Innovations for Poverty Action
- Introduction
- Background
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) is a research and policy nonprofit that creates and shares evidence, while equipping decision-makers to use evidence to reduce poverty. With a presence in 22 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, IPA leads the field of development in cutting-edge research quality, innovation, and impact.
IPA is undertaking a broad assessment of the operating environment in Papua New Guinea to determine the feasibility of registering an office, capacity of local partners, ability to conduct research activities in the country, hire staff, and potential risks associated with IPA’s activities. IPA is seeking an Operations & Startup Consultant in Papua New Guinea to perform key tasks associated with this initial scoping phase with a key focus on the safety and security environment.
- Issuing Office
The Issuing Office and Contact Person noted in the above synopsis is the sole point of contact at IPA for purposes of this RFP. Any prospective offeror who fails to register their interest with this office assumes complete responsibility if they do not receive direct communications (amendments, answers to questions, etc.) prior to the closing date.
- General Instructions to Offerors
“Offeror”, “Subcontractor”, and/or “Bidder” means an individual consultant proposing the work under this RFP. “Offer” and/or “Proposal” means the package of documents the firm submits to propose the work.
Offerors wishing to respond to this RFP must submit proposals in English, in accordance with the following instructions. Offerors are required to review all instructions and specifications contained in this RFP. Failure to do so will be at the Offeror’s risk. If the solicitation is amended, then all terms and conditions not modified in the amendment shall remain unchanged.
Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates IPA to award a subcontract or purchase order. Offerors will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation or submission of their proposal. IPA shall in no case be responsible or liable for these costs.
Proposals are due no later than Friday, 21st October 2022 at 11:00 pm (EST) to be submitted to https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/ab231698bde647c1b9f327b9bdd9d422 Late offers will be rejected.
The submission of a proposal to IPA in response to this RFP will constitute an offer and indicates the Offeror’s agreement to the terms and conditions in this RFP and any attachments hereto. IPA reserves the right not to evaluate a non-responsive or incomplete proposal.
- Instructions for Applications
- Required sections
Qualified candidates are requested to apply online via the link provided in this RFP. The application should contain:
- A cover letter explaining why you are the most suitable candidate for the advertised position.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Financial Proposal – specifying a total lump sum amount for the tasks specified in this RFP
- Services Specified
For this RFP, IPA is in need of an Operations and Startup Consultant in Papua New Guinea as described in the Scope of Work (SoW).
- Instructions for the Preparation of Cost/Price Proposals
It is important to note that all applicable taxes MUST be included. The Subcontractor is responsible for all applicable taxes and fees, as prescribed under the applicable laws for income, compensation, permits, licenses, and other taxes and fees due as required.
The financial proposal MUST be quoted in USD currency.
Any required payment terms must be included in the cost proposal.
- Basis of Award
- Evaluation Criteria
Individual consultants will be evaluated based on a cumulative analysis taking into consideration the combination of the applicants’ qualifications and financial proposal. Only the highest ranked candidates who would be found qualified for the job will be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
The award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
- Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
- Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Sub-criteria (if needed)
Maximum Points
Technical Criteria (70 % of total evaluation)
Refers to the ability to demonstrate relevant experience and technical knowledge of the services required as stated in the Scope of Work (SoW)
Cost (30 % of total evaluation)
Submission of realistic and acceptable financial proposal.
- Best Value Determination
IPA will review all proposals and make an award based on the technical and cost evaluation criteria stated above and select the offeror whose proposal provides the best value to IPA. IPA may also exclude an offer from consideration if it determines that an Offeror is “not responsible”, i.e., that it does not have the management and financial capabilities required to perform the work required.
IPA may award to an Offeror without discussions. Therefore, the initial offer must contain the Offeror’s best price and technical terms.
- Responsibility Determination
IPA will not enter into any type of agreement with an Offeror prior to ensuring the Offeror’s responsibility. When assessing an Offeror’s responsibility, the following factors are taken into consideration:
- Provide evidence of the required statutory and compliance documents to operate in Papua New Guinea.
- Provide evidence of the required qualifications.
- Ability to comply with required or proposed delivery or performance schedules.
- Have a satisfactory past performance record.
- Have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics.
- Have the necessary organization, experience, and operational controls and technical skills.
- Be qualified and eligible to perform work under applicable laws and regulations.
- Inspection & Acceptance
The designated IPA staff will inspect from time to time the services being performed to determine whether the activities are being performed in a satisfactory manner. The subcontractor shall be responsible for any countermeasures or corrective action, within the scope of this RFP, which may be required by the IPA Global Operations Director or other representative as a result of such inspection.
- Compliance with Terms and Conditions
Offerors agree to comply with the general terms and conditions for an award resulting from this RFP. The selected Offeror shall comply with all Terms and Conditions listed in this RFP.
- Procurement Ethics
Neither payment nor preference shall be made by either the Offeror, or by any IPA staff, in an attempt to affect the results of the award. IPA treats all reports of possible fraud/abuse very seriously. Acts of fraud or corruption will not be tolerated, and IPA employees and/or subcontractors/grantees/vendors who engage in such activities will face serious consequences. Any such practice constitutes an unethical, illegal, and corrupt practice and either the Offeror or the IPA staff may report violations to the Toll-Free Ethics and Compliance Anonymous Hotline at +1 844 837 5445. IPA ensures anonymity and an unbiased, serious review and treatment of the information provided. Such practice may result in the cancellation of the procurement and disqualification of the Offeror’s participation in this, and future, procurements.
By submitting an offeror, Offerors certify that they have not/will not attempt to bribe or make any payments to IPA employees in return for preference, nor have any payments with Terrorists, or groups supporting Terrorists, been attempted.
- Scope of Work (SoW) for Operations & Startup Consultant for Papua New Guinea
- Objective
Gather information on key aspects of the operating environment for INGOs in Papua New Guinea to enable IPA to make an informed decision about registering an office or conducting activities through remote oversight.
- Key Activities
The consultant will support IPA with the following activities in consultation with key IPA stakeholders:
LOT 1: Operations – Start-up Scope
- Support efforts to locate and engage local counsel with INGO experience, including in areas of registration, entity compliance over time, and labor issues.
- Make recommendations for effective recruitment strategies for research and operations staff.
- Help identifying potential competitors to IPA and support budgeting for operational and staffing costs.
- Assess the capacity of potential partners and survey firms in the country for data collection services.
- Assess options for various business and programmatic activities and help make connections with key suppliers/actors, including: international banking and payment services, international and domestic travel, human resources support (such as employer of record services), office space availability and security, vehicle rental services and associated safety needs, security service providers, etc.
- Other startup operational support services as needed.
LOT 2: Operations – Security Scope
- Conduct a comprehensive Security Risk assessment of key locations in Papua New Guinea to include identification of key threats and vulnerabilities, as well as recommendations for actions to mitigate risk to IPA staff, consultants/contractors, property, and reputation.
- Develop a Country Safety & Security Plan focused on IPA staff flying in from other locations to oversee activities and for those based in the country.
- Other security related support services as needed.
NB: The SoW has been split into two lots. Bidders are allowed to tender for one or both Lots. Each lot will be evaluated in accordance with the Evaluation Criteria. Prior applicants should reapply.
Comprehensive Security Risk Assessment of key locations in Papua New Guinea
Assessment of general business operating environment and key potential partners and service providers for IPA
Competitors’ analysis
Operational and staffing costs budget
Country Safety & Security Plan relevant to IPA anticipated operations
- Qualifications:
Prior work experience in Papua New Guinea required
Experience conducting security risk assessments and developing safety and security plans for the international development context required
Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including ability to effectively communicate with internal and external customers
Excellent computer proficiency (MS Office – Word, Excel and Outlook)
Must be able to work under pressure and meet deadlines, while maintaining a positive attitude and providing exemplary customer service
Ability to work independently and to carry out assignments to completion within parameters of instructions given, prescribed routines, and standard accepted practices
Bachelor’s degree required, Master’s degree preferred**.**
- Timeline:
This project is expected to take a total of 3 months (November 2022 to January 2023) at about 20 hours a week, Duration can be expanded or contracted based on weekly availability of the consultant.
- Terms and Conditions
- The Request for Proposal is not and shall not be considered an offer by IPA.
- All responses must be received on or before the date and time indicated on the RFP.
- All proposals will be considered binding offers. Prices proposed must be valid for entire period provided by respondent.
- All awards will be subject to IPA contractual terms and conditions and contingent on the availability of donor funding.
- IPA reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or cancel the solicitation process at any time and shall have no liability to the proposing organizations submitting proposals for such rejection or cancellation of the request for proposals.
- IPA reserves the right to accept all or part of the proposal when award is provided.
- All information provided by IPA in this RFP is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to change at any time, and all bidders will be provided with notification of any changes. IPA is not responsible or liable for any use of the information submitted by bidders or for any claims asserted therefrom.
- IPA reserves the right to require any bidder to enter into a non-disclosure agreement.
- The bidders are solely obligated to pay for any costs, of any kind whatsoever, which may be incurred by bidder or any third parties, in connection with the Response. All responses and supporting documentation shall become the property of IPA, subject to claims of confidentiality in respect of the response and supporting documentation, which have been clearly marked confidential by the bidder.
- IPA shall solely own all intellectual property (e.g. datasets, material, etc.) created under the resulting award
How to apply