International Organization for Migration
Position Information
Position title: Prototype Designer
Duty Station: IOM-Bahrain
Duration: 38 days, over 2 months
Reporting directly to: Head of Labour Mobility & Human Development, IOM-Bahrain
Overall supervision by: Chief of Mission, IOM-Bahrain
Requirements for application: Submission of CV and Portfolio
Organizational Context and Scope
In recent years, different Governments in the Gulf have introduced labour reforms to promote sustainable development and better protection to migrant workers in their countries.
While migrant workers have contributed greatly across the region, they are often undervalued and confronted with several vulnerabilities that can expose them to significant risk. To address this, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) supports Governments and other stakeholders in developing tailored orientation programmes with key information targeting migrant workers.
To calculate the success of the orientation programmes, a management system must be designed to ensure that orientations are being delivered sustainably and responsibly, with special attention to data collection, and report generating, among other functions. This will be an easy-to-use system that will be the main tool to manage key aspects of the programme.
The Prototype Developer will be responsible for creatively conceptualizing and developing a tailored management system prototype for orientation programmes, along with putting together a simple user guide. S/hewill report directly to the Head of Labour Mobility & Human Development, IOM-Bahrain and will be expected to work closely with different shareholders.
Consultancy Objective
The objective of this consultancy is to develop a tailored and easy-to-use management system prototype that will act as a structure for sustainably managing and evaluating orientation programmes.
The Prototype Developer will conduct the following activities for the pilot phase of the project, as well as others deemed necessary during the project development :
- Collaborate with IOM Bahrain and different stakeholders to conceptualise, develop, and design a scalable platform/system that will be used to manage and evaluate the success of orientation programmes for migrant workers (5 days)
- Put together a concept note on the proposed design with reasons as to why it is the best fit for this project (2 days)
- Develop prototype that shows the various functions of the management system; (12 days)
- Attend meetings with relevant stakeholders to ensure the platform meets all needs; (2 days)
- Perform all forms of testing to ensure the operability of all the features of the management system; (5 days)
- Present the initial prototype internally, and possibly to other stakeholders; (1 day)
- Finalise the prototype based on testing, reviews, and recommendations; (4 days)
- Create a plan for integration and maintenance for ICT staff involved in the project; (1 day)
- Create a user guide to be able to use the prototype as a management system for orientation programmes; (4 days)
- Recommend how this system can be customised to different countries and needs; (1 day)
- Provide maintenance instructions and a brief post-delivery report (1 day)
Deliverables and Expected Schedule
The schedule of delivery is expected to be as follows:
Key Output
Indicative timeframe for delivery
Completed consultations with IOM and other stakeholders : 2 weeks from signing the contract
Design proposal/concept note : 3 weeks from signing the contract
Present initial prototype and make continuous adjustment, where required : 5 weeks from signing the contract
Finalize prototype based on reviews and recommendations : 7 weeks from signing the contract
Develop content for a user guide for the approved prototype : 8 weeks from signing the contract
The desired candidate is expected to demonstrate the following values and competencies:
- Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible
- Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organisational principles/rules and standards of conduct
- Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent, and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.
Behavioural Indicators
- Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimise results
- Flexible: finds alternative solutions creatively and adapts to possible changes with a positive attitude
- Delivering results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action-oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes
- Managing and sharing knowledge: continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge, and innovate
- Accountability: takes ownership for achieving the Organisation’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own action and delegated work
- Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring, and motivational way.
- Degree related to project management, IT, data collection, monitoring and analysis preferred;
- A minimum of 3 years of work experience in the field of web/system development, programming, or IT;
- Demonstrated research and technical experience on topics related to management systems and data collection, including carrying out primary and secondary data collection;
- Strong knowledge of visual design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Microsoft etc;
- Experience in project coordination, reporting, monitoring, and data management;
- Familiarity with different management system types and their functions;
- Experience providing design support and system/user guides;
Professional fluency in spoken and written English is required.
Confidentiality Agreement
Contracted consultants are not permitted to use any of his/her gathered data, reported findings, contributions to the draft and final reports to further his/her personal research.
How to apply
Application Process
Qualified interested candidates should submit their CVs together with a portfolio of relevant work to IOM Bahrain ([email protected]) on or before Wednesday 5th of October 2022. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Closing date: 5-Oct-22