistance in the form of in-kind, cash, or vouchers to the most vulnerable communities affected by the crises. HI’s food assistance projects will have complementary humanitarian and development interventions to support the recovery and resilience of populations through economic inclusion activities. This approach aims to address, not only the immediate food needs of people, but also the root causes of food insecurity. HI will ensure the protection and recovery of livelihoods and food systems affected by the crises to avoid dependence on emergency assistance.

• Physical and Functional Rehabilitation: In this context, HI will focus on interventions for acutely malnourished children in partnership with health/nutrition actors and develop integrated activities with Food Security activities: o Early Childhood Stimulation Therapy for acutely malnourished children and their caregiver(s) (Integrated Approach to Rehabilitation/MHPSS o Strengthening of health professionals (rehabilitation staff, health agents, etc.) and structures that implement this approach (training, equipment, etc.) o Sensitization of key community members and family members to the importance and benefits of stimulation therapy o Referral to appropriate services o Facilitation of financial access to rehabilitation service

• Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS): HI will focus on activities related to Physical Rehabilitation and Early Childhood Stimulation Therapy. HI can provide integrated Rehabilitation/MHPSS approach, refer to existing MHPSS and other services and develop integrated activities with Food Security activities.

• Inclusive Humanitarian Action (IHA): HI can conduct vulnerability analysis with Disability, Gender and Age (DGA) data in a cross-cutting manner-integrated into all multi-sector and sector assessments; can analyse barriers (including DGA data) in a cross-cutting manner-integrated into all multi-sector and sectoral assessments; can focus on identification / orientation / referral (in conjunction with MHPSS and Protection); can raise awareness and participation in coordination mechanisms; and can provide ad-hoc technical support.


Reporting to the Operations Manager/Country Manager the Food Security project manager contributes to the implementation of the mandate and the 10-year strategy of Humanity & Inclusion in the country where s/he is based and more specifically of the strategy designed for emergency response to food crisis in the program. S/he is responsible for implementing his/her project, in close links with other project managers to ensure comprehensive approach. S/he ensures optimal quality and the impact of the project implemented by means of a delegation system with appropriate oversight mechanisms. With all the other HI managers, the project manager shares responsibility for the sound management and effective functioning of the global organisation MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES Mission 1: Management

• Manager as a role model: embody HI’s values on a daily basis, and be a role model.

• Manager as a coach for meaning: understand the strategy, make it explicit, translate it into operational objectives for his or her team, lead the necessary changes. Give meaning to each management action. Encourage inter and intra departmental exchanges of practice. Encourage innovation and risk-taking.

• Operational manager: organise the operational management of his or her team, structure the work around identified processes, steer performance and facilitate the resolution of problems.

• First HR & Coach: contribute to the development of his or her staff, creating the conditions for their commitment, professionalism and attachment to HI. Ensure compliance with the code of conduct and institutional policies, the mindset and expected individual and collective behaviour.

Mission 2:

Strategy and steering Contribute to the development of the programme’s operational strategy

• Contribute to programme or country operational strategy (StratOp).

• Draft new project proposals for the continuity or expansion of the project.

• Contribute to the drafting of new proposals for new opportunities, if necessary.

Mission 3:

Operational implementation Responsibility 1:

Ensure the implementation of the project, in line with the logical framework and allocated budget

• Steer the project’s intervention strategy and put forward adjustments if the objectives change or if it is likely that they will not be met.

• Ensure that activities and the associated resources are planned, and implement the action plan.

• Ensure that activities are implemented in line with the project proposal and the allocated budget.

• Ensure project reporting, internally (within the programme) and externally (reporting to funding bodies, authorities and/or partners).

• Undertake expenditure and manage the project activity-specific budget lines according to the delegation he/she received based on the programme signature delegation table

• Prepare and manage partnerships with the project implementation partners.

• Guarantee the proper archiving of information.

Responsibility 2:

Ensure that project implementation complies with the existing frameworks

• Ensure the proper implementation and follow-up of institutional policies (specifically PME, PSEAH and Age-Gender- Disability policies) and the other HI internal standards.

• Ensure compliance with the terms of the project proposal and the rules applied by the project funding body/bodies.

• Ensure compliance with global technical standards and norms by communicating and by involving the technical specialists and advisors with expertise in the project themes.

Responsibility 3:

Ensure project monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning

• Ensure project monitoring, specifically activity progress indicators and the expected outcomes.

• Develop and implement the project evaluation plan.

• Ensure that the project is accountable to the local stakeholders.

• Ensure project learning, taking into account lessons learned from similar previous projects, following the recommendations made throughout the project (from evaluations, support missions, audits, etc.), and capitalising on the acquired knowledge.

Responsibility 4:

Ensure project data management

• Ensure that the appropriate data collection and management tools are in place on the project, in line with global standards.

• Ensure that data related to the project is collected and compiled in the project database.

• Carry out regular checks and makes any necessary corrections to the activity database.

Responsibility 5:

Coordinate the teams involved in the project

• Facilitate coordination meetings between his/her direct team and the support services located in the area when necessary.

• Ensure that his/her team and the support teams (shared and technical services, in particular) work well together in order to facilitate the implementation of the project in the country.

• Facilitate the project steering committee.

Responsibility 6:

Contribute to external project communication

• Contribute to HI’s external influence by taking part in networks, when required.

• Communicate about the project to partners, authorities and stakeholders when relevant.

Profil recherché

  • At least 3 years’ experience in team management
  • At least 3 years of experience in managing in-kind, cash or voucher emergency distributions of food assistance and/or NFIs
  • Good knowledge of humanitarian coordination mechanisms
  • Excellent planning, management and evaluation skills in the field of Food Security
  • Autonomy and initiative
  • Excellent communication skills (listening, speaking and writing)


  • Degree in Political Science, Management School, Masters in Project Management. Or equivalent professional experience.  Degree in International Development or a relevant technical area (food security and/or FSL


  • En fonction du profil et expérience
  • Télétravail accordé
  • Ticket restaurant

How to apply

En envoyant CV et lettre de motivation via le lien suivant :

Closing date: 9/10/2022