Terre des hommes Foundation Child Relief
Organization and Context background information
Terre des hommes Foundation – Helping Children Worldwide (Tdh) started its operations in Iraq in December 2014, responding to needs of children and youth between the age group of 9-22 years, affected by the ISIL-driven crisis of 2014-2017. Tdh is currently working in 22 districts within 5 governorates (Anbar, Kirkuk, Ninewa, Baghdad and Salah al-Din), providing humanitarian and development assistance in the sectors of Child Protection, Juvenile Justice, Education and WASH through a NEXUS approach.
Since mid-2018, Tdh is a leading agency in Iraq on Juvenile Justice/Access to Justice cooperating with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) and other national and international partners to advance the agenda of youth and child-friendly justice. Tdh operates in a total of 13 deprivation of liberty centers for children and youth across the country providing legal, psychosocial support, educational and reintegration assistance to around 1,700 boys, girls, young women and young men.
Since September 2021, Tdh implements the project “Vulnerable children and youth in Mosul and Tal Kaif, especially returnees and IDPs, with perceived association with armed groups enjoy a safe community in an improved social cohesion” funded by GIZ. The project is implemented in one juvenile facility and it includes the following axes of support: (1) reintegration programs and aftercare services, including family counselling (2) reintegration kits (3) child-friendly legal services (4) tailored case management (5) group psychosocial and life skill sessions (6) activities to maintain and strengthen family relationship in detention (7) peaceful co-existence activities in the community; and (8) training of MoJ staff on the protection of children in contact with the law.
Tdh program offers a framework of intervention for preventing violent extremism by promoting an integrated and more cohesive society where youth from various backgrounds and groups can thrive and strengthen their resilience. The objective is to establish the conditions for children and human rights to thrive and be protected, through creating an enabling environment with peaceful and resilient communities that reject violent narratives and extremist enabling factors, in which youth can reject violent groups.
The project activities aim at promoting the effective use of agency of children and youth at risk of being groomed by violent groups, enchaining their participation throughout the reintegration process, and equipping them with a range of experiences, skills, and assets in order to transition to adulthood and have the resilience to overcome adversity. Additionally, restorative practices, social cohesion and peace education activities foster a safe space for dissent, critical thinking, constructive dialogue, tolerance and peaceful conflict resolution.
Through the service provided, the community-based initiatives and restorative practices, youth and communities are able to present young people attractive alternatives and tools of resilience. Such alternative pathways may include sport and vocational training; cathartic facilities including public debate, civic action and opportunities to engage in non-violent initiatives; opportunities to build skills in critical thinking, creativity thinking, safe idea experimentation, and mutually respectful dialogue; and facilities to provide information, guidance and support to those at risk of or wishing to disengage from a violent group.
PVE Capitalization and Lessons Learnt Expert (international)
Terre des hommes (Tdh) Iraq delegation is seeking to contract an international expert that displays the human, ethical and technical capacities in leading and facilitating learning and capitalization exercises an Access to Justice (A2J) project focused on prevention of violent extremism (PVE).
- Objective and deliverables of the assignment
The objective of this exercise is to facilitate the learning, transfer of knowledge and sharing of good practices resulting from the experience of implementing the present project funded by GIZ addressing the issue of violent extremism through A2J services for children and youth in conflict with the law with a specific focus on children accused of terrorism related offenses.
The lessons learned and the good practices should lead to the awareness of key stakeholders on the current challenges in the A2J system in Iraq and come up with joint recommendations towards a restorative justice system in Iraq and inform future programming.
In addition, the purpose of the exercise will be to consolidate all training modules developed under GIZ project in one coherent and user-friendly Manual.
More specifically the objectives of the assignment are:
- Capitalization of good practices, including approaches and training provided, based on Tdh and key stakeholders experience (desk review and KIIs with key stakeholders (list to identified with Tdh focal point)
- One workshop with key stakeholders at the national level to share best practices and to analyze challenges and identify areas for improvement
- Draw joint recommendations for areas that need further work
- Report including the capitalization of experience and recommendations for future interventions.
- Key deliverables
The following deliverables are expected from this assignment:
- Methodology and report of the capitalization of good practices and lessons learned based on a participatory review process of Tdh Iraq A2J and key stakeholders programming and interventions.
- Facilitate one day workshop with the management and programme team to validate the review findings and elicit the lessons learnt.
- A cohesive and user-friendly training manual that consolidates all training materials/modules developed by Tdh under the present project.
- Facilitation methodology and guide for the 1 day external workshop with key stakeholders to be validated by Tdh and GIZ prior to the event.
- Facilitate 1 day sharing of good practices and lessons learnt event with key stakeholders in Baghdad.
- Final mission report outlining the best practices and the challenges and recommendations drawn from all the stakeholders during the participatory learning workshop. This report would support Tdh and GIZ work with the government of Iraq on implementing strategic programming on PVE and disengagement of children in armed conflicts in Iraq.
- Alignment
The workshop is part of the current GIZ-Slim funded project in Mosul and GIZ and Tdh strategic priorities to strengthening programming on PVE and access to justice for children and youth in Iraq.
Some resources to consult for the workshop:
- Reconceptualizing the drivers of violent extremism: an agenda for child & youth resilience; Terre des hommes – helping children worldwide & WANA Institute 2018
- National Security Council, Strategy to Combat Violent Extremism, Conducive to Terrorism, For an Iraqi Society that is Safe, Renounces Extremism, and Trusts in Peace and Coexistence, First Edition – Baghdad – 2019
- A Child-Resilience Approach to Preventing Violent Extremism Publication produced by the Office of the SRSG on Violence against Children in 2019
- Analytic Tools for Understanding and Designing P/CVE Programs 2018 USIP
- Access to Justice for Children and Youth in counter-terrorism contexts; Terre des hommes, July 2021
- A2J MENA Reintegration of Children in Conflict with the Law “Give a chance, but a real one”; Terre des hommes, March 2020
- Modalities and Timeline
The service is expected to be carried out between 25 May until 30 June 2022 for a total 20 days of service. The external workshop with key stakeholders will be organized on 21 June 2022.
A preferred timeframe and number of days is attached to this TOR (see Annex I attached).
Tdh Iraq will cover the transportation cost and accommodation of the consultant in the country. Per diem fees should be included in the total fees requested for the services.
- Requirements for the expert
The expert should meet the following conditions, qualifications and experience:
- Very good knowledge and understanding of the juvenile justice programme and prevention of violent extremism topics and concepts.
- Demonstrated experience in facilitating capitalization and lessons learnt exercises.
- Expertise in adult learning methodologies and facilitation of participatory workshops with stakeholders from various sectors including governmental sector.
- Familiar with the MENA context and particularly of Iraq.
- Ability to be creative, open and take instruction.
- Ability to work under time constraints.
- Very Good planning and time management skills.
- Good communication and writing skills in English.
- Ethical considerations
The consultant/consulting agency must sign the Terre des hommes Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct and be willing to adhere to its principles and expected practices. If a breach of the policy or code of conduct takes place the consultancy will be terminated immediately without any financial burden on Tdh.
- Disclaimer on copyright, data protection
All documents, project designs, drawings, data and information shall be treated as confidential and shall not without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. In addition, the consultant(s) formally undertakes not to disclose any parts of the confidential information and shall not, without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. The utilization of the report is solely at the decision and discretion of Tdh. All the documents containing both raw data/materials provided by Tdh and final report, both soft and hard copies are to be returned to Tdh upon completion of the assignment. All documentation and reports written as, and as a result of the research or otherwise related to it, shall remain the property of Tdh. No part of the report shall be reproduced except with the prior, expressed and specific written permission of Tdh.
The expert will work under the leadership of Head of Programme (HoP) and the Child Protection Coordinator of Tdh Iraq, with the technical support of the Regional A2J Advisor of the Middle East North Africa (MENA) zone.
Annex 1
How to apply
The interested applicants should submit to the procurement department at the e-mail: “[email protected]” with writing the exact subject (PVE Capitalization and Lessons Learnt Expert ). Otherwise CV not be accepted.
- A letter of Interest highlighting the experience with services related to the consultancy
- An updated CV
- Similar related publications/tools that the applicant has developed
- Financial offer for the consultancy based on the number of days outlined in Annex I and a confirmation of availability for the whole duration of the assignment.
please be informed that the application will be selected on rolling base