TRUST Consultancy & Development
Positions for interns involve: Monitoring and Evaluation, Proposal Writing, Project management, Capacity building/ training, Human Resources, Digital marketing, Media and Communication, Data Analysis, Report Writing, Data Collection, and open to other positions as well
Location: The internship is remote. The intern can work from any chosen location around the world. One of our clients is based in Kurdistan; possible internship in Erbil
About Trust Consultancy and Development
Trust Consultancy and Development is an independent research and capacity development consultancy based in Turkey, providing a range of services to the whole of the MENA region. Our dedicated team aspires to provide a range of expert services to international and local NGOs, businesses, donors and third parties with vested interests in different aspects of development and humanitarian action.
Our work addresses the growing demand for high-quality research, third party research, data collection and capacity building services. Aside from our independent research institution, we offer third party consultancy services and our clients include GIZ, Expertise France, Global Communities, IRC, IMC, DCA, Save the Children, People in Need, World Vision, Norwegian Refugee Council and Samaritan’s Purse. As a research institution with capacity building built into our organisation, we offer a unique perspective and can tap into a network of opinions of people working on the ground in real time on the issues we research. Currently, we are working in Syria, Turkey and Iraq. Our head office is in Gaziantep, Turkey, with satellite field research bases in Syria and Iraq.
We receive 10-20 interns every quarter with two-weeks training in the beginning. Each intern is supervised by one of our staff members.
For more information about our work, please consult our Third-Party Monitoring Profile, Capacity Development Profile, and website.
Summary of the position
The internship will offer you the opportunity to gain experience working with the relevant subjects:
- Proposal writing
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Research
- Business development
- Training/ capacity development
- Media and communication
- Data collection and analysis
- Report writing
- Human resources
- Digital marketing
- Project management
- Sectors and themes (Livelihood, protection, WASH, environment, education,..)
- Safety and security
- Others – we are happy to receive new interns who can suggest us areas for improvement.
From our experience in Trust, a committed intern/Junior Officer can learn basics of any department if she/he joins in 4-6 months, and spends additional 6 other months as an Officer. In a year, the Officer will be able to manage a project in the department he/she joins. If the intern has already previous experience, he/she can be a project manager in less than a year.
Tasks and responsibilities
It will depend on the department you will join. After a meeting with your line manager/supervisor, you will agree on role, responsibilities and tasks that can suit you.
- You will select from the tasks your supervisor does, as you will be considered as an assistant from the first day after the two-weeks training.
- Once you are qualified to take more tasks, more tasks will be delegated to you.
- Your areas of interest and experience will be considered; for instance, if you prefer to work on projects related to food security, you will be allocated to this type of projects. If you prefer be involved in projects related to Iraq or Syria or Libya or Yemen, you will be involved in projects/ proposals/ trainings related to the required country/ field.
- However, you will be involved in many tasks related to secondary data research, proofreading, data entry, translation, webinars preparation and delivering.
Candidate profile and qualifications
The ideal candidate for this position:
- Has a desire to work in the humanitarian/ development sector and companies serve the humanitarian sector
- Hold a University Degree or relevant qualifications in Development (with a demonstrable interest in Education, Events Management, Logistics)
- Speak fluent English
- Arabic, Turkish, Kurdish or Persian (Farsi) would be an asset
- Have excellent written and verbal communications skills
- Teaching or training design experience an asset
- Knowledge/ experience in the Middle East region is an asset
- Familiarity with humanitarian sector/ NGOs/ donors is an asset
- Sound decision making and organizational skills
Familiarity with international cultures as our team is from the four corners of the globe.
Benefits (e.g. compensation, lunch tickets, travel allowance, accommodation)
Trust Consultancy is a small but growing consultancy with great success since it was established in 2016. This is an unpaid internship. However, our interns will get the following benefits:
- Gain hands on experience in the area of their interest; many of our interns were involved in projects during the first week they joint Trust.
- Benefit from the trainings Trust conduct with no fees; at least we have 1-2 trainings a month. Some of the trainings we plan for are project management, program management, core humanitarian standard, Sphere, gender-based violence, among others. For more information about our trainings, please consult our website and Relief Web.
- Networking: during your internship you have a chance to communicate with stakeholders externally and internally (NGOs, donors, consultants). In addition, Trust has a LinkedIn Alumni group were all those who worked and still working in it joins, so they keep communicating with each other for possible works/ assignments.
- Communication and presentation skills: our interns have the opportunity to organize internal and external webinars, arrange for debates, and organize social events.
- Possible work with Trust: depends on your performance and our organization’s needs, you have opportunity to work with Trust after your internship; as an officer, project manager, technical consultant, full time or part time, or task-based assignments. More than 80% of our team started with Trust as interns including the current CEO who was one of the NOHA interns, proposal writing manager, business development manager, many project managers and project officers. After this internship and based on your performance and the company needs, we might offer you a full time/ part time position or task-based assignments.
- Field work experience: if you are asked to be involve din the field work with travel, Trust is responsible for all expenses such as accommodation, travel, per diem. Many of our interns travelled within Turkey, Kurdistan, Libya and Jordan as part of their internship where they collected data, coordinated trainings, and presented our work.
- Combining internship with MA thesis; this internship is a great opportunity to select an MA thesis/ topics related to the Trust work; so, Trust can support you in linking to respondents for your field work/ interviews, include questions about your research in its projects, support in data collection and data analysis. Many of our ex-interns did their MA thesis during or after internship with joint supervision from NOHA and Trust.
- By support from your line manager, you will learn analytical methods of quantitative and qualitative data. All interns will be provided with trainings on such methods and will be supported and guided by their line managers throughout.
How to apply
Candidates should send their C.V (preferred not more than 2 pages) and a cover letter (maximum 1 page) expressing their interest in Trust to [email protected] with “Internship, name” as the subject of the email.
The one-page cover letter should clearly state:
- Education background
- Relevant experience
- Motivations to Join Trust as an intern/ junior officer
- Expectations to be met by the end of the internship
- What you can bring to Trust/ why Trust should be interested in them
- When you can/ prefer to join Trust (no earlier than December 2022) and for how long (minimum 4 months, maximum 6 months)
- Department/ areas of interest, sector interest, and why their interests are currently relevant: for instance as an intern you might express interests in livelihood (cash for work, vocational training, value chains, markets development, start up, entrepreneurship) and protection (Gender – Based Violence GBV, child protection, PSS, mine action and risks), education, health, WASH, training in these sectors, research, monitoring or evaluating, … the more specific about your interests, the better for us to see to what extent we can meet your expectations
- Availability: when can you start (feel free to inform us if you can join us earlier than we desire, so we see if we have anything relevant for you, part-time or full-time, length of internship.
- Country of stay during remote internship
- This is a remote and unpaid opportunity, please confirm this in your cover letter
We strongly recommend those who are interested in market system development, cash and vouchers assistance, livelihood and Gender-based Violence to highlight these areas in their CVs and motivation/ cover letters. Trust will conduce intensive trainings in these areas and have many relevant monitoring and evaluation projects
Trust will notify all applicants with the outcome of their application. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a Zoom interview.
*Closing date: 31-Oct-22