Programme Management Specialist

  • Contract
  • Bangkok Thailand

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.


Background Information – Job-specific

UNOPS supports partners to build a better future by providing services that increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of peacebuilding, humanitarian, and development projects. Mandated as a central resource of the United Nations, UNOPS provides sustainable project management, procurement, and infrastructure services to a wide range of governments, donors, and United Nations organizations.

New York Service Cluster (NYSC) supports the United Nations Secretariat, as well as other New York-based United Nations organizations, bilateral and multilateral partners in the delivery of UNOPS mandate in project management, infrastructure management, and procurement management.

Sustainable Development Cluster (SDC) supports diverse partners with peacebuilding, humanitarian, and development operations. It was formed by combining the following portfolios: Grants Management Services (GMS), UN Technology Support Services (UNTSS), Development and Special Initiatives Portfolio (DSIP). It provides Services to partners’ programmes that are designed, structured, and managed with a global perspective and primarily serving partners headquartered in New York. The SDC has a footprint of approximately 125 countries.

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) is implemented by UNDP’s Local Action Cluster of the Nature, Climate and Energy (NCE) unit of BPPS on behalf of the GEF Partnership. It is executed by UNOPS. The Global ICCA (indigenous peoples and local communities) Support Initiative (GSI) is funded by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment (BMU) International Climate Initiative. The SGP and ICCA GSI are signature programmes and a central part of the UNDP Local Action Cluster of NCE.

SGP grant making promotes community-based innovation in addressing global environmental issues and improved, more sustainable livelihoods through initiatives led by civil society and community organizations, with special consideration for indigenous peoples, women, youth and persons with disabilities. SGP has supported over 25,000 community-based projects in over 125 countries in biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable land management, protection of international waters, and sound chemicals and waste management. Over the years, SGP has developed extensive partnerships at global, national and local levels. See for further background information.

The Nature, Climate and Energy team within the UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) in New York exercises strategic, technical and fiduciary oversight for all of its GEF and bilateral partnership activities, including the SGP. Within the NCE, the Local Action Cluster Coordination team, through the SGP Central Programme Management Team, provides the overall global management of the SGP, including strategic, thematic, and operational guidance and support to Country Programmes. As the responsible Executing Agency for numerous partnerships, UNOPS provides services to UNDP for human resources, administrative, financial and legal aspects of grant-making and country operations.

The Programme Management Specialist will act as a Regional Programme Specialist for the Local Action Cluster in Asia and the Pacific (SGP Regional Focal Point), and form part of the SGP Central Programme Management Team (CPMT) and the Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH). He/she will contribute to Local Action cluster strategic objectives as follows: responsibility for execution support to Local Action Country Programmes in Asia and the Pacific; implementation of the GEF Small Grants Programme (including GEF, Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) and other donor finances), Global ICCA Support Initiative (GSI), and other partnerships; supervision of Country Programme staff vis a vis Country Programme Strategy development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; as well as identification of upscaling, resource mobilization, and knowledge generation opportunities regarding local actions.

The Programme Management Specialist will provide implementation support to the SGP and partnerships globally with a particular focus on the Asia and Pacific region under the NCE Local Action Cluster. He/she will contribute to Local Action cluster strategic objectives by supporting the implementation and monitoring of the GEF, ICCA GSI, CBA and other SGP partnerships, based on an evolving assessment of country demands.

This is a position to support a project which UNOPS is implementing for the United Nations Development Programme. The incumbent of this position will be personnel of UNOPS under its full responsibility.

Functional Responsibilities:

Under the direct supervision of the Global Manager of the GEF Small Grants Programme – on behalf of the Local Action Cluster – and UNDP/NCE’s Regional Team Leader, and under the close coordination of the ICCA GSI Global Manager in collaboration with other Local Action staff, the incumbent will actively support the implementation of the overall programme of work of the Local Action cluster with specific focus on SGP as the operational backbone of the cluster, and will perform the following specific duties:

  1. Strategic and Technical Guidance including Coordination with Regional Advisors
  • Keep abreast of developments in BMU IKI(International Climate Initiative), GEF and other donor policies and programming directions to support the implementation of international frameworks and multilateral environmental treaties relating to sustainable development and Agenda 2030, Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and other related conventions, particularly in relation to the Asia and Pacific region;
  • Contribute inputs to the BMU IKI, GEF SGP and other donors, regarding the role of IPLCs(Indigenous peoples and local communities) and CSOs(Civil Society Organizations) in the Asia-Pacific with a focus on green/blue COVID-19 recovery, the blue economy, nature-based solutions, climate change adaptation, scaling up and broader adoption, partnership building and networking, policy dialogues and advocacy, sustainable livelihoods, disaster risk reduction and resilience.
  • Undertake periodic reviews of the Local Action portfolio and monitor implementation progress in achieving global objectives in the Asia-Pacific region, as specified in the Global ICCA Support Initiative and SGP global strategies.
  • Coordinate technical support to Local Action Country Programmes in Asia and the Pacific on Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable Agriculture, Land Degradation and Sustainable Forest Management, Climate Change, International Waters, Chemicals and Waste Management, and issues related to SIDS(Small Island Developing States) by liaising with the corresponding Regional Technical Advisors (RTAs) or other experts;

Key Results: UNDP Local Action is widely recognized for its ability to deliver local sustainable development and global environmental benefits in the Asia-Pacific region.

  1. Development Impact, Knowledge Management & Learning
  • Keep track of the Local Action project portfolio related to the ICCA GSI and SGP, including CBA, in the Asia-Pacific region, including monitoring of results and information in the database;
  • Identify lessons learned and best practices both at the global and Country Programme levels, and ensure adequate dissemination of the same at the global level in collaboration with the Local Action Knowledge Management team and other relevant staff through development of analytical and case studies of the portfolio and other knowledge management products;
  • Participate in and provide inputs for major evaluation processes, including the periodic independent evaluations of the ICCA GSI and SGP, as well as country-based evaluations;
  • Support and provide inputs related to the Asia-Pacific region in the preparation of ICCA GSI and SGP, including CBA, Annual Monitoring Reports and relevant BMU IKI, GEF, and UNDP documents, particularly sections relevant to the demonstration of Local Action impacts.
  • Provide strategic guidance to the Local Action Country Programmes on Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) and support the preparation of reports;
  • Facilitate up-scaling of Local Action projects by assisting country teams in the development of medium and full-sized projects, country and global policy linkages, and collaboration with other bilateral donors and external partners;
  • Work with the partners of the SGP and ICCA GSI, including reporting to all relevant donors and partners in relation to the Asia-Pacific region

Key Results: UNDP Local Action is widely recognized as a source of cutting-edge tools, knowledge and information relating to community-based approaches in relation to ICCAs and Indigenous Peoples, community empowerment, poverty alleviation, and sustainable development

3. Execution and Management of Country Programmes

  • Provide overall supervision and support of Local Action Country Programmes, including facilitation of the recruitment by UNOPS and UNDP Country Offices of Local Action Country Programme staff, and review and approval of NSC composition for the Asia-Pacific region;
  • Coordinate with UNOPS the financial monitoring and review of programmatic delivery in Asia and the Pacific region (countries to be assessed on a periodic basis);
  • Coordinate Local Action Country Programme operations in Asia and the Pacific with UNOPS team, review relevant documents and reports, identify problems and issues to be addressed and initiate corrective actions, liaising with relevant UNOPS portfolio managers and ensuring follow-up actions;
  • Continuously explore opportunities to improve efficiency of Local Action Country Programme operations in the region in collaboration with UNDP COs and UNOPS;
  • Maintain regular contacts with UNOPS colleagues on coordination and policy matters relevant to Local Action;
  • Conduct execution support, monitoring, and trouble-shooting missions to back-stop the successful implementation of Local Action Country Programmes, as relevant.
  • Provide execution support of regional portfolios, financial monitoring, and review of regional programmatic deliveryPerform supervisory functions for Local Action National Coordinators’ performance as the Local Action focal point for the assigned countries in the region.
  • Perform supervisory functions for Local Action National Coordinators’ performance as the Local Action focal point for the assigned countries in the region.
  • Advise Local Action Country Programmes during the preparation and revision of Country Programme strategies (CPS), and coordinate technical inputs on implementation and monitoring at Country Programme and project levels;
  • Advise Country Programmes on UNDP, BMU IKI, GEF, and other relevant policies and their implications for Country Programme management covering all related technical, policy and operational aspects;
  • Coordinate with UNDP NCE Regional Team Leaders (RTLs), Regional Technical Advisors (RTAs) and Local Action National Coordinators (NCs) in UNDP regional initiatives and activities.

Key Results: UNDP Local Action country operations in Asia-Pacific region are implemented efficiently and effectively as part of coherent global programme.

4. Programme Policy Development and Support

  • Contribute to Local Action strategy development, facilitating consultative processes in the preparation of proposal development for thematic and regional initiatives;
  • Act as Local Action focal point and contribute to the discussions at UNDP, GEF, and other donors and partners regarding community-based approaches and achievements in Asia and the Pacific;
  • Support efforts to strengthen collaboration between UNDP Local Action and other partners as part of the UNDP mandate to build capacity of civil society and safeguard environmental services for the vulnerable communities and address gender concerns;
  • Support and provide inputs to the preparation and organization of the Steering Committee meetings of the GEF-SGP and the preparation of GEF Council papers, as appropriate;
  • Contribute to strategic planning and development of operational policies and procedures of Local Action management and supervision of Country Programmes at the global level;
  • Facilitate the understanding of, and support to, the implementation of decisions by donors and other authorities in relation to Local Action programmes and activities.

Key Results: UNDP Local Action is widely recognized for its ability to deliver global environmental benefits, contribute to poverty reduction, and lead to the empowerment of marginalized and vulnerable populations.

5. Partnership Development & Resource Mobilization

  • Assist, as relevant, NCE colleagues at regional and global levels in the development of Local Action partnerships with bilateral donors, multi-lateral organizations, private sector, foundations, and non-traditional donors to mobilize additional resources for relevant regional initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region as well as for SGP and ICCAs at the global level;
  • Collaborate with partners to increase programmatic impact and visibility of UNDP Local Action at the regional level, ensuring donor visibility and in compliance with donor policies and regulations;
  • Work with other UN agencies to promote delivery of Local Action in order to maximize global environmental, socio-economic and other benefits;
  • Identify new partnerships opportunities and donors to generate greater programme and portfolio impacts;

Key Results: Continued growth in the quality, scope, and impact of UNDP Local Action partnerships and leverage financial and technical expertise with relevant organizations at relevant levels.

Education/Experience/Language requirements

Female Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply

Education Requirements:

  • Master’s degree preferably in community development, natural resource management, climate change, rural development or other closely related field.

Required Work Experience:

  • A minimum of five (5) years of experience in the design, implementation and/or management of projects and application of integrated community-based approaches on conservation and environmental issues, including at least three years of related work with civil society organizations in one or more developing countries.
  • Working experience in the Asia and Pacific region is required;

Desirable experience (the following experience is optional candidates who do not have it are welcome to apply)

  • Working experience at the field and country levels on community-based initiatives as well as engaging with Indigenous Peoples is an asset
  • Familiarity with the work of UNDP, the Global Environment Facility, including the Small Grants Programme, or other similar grant-making programmes is an asset;
  • Experience in strategic planning, partnership development, systems analysis, and organization of complex programmes an asset.

Language Requirements:

  • Excellent verbal and written communication in English essential;
  • Spoken and written fluency in French highly desirable

Contract type, level and duration

Contract type: Fixed-Term Staff Appointment Contract level: P-3 Contract duration: One year initially, renewable subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability.

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How to apply