Planned Parenthood
Request for Proposals:
Message Development and Testing in Uganda and in Senegal: Reframing Abortion, Teenage Pregnancy and SRHR to Resonate with a Broader Audience
Posted on May 13th, 2022
Proposals due by May 25th, 2022
The international division of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Planned Parenthood Global (“Planned Parenthood Global”) is issuing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to carry out the following activity:
Public Opinion Message Development and Testing: Reframing Abortion and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) to Resonate with a Broader Audience
Headquartered in New York, New York, with offices in Uganda, Senegal, Kenya and Burkina Faso, Planned Parenthood Global Inc. is the international arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., the leading provider and advocate of high quality, affordable health care for people, as well as the nation’s largest provider of sex education in the United States. For more than 50 years, Planned Parenthood Global has worked overseas to break down barriers to health care. In partnership with more than 70 organizations across Africa and Latin America, we advance the health and rights of young people, women, and families, with an emphasis on those most historically marginalized.
For more information about Planned Parenthood Global, please visit our website.
The following scope of work represents the expected activities and deliverables by this consultancy in two (2) African countries (Uganda and Senegal). Planned Parenthood Global anticipates the project length to be three (3) months (June 1st to 31 August, 2022).
PP Global seeks African expert consultants to carry out evidence-based message development and innovative testing one in Uganda and one in Senegal
(or both) with a view to reframing abortion and youth access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (herein YSRHR) . The goal is to assess the state of communications and messaging on abortion and YASRHR to the general public. The consultants will develop new culturally-appropriate, value-centered strategy, content and messaging that resonates with a broader public. It is anticipated that new outlets and channels will be identified to help reshape public opinion and ensure that access to abortion, especially for young people.
Stigma against a range of SRHR services including abortion and teenage pregnacies remains an entrenched challenge to realizing access to information and services. In order to protect women and young people’s access to SRHR, it is important to open up discussions to challenge stigma and share accurate information. A powerful way to address abortion and teenage pregnancies-related stigma is to change how we talk about and present them. **
Required activities of the consultancy
- To conduct opinion research to assess opinions around abortion, teenage pregnancy, contraception, and youth access to sexual and reproductive health and rights more broadly — both support for these things and negative opinions and framing that illustrate stigma and opposition to these services.
- Deliverable: Results report and presentation outlining current public opinion obstacles and opportunities. :
- To conduct thorough mapping of the public discourse around abortion and YSRHR to identify the sources, channels, venues and media where key audiences get information about, debate and discuss abortion, YSRHR and related issues
- Deliverable: Map of public discourse around abortions and YSRHR in Uganda and Senegal and identified opportunites to influence it – including identification of key influencers.
- To co-create a messaging framework based on the findings of the research that resonates with and garners support from different target audiences on access to safe and legal abortion and YSRHR.
- Develop an evidence-based message framework that Planned Parenthood Global could take forward across a range of campaigns and platforms in Uganda and Senegal and regionally.
- The final report should include proposed campaign concepts and detail the potential costs and logistics of implementing these concepts including skill.
- To design and implement message testing with key audiences.
Deliverable: Revised messaging framework based on testing with key audiences.
Overall Objectives
This targeting process through public opinion research aims to address the following:
- Identify the barriers and negative attitudes undermining and subverting public support for access to safe and legal abortion and YSRHR.
- Develop evidence-based, culturally appropriate, value-centered content and messaging that influences, reshapes public opinion on safe abortion access and YSRHR
- Inform Planned Parenthood’s Global design appropriate content and messaging that resonates with a broader public in Uganda and Senegal
Minimum qualification requirements:
● Strong research and academic portfolio and work experience in conducting research in Senegal and Uganda (in Africa). **
● Demonstrated experience in opinion polling, message testing, and the development of evidence-based campaigns.
● Experience in advocacy around health, youth or related human rights issues.
● Extensive knowledge of the socio-cultural context of either of the two countries.
● Firms and bilingual consultants are required.
This Section outlines the process and schedule associated with this RFP.
A. Schedule
The following is the schedule for this RFP:
May 13th, 2022: RFP posted
May 25th, 2022: Deadline for RFP Proposal Submissions
May 26th and 27th, 2022: Review of submitted proposals and identification of finalists
May 31th, 2022: Contract negotiation and agreement
June 1st, 2022: Research and testing work starts for 3 months
These dates are subject to change at Planned Parenthood Global’s discretion.
B. Contact information
Henri-Pierre KOUBAKA is the point of contact concerning this RFP. All inquiries should be sent to Henri-Pierre KOUBAKA ([email protected]) with a copy to Ruth Momanyi ([email protected]) and Achieng AKUMU ([email protected]). Respondents should submit questions about the intent or content of this RFP and request clarification of any and all procedures used for this procurement prior to the submission of a Proposal. Respondents must submit their questions in writing by e-mail to the point of contact listed above by 18th May, 2022
C. Proposal Submittal
Please provide an electronic copy of the proposal and a separate electronic copy of the Cost Proposal. All electronic copies should be submitted in PDF format. Each electronic Proposal copy and each electronic Cost Proposal copy shall be emailed to Henri-Pierre KOUBAKA ([email protected]) with a copy to Ruth Momanyi ([email protected]) and Achieng AKUMU ([email protected]).
Planned Parenthood Global reserves the right not to consider any proposal received after the deadline.
- Internet/E-mail Communications
Henri-Pierre KOUBAKA will communicate with Respondents via email. Each Respondent should provide an email address with its response for ease of communication throughout this RFP process.
- Verbal Communications **
Any verbal communication from Planned Parenthood Global’s employees or its contractors concerning this RFP is not binding on Planned Parenthood Global, and shall in no way alter a specification, term or condition of this RFP.
- Amendment
If it is necessary to amend this RFP, Henri-Pierre KOUBAKA will share amendments via email.
- Respondent’s Costs
All costs and expenses incurred by your company in connection with preparing, developing and/or submitting a Proposal, participating in any presentation, or negotiations concerning a definitive agreement, will be borne by your company regardless of whether or not your company is selected. No such costs or expenses may be recouped through any fees for the Requested Services.
5. Withdrawal of Proposal
Respondents may withdraw their Proposal at any time before the deadline for receipt of Proposals. The Respondent must submit a written withdrawal request, addressed to Henri-Pierre KOUBAKA ([email protected]), and signed by the Respondent’s duly authorized representative.
6. Modification of Proposal
A Respondent may submit an amended Proposal before the deadline for receipt of Proposal. Such amended Proposal must be a complete replacement for the previously submitted Proposal and must be clearly identified as such in the transmittal letter to the Vice President.
7. Proposal is an Offer
A Proposal submitted in response to this RFP is a binding offer valid for 180 days after the due date for Proposals or the due date for the receipt of a best and final offer, whichever falls later.
8. Response to RFP is Planned Parenthood Global Property
On the response due date all responses and related material submitted in response to this RFP become the property of Planned Parenthood Global, Inc.
9. Henri-Pierre KOUBAKA or Ruth Momanyi may Cancel the RFP
If Henri-Pierre KOUBAKA or Ruth Momanyi determine it is in Planned Parenthood Globals best interest, they reserves the right to do any of the following:
- Cancel this RFP;
- Modify this RFP in writing as needed; or
- Reject any or all responses received for this RFP.
10. Other Terms of Submission
Nothing contained in this RFP or implied by the Proposed Evaluation Process outlined above shall create any obligation on the part of Planned Parenthood Global to select any firm for the Requested Services. Planned Parenthood Global reserves the right at its sole discretion to select any firm on any basis that it deems appropriate (whether or not such basis is price), to decide not to select a firm or to otherwise modify its approach to the project.
Submission Requirements
To be considered responsive, a proposal must contain the following, prefaced by a table of contents, referenced by number and in the order below. Respondents will also be required to complete and submit the information requested in the appendices section.
A. Proposal Format
All Proposals must be submitted within the prescribed format to facilitate objective review. Any Proposal that materially deviates from this format will be rejected without further consideration of its content. Proposals that contain false or misleading statements or that provide references that do not support an attribute or condition claimed by the Respondent will be rejected. Narratives should provide a concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be on clarity, brevity and completeness of response.
Your Proposal must contain all the information specifically required by this RFP or must acknowledge any information that is not applicable or is otherwise omitted. Planned Parenthood Global reserves the right not to consider any additional information or materials included in or submitted with your Proposal. Your Proposal must be e-signed by an authorized representative of your firm.
The Respondent’s Proposal shall contain the following:
- Cover Letter – The Proposal must be accompanied by a transmittal letter that designates the name, physical address, e-mail address, and the telephone number of the person or persons available for contact concerning the response and who is authorized to make representations on behalf of the Respondent’s organization.
2 . Introduction – Include any introductory remarks, not to exceed 2 pages, deemed appropriate. Briefly discuss such topics as the Respondent’s background, management, facilities, staffing, related experience and financial stability.
- Scope of Work – Provide a narrative, not to exceed 3 pages, describing the general conceptual approach to the delivery of specific services and any other information the Respondent believes is relevant. Please include previous work that demonstrates your ability to carry out the objectives of the consultancy.
- Budget – Specify which Requested Services are included in the base fee for your scope of services. Specify any Requested Services that are not included in your scope of services or that would be available on a separate fee-for-service basis. Responses must include information regarding the proposed amount of compensation for services, either as a lump sum, by hourly rate or by other criteria. The figures provided should include all itemized fees/costs, such as travel. All of the Respondent’s costs should be included in the pricing, as outlined above, and consistent with the requirements outlined throughout this RFP. The pricing must be inclusive of all applicable taxes, exchange rates and/or international and domestic banking fees
How to apply
Please provide an electronic copy of the proposal and a separate electronic copy of the Cost Proposal. All electronic copies should be submitted in PDF format. Each electronic Proposal copy and each electronic Cost Proposal copy shall be emailed to Henri-Pierre KOUBAKA ([email protected]) with a copy to Ruth Momanyi ([email protected]) and Achieng AKUMU ([email protected]).
Planned Parenthood Global reserves the right not to consider any proposal received after the deadline.