The Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY), established in June 2020, aims to provide a cohesive and harmonized approach to meet the needs of the most vulnerable conflict-affected households in Yemen through a Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) response, ensuring comprehensive sequencing of aid and transitioning to longer-term and social safety net (SSN) programmes. Currently, the CCY is a collaboration amongst six organizations – Danish Refugee Council (DRC), International Migration Organization (IOM), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), ACTED, Mercy Corps (MC) and Solidarites International (SI). DRC has been working in Yemen since 2008 and has programmatic presence in nine governorates and 40 districts. DRC implements multi-sectoral programming including Economic Recovery, WASH, Shelter/NFIs, Humanitarian Disarmament & Peacebuilding (HDP), water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), Protection and CCCM. Operating from a Country Office in Sana’a, three Area Offices in Sa’ada, Hajjah and Aden, Base Offices in Al Hudaydah and Mokha and five satellite offices in Az Zuhrah, Abs, Dhamar, Bait al Faqih, and Al Khowkha. DRC works through a ‘one program approach’ and the integration of different sectoral interventions with the aim of maximizing the impact of the program. DRC’s global vision for Economic Recovery programming is that “all conflict and displacement-affected households in its countries of operation are able to become more self-reliant and resilient to shocks as part of achieving a durable solution”. DRC Economic Recovery teams in Yemen contribute to fulfilling that vision by undertaking food security, financial inclusion, and livelihoods interventions according to DRC’s three program platforms – Emergency, Durable Solutions and Root Causes. DRC is at the forefront of the emergency response programming, with a significant portfolio in cash via its leadership of the CCY, in-kind food assistance through its partnership with WFP and UNFPA, and market-based interventions (including emergency livelihoods programs). DRC implements food security, livelihoods, and resilience-building activities to provide immediate access to food through cash for work, unconditional cash grants, and the distribution of agricultural tools, agriculture inputs, and business grants, and vocational training.
DRC on behalf of the CCY is looking for a Beneficiary’s Data Management System for the implementation of the Cash Consortium of Yemen “CCY” program across the country and multiple agencies. The CCY model enables the required flexibility to pivot quickly, scale up operations, leverage combined reach and infrastructure, and rapidly cover gaps within the humanitarian response as the context evolves, while avoiding duplication internally and with key external partners. CCY partners are currently implementing a cohesive and holistic MPCA programme that includes harmonised transfer values, targeting criteria, vulnerability framework and delivery and monitoring mechanisms. This allows for an efficient response focused on effectively reaching the most vulnerable conflict-affected households in Yemen.
TARGET AREA, BENEFICIARIES AND MODALITY This system will be used to respond to the acute needs and vulnerabilities across Yemen, with the ability to respond to various targeting modalities and intake streams newly displaced households as a part of the rapid response mechanism, as such it is designed to work in all areas of Yemen and to rapidly expand to new areas as the context evolves. It is expected in the future that additional partners will join the CCY. The estimated total number of beneficiaries is approximately 35,000 of which receives one transfer and other receives multiple transfers
The Beneficiary Data Management System (BDMS) provider shall demonstrate:
• Capacity to provide the tailored and customized service without having secondary contractor
• System capabilities that allow scalability, interoperability, and adaptability
• The provided platform can export data in excel format as required.
• The provided platform can export all data collected for audit and storage purposes.
• The provided platform can import data in bulk uploads.
• Grouping functionality: The system shall allow various methods of grouping based on either: Datasets, Funding, Geographic location, organization etc.
• The provided platform shall allow dynamic and bulk top ups for beneficiary payments
• The provided platform shall allow the functionality of multiple wallet (optional and can be developed during the implementation), the multiple wallets functionality aims to provide different type of assistance to the beneficiaries under different sectoral outcomes.
Data cleaning and verification
• The BDMS shall dynamically check duplication on multiple fields prior verification and approvals of data:
o Unique Identifier
o Head of Household name (Arabic/English)
o Head of Household Spouse Name (Arabic/English)
o Primary Phone Number
o Secondary Phone Number
o Head of Household ID number
• Verification of Data and highlighting discrepancy on (not to limit):
o Eligibility Criteria
o Type of distribution
o Last day of Assistance
• Data Scoring: The BDMS shall allow dynamic adaptability to the scoring system and eligibility criteria.
• Data Approval: The BDMS shall allow data approval on the raw data, or the verified data based on the special permissions such as Manager or Team Leader.
The BDMS should have the following language inputs:
• The system should be able to display all labels, and text in English or Arabic.
• The system should be able to receive input in English or Arabic characters.
How to apply
In order to download the full tender dossier, please click HERE
send all documents to [email protected]