Protection Expert – Venezuela

CESVI – Cooperazione e Sviluppo Onlus

Cesvi has been working in Venezuela since 2019, implementing its projects in the sectors of emergency and protection including child protection and prevention of SGBV. Cesvi is currently implementing projects in Zulia, Falcon, and Sucre States.

The ECHO project is implemented by a Consortium of international and national NGOs and responds to the protracted humanitarian crisis in Venezuela by improving the availability of safe and quality protection, primary health services, and humanitarian assistance to most vulnerable people and communities in a protective environment.

In particular, the Cesvi component aims at improving access to comprehensive protection services, Health care, and Sexual and Reproductive Health services with special emphasis on victims of SGBV and trafficking.

In Sucre, CESVI is implementing an integrated project funded by OCHA (livelihood, health, protection).

The Protection expert will be the reference focal point of the mission and will provide the project the necessary technical support and management in order to guarantee the quality of the Project Results related to Protection/SRH sectors.

The collaboration will start from the 15th of May 2023 onwards.

The main duty station will be the Country Office in Venezuela (Caracas), with frequent field visits country-wide, specifically in Zulia, Falcon and States.

The Protection Expert will report to the Head of Mission (HoM) in the field and Area Manager at HQ. He/she will collaborate closely with Cesvi staff in Venezuela and project consortium members.

The Collaborator will:

Ø Define, and implement the strategy and implementation modalities of the project protection activities for the project locations;

Ø Provide technical support for the implementation of protection-related activities;

Ø Supervision and accompaniment of the Caracas-based Protection team, coordinating with PM and local site coordinators their work with field teams and local IPs.

Ø In collaboration with the projects manager ensure the proper activities’ planning, monitoring, implementation and reporting;

Ø In collaboration with the projects manager ensure the proper monitoring of the indicators of the expected results, including through the development of monitoring tools;

Ø Upon request from HoM and in coordination with Admin Coord, support the local staff selection and training according to the project’s activities and in compliance with applicable procedures and safe recruitment procedures.

Ø Ensure capacity building of the local partners and the training of its key staff.

Ø Ensure the proper application of Donor and Cesvi’s procedures;

Ø Conduct data analysis, need assessments, and draft proposals for new projects

Ø In case of need, coordinate the opening and consolidate the Cesvi’s new basis

Ø Ensure the proper administrative-financial management of the activities, ensuring that expenditures are in line with the financial plan;

Ø Guarantee the respect of Cesvi Safeguarding procedures and standards

Ø Organize and manage monitoring field visits by the Donor and Cesvi HQ;

Ø Maintain an active network of Protection actors (in humanitarian response and public authorities).

Ø Participation in sectorial clusters, sharing a periodical update with HoM.


  • University degree or postgraduate degree, preferably in the International Development/Humanitarian sector and/or Psychology/Social Sciences
  • Minimum 3-5 years of relevant experience in the NGO environment in management and implementation of projects funded by institutional Donors, in the sectors of humanitarian protection/GBV
  • Proven experience in managing Protection projects in humanitarian contexts
  • Fair understanding of budget issues in humanitarian projects (i.e. administrative and financial planning)
  • Good reporting skills, analysis of project’s indicators and objectives
  • Fluency in English (written and spoken)
  • High proficiency of Spanish – written and spoken
  • Strong adherence to security guidelines


  • Post-degreePost degree specialization in international cooperation/protectionon/GBV.
  • Previous working experience in Venezuela and/or Latin America Countries.
  • Previous experience in the implementation of humanitarian projects in partnership with local NGOs and in capacity building of local entities.
  • Previous experience of managing ECHO-funded Actions
  • Proven experience in realization of need assessment/project proposal development
  • Previous experience in risky and hostile countries/environments.
  • Hostile Environment Awareness Training

SAFEGUARDING Cesvi applica una politica di tolleranza zero contro ogni forma di abuso, sfruttamento e/o danno arrecato a un bambino o a un adulto vulnerabile da parte di membri dello staff o dai partner dell’Organizzazione.L’impegno di Cesvi ad essere un’organizzazione sicura inizia con il processo di selezione del personale che prevede controlli meticolosi, quali il controllo del casellario giudiziale o la verifica di condanne precedenti. Questa procedura è finalizzata a garantire la protezione di bambini e di persone vulnerabili e la prevenzione di qualsiasi forma di abuso. Tali verifiche costituiscono parte integrante del processo di selezione del personale.

SAFEGUARDING Cesvi has a zero-tolerance approach to any harm to, or exploitation of, a child or a vulnerable adult by any of our staff, related persons or partners.Cesvi commitment to being a safe organization begins with the staff recruitment process which includes meticulous checks, such as criminal records checks or check disclosure of previous convictions, to ensure children and vulnerable people are safeguarded and abuse is prevented. Safeguarding checks are part of the selection process performance.

TU 81-08 Cesvi presta particolare attenzione alla salvaguardia della salute di tutte le risorse umane dell’Organizzazione e dunque a tutela del collaboratore è prevista, prima della partenza, la valutazione di idoneità alla posizione per ciascuna missione. Tale valutazione sarà a carico del medico competente dell’Organizzazione, che esaminerà anche le coperture vaccinali, inclusa la vaccinazione anti-Covid19.

HEALTH SAFEGUARDING Cesvi pays particular attention to safeguarding the health of all the human resources of the Organisation. Therefore, in order to protect its staff, an assessment of their suitability for the position in each mission is carried out before departure. Such assessment is done by the Occupational Doctor of the Organisation, who will also examine the vaccination coverage, including the anti-Covid19 vaccination.

How to apply

To apply:

Deadline: 31 Mar 2023