Head of Principal Recipient Global Fund Management (Re-advertisement)

  • Yangon [Yangon, Yangon(W)] Myanmar

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.


Functional Responsibilities

Under the direct supervision of the ARHC Programme Director, the Head of Principal Recipient Global Fund Management, is the lead technical expert responsible and main technical resource for guiding and leading the programme expert teams in programme development, implementation, performance management and monitoring of all grants in UNOPS Asia Region. S/he is responsible for strategic coordination of programme content development, its M&E, performance management of implementation, national capacity building, health systems strengthening and technical scientific information analysis. As a senior member of the Regional PR Management Team, s/he will assume an active role in defining programme direction and guiding programmatic adaptations to changing circumstances.

Programme development, implementation management, monitoring and evaluation

  • Provide technical leadership and guidance in the development of evidence based programming, health system strengthening, M&E Plans and frameworks.
  • Lead discussions and negotiations with the donor on issues related to Programme, M&E and health systems.
  • Lead and guide the PR’s Programme Teams, composed of several international and national experts in all countries of implementation, in programme development and implementation work, policy development, M&E and performance management;
  • Develop and ensure effective implementation of grant-programming for investments in HIV, Malaria and TB, in line with international best practices and provide leadership on performance and achievements;
  • Ensure Value for Money of UNOPS-PR programmes;
  • Maintain excellent contacts with all stakeholders, whether with donors and technical lead agencies or implementing partners in the field, and maintain a detailed knowledge base of all relevant issues impacting public health, in the context of HIV, TB and Malaria in Myanmar and for malaria in all the GMS countries;
  • Advise the Programme Director and all stakeholders on policies, strategies, best practices and procedures related to GFATM grants;
  • Coordinate project activities among UNOPS sub-recipients (SRs) and with other development partners and relevant health initiatives;
  • Provide close support and guidance to the M&E Team to develop and implement the grants’ M&E system; lead the teams in M&E and health systems capacity assessments; gain in-depth knowledge of the national M&E system, its consistency and effectiveness; generate good data for reporting and measuring achievements;
  • In collaboration with program partners, design data verification and data audit systems to ensure adequate donor reporting.
  • Oversee UNOPS periodic reporting (Progress Updates) to the Global Fund and provide recommendations to improve performance.

Health system strengthening in programming

  • Coordinate the implementation of health systems activities ensuring MOHs’ and donor priorities are met.
  • Lead advisor and team leader on health systems strengthening across the GMS.
  • Technical lead providing input toward the design of a health management information systems (HMIS).
  • Manage knowledge and information dissemination throughout the GMS countries, keeping UNOPS PR and its key partners abreast of important developments.

Capacity building

  • Represent PR-GFATM at the Ministries of Health, Country Coordination Mechanisms, regional Steering Committee, Technical Strategic Meetings, and others as required.
  • Identify and advise on potential implementation problems and bottlenecks.
  • Lead teams in national capacity building activities in all GMS countries.
  • Engage with all stakeholders, national partners and NGOs in the multi-year planning process, providing substantive scientific, evidence-based, timely inputs toward the development of budgets and work-plans.
  • Support national strategic planning in proposal writing for resource mobilization.
  • Conduct critical analysis of risk.
  • Conduct trainings for partners to maintain and operate a smooth programme implementation capabilities and M&E management system.

Knowledge sharing and management

  • Promote an active learning culture for the PR and its partners and facilitate information sharing on all aspects of the work related to public health in ARHC and in the countries;
  • Strengthen the knowledge base by facilitating lessons learned and feedback sessions with partners;
  • Lead the PR participation in all technical reviews and evaluations in the GMS countries.
  • Manage knowledge and information dissemination and storage of relevant scientific evidence, best practices and lessons learnt to inform programme development.
  • Assist SRs to develop the required capacities and competencies in providing health services and implementing their plans.

Impact of Results

  • Good professional relationship with all stakeholders;
  • Successful grant implementation of all grants with their health system strengthening and integrated health response package components.
  • Annual grant documents developed for all grant activities and timeframes;
  • All grants deliver expected results and grant rating is reflecting good achievements;
  • Timely, thorough, accurate and high quality reports on the implementation of the grant initiatives by PRs and SRs using appropriate Global Fund tools;
  • Well-coordinated and supervised team of national and international GFATM Programme personnel;
  • Comprehensive & Informative reports readily available for monitoring & evaluation of grant implementation progress including compliance requirements and/or recommendations for strengthening measures;

How to apply

Link to apply : https://jobs.unops.org/Pages/ViewVacancy/VADetails.aspx?id=28549