George Washington University
GWI is seeking a consultant to support the work of the Building GBV Evidence program by providing technical support for non-GBV specialist organizations collecting data on GBV-related norms and attitudes with women, girls, men and boys in humanitarian contexts. We are seeking a consultant who can help develop psychosocial support protocols and training materials for staff/data collectors who are collecting data on GBV-related issues (attitudes and norms) and encounter incidents of spontaneous disclosure of experiences of GBV or other forms of abuse (including early marriage/pressure to marry, sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse). The consultant will also conduct a virtual training of trainers (ToT) for partner staff.
The expected activities of the consultant are as follows:
- Conduct virtual interviews/focus groups with GWI and partner staff (including HQ and field-based staff) on needs for psychosocial support during data collection exercises (expected approximately 2 group/individual interviews with GWI and partner HQ staff and 2 group interviews with partner field staff in Lebanon and Uganda).
- Develop a protocol to support data collectors about how to support research/M&E participants who either spontaneously disclose an incidence of violence during data collection activities (while no specific questions about individual experiences of violence are asked – topics such as violence occurring in fictional stories and other questions about acceptance of violence are included) or who experience distress/suicidal thoughts/other psychosocial concerns during data collection. The protocol should focus on identifying signs of distress, providing psychosocial first aid and identifying when further specialized support may be needed.
- The consultant will develop a powerpoint and facilitator guide for use by partner staff when training data collectors on the protocol.
- The consultant will conduct a virtual TOT (1 or 2 half day sessions) with partner staff on the developed materials.
Full TOR available: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EH59t_2F-5UhjPhs47XfKUn6hIoXCEs7/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108898994703029231117&rtpof=true&sd=true
How to apply
Please provide a short (no more than 2 pages) technical proposal and associated daily rate/total cost estimate to [email protected] by 31st August 2022.
Closing date: 8/31/2022