MEL Support

  • Contract
  • Remote
  • TBD USD / Year
  • Salary: TBD

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.

Pan American Development Foundation

Request for Proposals

Title: MEL Support

Date Solicitation is Issued: September 12, 2022

Solicitation Number: 008.09.2022-MELS

Closing Date: September 23, 2022

Closing Time: 5:00 PM EDT (UTC-04:00)

Entitles That May Apply: Firms and Individual Consultants

Contractual Mechanism: Fixed Price


The Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) believes in creating a hemisphere of opportunity, for all. We work across Latin America and the Caribbean to make our region stronger— more healthy, peaceful, just, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable for current and future generations. For 60 years, we have served the most vulnerable communities, investing resources throughout the hemisphere. We partner with and enable civil society, governments, and the private sector for the greater good of the region.

With 60 years of experience across Latin America and the Caribbean and strong partnerships with local communities, civil society, and public and private sectors, we have an impeccable track record of success with extensive in-country networks and sound financial controls. We are uniquely positioned to develop and implement adaptable programs across multiple technical areas, quickly deploy to any country in Latin America and the Caribbean and activate existing local networks, measure and evaluate our impact with comprehensive performance indicators, and communicate our progress through integrated communications strategies.


As part of its 2022-2024 strategic plan, PADF has established milestones linked to the development of technical capacities to facilitate evidence-based decision-making, strategic project design, and the development of standardized tools and processes to facilitate project implementation. To achieve these milestones, PADF seeks to improve and harmonize Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) capacity and processes across the organization.

The profile of the consulting company must have demonstrable experience in capacity building for the development of technical proposals for USAID and USG, with emphasis on their monitoring processes, innovative evaluations, and programmatic learning. Likewise, it must be able to provide technical support on demand for the development of project proposals, adjustment during the implementation of ongoing initiatives and linkage with the United Nations 2030 agenda.

General Objective

Provide general technical MEL training and support to MEL processes during the design, proposal, and implementation of projects.

Specific objectives

  1. Training: Design and implement training modules on USAID and USG projects for design, development of MEL frameworks, program planning throughout the project lifecycle, generating evidence for decision-making, evidence-based MEL approaches, use of standardized tools, and information analysis.
  2. Technical support: Support the design of plans, indicators, project documents, and methodologies related with the SDGs for project technical proposals and projects already in implementation.
  3. Innovation: Develop innovative proposals for the generation and use of evidence, sampling, and data collection; measuring results and impact; information analysis methodologies; and other actions to strengthen the design, execution, and evaluation of USAID and USG projects.




Schedule of Milestones/Deliverables

Deliverable 1

Milestone: A training process on USG (especially USAID) MEL developed

Deliverable: One training plan

Estimated Completion Date: TBD

Percent of Total: 40% of total

Deliverable 2

Milestone: Project proposals for USG (especially USAID) technically supported

Deliverable: MEL technical support report

Estimated Completion Date: TBD

Percent of Total: 30% of total

Deliverable 3

Milestone: New methodological approach for innovative project evaluation adopted

Deliverable: Innovative methodological proposal to evaluate and measure the impact of projects

Estimated Completion Date: TBD

Percent of Total: 30% of total


Evaluation Criteria (out of 100)

a. Does the proposal clearly explain, understand and respond to the objectives of the project as stated in the Scope of Work?

Total Points: 25

b. Demonstrated Expertise and experience with similar projects.

Total Points: 25

c. Personnel Qualifications – Do the proposed team members / or individual, have necessary experience and capabilities to carry out the Scope of Work?

Total Points: 25

d. Best Value

Total Points: 25


a. Deadline. Proposals must be received no later than September 23, 2022, 5:00 PM EDT (UTC-04:00). Late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals must be submitted via email to [email protected]. All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed in this RFP.

b. Validity of bid. 120 days from the submission deadline.

c. Clarifications. Questions may be submitted to [email protected] by the specified date and time in the timeline below. The subject of the email must contain the RFP number and title of the RFP. PADF will respond in writing to submitted clarifications by the date specified in the timeline below. Responses to questions that may be of common interest to all bidders will be posted to the PADF website and/or communicated via email.

d.Amendments. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, PADF may, for any reason, modify the RFP documents by amendment which will be posted to the PADF website and/or communicated via email.

e. Timeline of Events

Request for Proposals Issued: September 12, 2022

Clarifications submitted to PADF: September 15, 2022, 5:00 PM EDT

Clarifications provided to known bidders: September 19, 2022

Complete Proposals Due: September 23, 2022, 5:00 PM EDT

Approximate Selection Made: September 30, 2022


Winning bid needs to provide:

  • Demonstrable experience working with USG in developing MEL programs and plans, including but not limited to USAID, DOS, and DOL.
  • Demonstrated experience working with the indicators, goals and achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations 2030 agenda.
  • At least 10 years of experience working on projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Demonstrable knowledge of USG priorities and its cooperation agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean


a. Signed cover page on bidder’s letterhead with the bidder’s contact information.

b. Technical Proposal.

  1. Corporate Capabilities, Experience, Past Performance, and 3 client references. Please include descriptions of similar projects or assignments and at least three client references.
  2. Technical Approach, Methodology and Detailed Work Plan. The Technical Proposal should describe in detail how the bidder intends to carry out the requirements described in the Terms of Reference
  3. Please include a completed Budget Template Provided with this RFP.


Resulting Award

This RFP does not obligate PADF to execute a contract, nor does it commit PADF to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of the proposals. Furthermore, PADF reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of PADF. PADF will, in its sole discretion, select the winning proposal and is not obligated to share individual evaluation results.


All proprietary information provided by the bidder shall be treated as confidential and will not be shared with potential or actual applicants during the solicitation process. This includes but is not limited to price quotations, cost proposals and technical proposals. PADF may, but is not obliged to, post procurement awards on its public website after the solicitation process has concluded, and the contract has been awarded. PADF’s evaluation results are confidential and applicant scoring will not be shared among bidders.

Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

As part of the contractor’s internal controls and standards of employee conduct, the contractor must ensure that its employees adhere to these standards of conduct in a manner consistent with the standards for United Nations (UN) employees in Section 3 of the UN Secretary-General’s Bulletin – Special measures protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (ST/SGB/2003/13).

Contracting with Small, Minority, and Women’s Businesses

PADF will take all necessary steps to assure that minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible.

Debarment and Suspension

Entities that appear on any exclusion lists, System for Award Management (SAM), Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), UN Sanctions List, and other watchlists, will not have their bid evaluated and will not be eligible to receive any subaward that may result from this Request for Proposals.

How to apply

Proposals must be received no later than September 23, 2022, 5:00 PM EDT (UTC-04:00). Late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals must be submitted via email to [email protected]. All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed in this RFP.

For the complete proposal and additional guidelines please visit:

Closing date: 9/23/2022