Position: REACH Geographic Information System (GIS) Officer
Department: REACH
Location: Mogadishu
Contract Duration: 6 months
Direct Hierarchy: Senior GIS Officer
Starting date: May 2023
Background on ACTED
Created in 1993, ACTED is an international non-governmental organization pursuing a dual mandate of emergency response and development interventions in 40 of some of the world’s most vulnerable countries affected by conflicts, disasters, or socio-economic hardship. With a team of 7,000 national staff and 400 international staff, ACTED implements 500 projects a year to support more than 20 million beneficiaries, notably in hard-to-reach areas.
ACTED goes to the last mile through programs and approaches that look beyond the immediate emergency towards opportunities for longer term livelihood reconstruction and sustainable development. Guided by the motto “Think Local, Act Global” and its 3Zero –Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, and Zero Poverty – strategy, ACTED puts local territories at the centre and provides a tailored support to local needs.
REACH was born in 2010 as a joint initiative of two INGOs (IMPACT Initiatives and ACTED) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT). REACH’s purpose is to promote and facilitate the development of information products that enhance the humanitarian community’s decision making and planning capacity for emergency, reconstruction, and development contexts, supporting, and working within the framework of the humanitarian reform process. REACH facilitates information management for aid actors through three complementary services: (a) need and situation assessments facilitated by REACH teams; (b) situation analysis using satellite imagery; (c) provision of related database and (web)-mapping facilities and expertise.
REACH has been operating in Somalia since 2012 and has multiple research cycles including two large-scale national assessments (Joint Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment and Detailed Site Assessment) as well as several other smaller assessments all aimed at providing intersectoral analysis of the response. In addition, there is a cash and markets team, which provide third party monitoring to the largest cash consortium in Somalia and Joint Market monitoring for the Shelter, NFI and WASH clusters.
REACH is looking for professionally confident, self-motivated, experienced, and committed team player to fill the positionGIS Officer, Mogadishu, Somalia.
Position Profile:
Under the line management of the Senior GIS Officer, the GIS Officer is responsible for the application of geographic information systems, including relevant aspects of research design, support in designing data collection tools, ensuring (spatial) data quality, geo-spatial analysis, drafting of maps, and (as relevant) production of web maps and information management systems. Detailed requirements below. The GIS officer will provide technical inputs in all stages of the research cycle. He/she ensures an efficient and transparent use of resources required for project implementation. The GIS Officer will also be responsible for developing and implementing a continuous capacity building program for national and international team members, and (when relevant) for providing trainings to partners.
Preparation, conception, and production of maps
Identify map information needs.
Identify and access map information sources.
Ensure accurate linkages between spatial databases and assessment data,
Ensures that the produced maps meet the requirements of REACH and concerned partners.
Supervision and monitoring of mapping related data collection.
Conceptualize methodologies for collecting data in the field, as according to need.
Organize and supervise GIS field missions.
Monitor accuracy of data collected.
Cross check data collected in the field, ensure regular updates, and solve eventual discrepancies.
GIS product conceptualizing
Implementation GIS components in approved projects and developing map templates.
Contribute to the strategic and programmatic development of the country team.
- Work with global GIS and remote sensing unit to implement, develop, modify/adapt new RS tools, scripts, and approaches to the implementation of remote sensing analysis according to pre-agreed terms of references.
- Ensure proper documentation of methodologies and tool development.
- Analysis of rainfall deficits (and surpluses) throughout the water cycle, compared to several reference years and historical averages.
- Analysis of agriculture and cropping coverage (September – December 2022)
- Incorporation of remote sensing derived analytical outputs (e.g. maps, graphs) in overall project analysis and related deliverables (e.g. reports, presentations)
- Evaluate opportunities for additional geospatial analysis within existing research cycles;
- Perform spatial/geostatistical analysis to understand if there are patterns beyond conventional levels of aggregation / strata, below administrative levels or with new strata entirely (i.e livelihood zones, environmental features, etc.)
- Responsible for analysis which contributes to products related to hazard/environmental monitoring (flood, drought, wind, landslide, etc), as well as how these interrelate with other analytical layers in emergency contexts such as movement flows (or lack thereof);
- Some additional common tasks: automation (via python or R) to integrate analysis processes into cartographic outputs, spatial network analysis, hotspot analyses.
- Conduct spatial analysis on collected data as per ToRs;
- Ensure that data and its spatial analysis are validated by IMPACT HQ before product drafting stage.
- Recommend and develop data management frameworks that improve preservation, security, automation, and scalability of data processes (i.e PostgreSQL, cloud-based)
- Drafting of analytical outputs on ongoing research cycles, including visualizations, narrative summaries, triangulation with secondary sources, and key takeaways from analysis derived from remote sensing approaches. Coordination with cross-disciplinary team members (Data or Assessment Officers) if relevant.
- Ensure the drafting of timely and accurate GIS products, which comply with IMPACT’s guidelines.
- Maintain regular communication with IMPACT Research Department in HQ on progress and deadlines for GIS products.
- Internal Coordination
- Actively participate in regular team meetings.
- Ensure regular coordination and exchange with relevant colleagues.
- Share best practices in accessible format to the IMPACT remote sensing community of practice
- Represent the Global Emergency Unit when it comes to planning and procurement of UNOSAT services and satellite imagery.
- In coordination with the Research Manager and GIS Specialist, support the development and implementation of capacity training plans for GIS and other team members, particularly on remote sensing capacities;
- Be available to provide regular support and technical backstopping.
- The GIS/RS Officer is responsible for ensuring that all interactions with affected communities are conducted in a respectful and consultative manner. Due attention must be paid to ensuring that communities are adequately consulted and informed about REACH programme objectives, activities, beneficiary selection criteria, and methodologies. This is the responsibility of every REACH staff member.
- The GIS/RS Officer will maintain the strictest confidentiality on all data collected and related processes. He/she will actively take measures to prevent the unauthorized sharing of any information and data belonging to IMPACT and its partners or collected during his/her assignment with REACH.
- Bachelor degree in a relevant field
- Research skills: Advanced experience with remote sensing analysis, and excellent spatial analysis skills; advanced knowledge of climate, drought, and the water cycle.
- Software skills: Advanced knowledge of Google Earth Engine; advanced knowledge of GIS software (ArcPro, ArcGIS Online, QGIS); demonstrated knowledge of R, STATA, Python
- Analytical skill
- Data cleaning analysis
- Excel skills
How to apply
Application Procedure:
Qualified national persons with the required skills are invited to submit their applications accompanied by detailed curriculum vitae and cover letter as a single document i.e. with the cover letter being on the first page and the CV starting on the second page, detailing three work related referees and contacts to [email protected] and received on or before 5.00PM on 24th March, 2023 with the subject line “REACH GIS OFFICER _ MOGADISHU”
Please do not attach any other documents while sending your applications, if required they will be requested at a later stage.
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
ACTED will at no stage of recruitment process request candidate to make payments of any kind. Further, ACTED has not retained any agent in connection with recruitments.
ACTED is committed to protecting beneficiaries within our programmes from exploitation and abuse and any kind of misconduct. ACTED has specific policies, including PSEA and Child Protection, which outlines the expected behaviour and the responsibility of all staff, beneficiaries, consultants, and other stakeholders and has zero tolerance towards misconducts. Any candidate offered a job with ACTED will be expected to sign ACTED’s organizational Policies and Code of Conduct as an annex to their contract of employment and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these documents.
ACTED is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Deadline: 24 Mar 2023