Prospero Zambia
Prospero has worked for several years to facilitate development of a more formalised artisanal and natural products sector in Zambia, particularly oriented toward improving export capabilities into the global home décor industry. Through a variety of intervention mechanisms, a number of MSMEs are now regularly exporting high-quality products to the US, Europe and Australia, but several significant barriers to further sector development remain.
While there is a growing international demand and expanding domestic production capacity, the high cost of logistics and shipping services continue to be barriers to greater international competitiveness of Zambia as a source country for these products.
The overall objective for this assignment is to enhance competitiveness of Zambian artisanal products for export into international markets. Specifically, the consultant will be tasked to identify opportunities to improve post-production logistics within the sector and work with stakeholders to develop a prototype/pilot export-oriented logistics product that provides better and/or more costeffective solutions than are currently available.
Within the given scope, this assessment will seek to provide data-driven insights and an actionable solution from some key questions:
• What are the key cost drivers for logistics costs for export of handicrafts?
• What sector-wide inefficiencies are being experienced by Zambian artisanal craft business?
• What sector-wide inefficiencies are being experienced by international buyers sourcing from Zambia?
• What incentives/opportunities are there for businesses to address the identified inefficiencies?
• What other relevant stakeholders (state and non-state actors) could be engaged to improve export logistics for the artisanal handicraft sector in Zambia? Based on data collected, the consultant should, at a minimum, consider the following elements/options:
• B2B options for container and less-than-a-container-full shipments
• Optimal routes (including overland and sea-freight) based on final destinations and lead times
• Air-freight options for certain products
• Aggregation, consolidation and storage options where necessary
• Potential for add-on services such as fumigation, industry-standard packaging and customs paperwork
How to apply
Parties intending to submit a proposal may request clarifications to the assignment terms of reference at any point up to seven days before the deadline for submission given below. Questions should be directed to [email protected].
Potential service providers are required to submit proposals for this assignment comprising:
• Technical proposal (no more than 5 pages) comprising:
- Individual/corporate profile, highlighting relevant experience with specific references to past assignments Artisan Businesses Local Logistic Firms Int’l Buyers Export Logistics Solution
- Understanding of the assignment and any comments on the objectives, scope of work or deliverables
- Methodology to deliver against the assignment objectives
- Roles and names of key personnel
• Curriculum vitae for key personnel named in the proposal (no more than 2 pages per person)
• Financial proposal (in a MS Excel compatible spreadsheet) showing:
- Fees: Names and roles of individuals, number of days input, daily fee rates and total cost, gross of all taxes. Prospero will withhold and remit 15% of each invoice’s consultant fees to ZRA as per labour law for Zambian-registered firms/individuals. 20% for non-Zambian registered firms/individuals).
- Reimbursable expenses budget: Items of expenditure, definition of units, number of units required, maximum cost per unit, and maximum budget for each item of expenditure (Note: expenses will be reimbursed at cost, up to the maximum cost in the budget)
- Proposed payment schedule: Payments on contracting, inputs and deliverables
- Be advised that financial proposals will be very closely reviewed for competitiveness.
Prospero may reject any proposal that does not comply with the required format at its sole discretion.
Potential service providers should submit their proposal electronically to: Submission email address [email protected] Deadline for submission 17:00hrs on 24th April 2022
Prospero reserves the right to amend, extend or cancel this request for proposals at any stage. The costs of preparing proposals is entirely on the account of the organisation preparing the proposal.