Fairtrade Africa
Established in 2005, Fairtrade Africa (FTA) is a member of Fairtrade International and the umbrella network organization representing Fairtrade-certified Producer Organizations in Africa and the Middle East. It has four (4) regional networks – Eastern & Central Africa; Southern Africa; West Africa; and the Middle East & North Africa. FTA currently represents 1,354,294 farmers and workers in 660 producer organizations spread across 28 countries in Africa and the Middle East by providing services to them that contribute to the improvement of their livelihoods.
The planned training is expected to result in the adoption of new skills and knowledge to stimulate tea product innovation at the Producer Organization level as well as effective management of the producers’ small businesses (income generating projects). This training has been necessitated by the need to innovate around tea market-related trends and growth drivers. Overall, the training is a capacity builder aimed at linking the producers to the tea entrepreneurial opportunity maps. It will help manage their focus on a profitable innovation pipeline, marketing, sales, production, and finance.
The participants of this training will be the managers of the producer organizations and the overall objective of this training is to equip participants with entrepreneurial skills and knowledge to increase product innovation and establishment of effective management of small-scale enterprises based on the findings of the Training Needs Assessment (TNA) expected to be carried out by the FTA Commercial Manager and the Tea Lead. The key objectives include but are not limited to;
a) Equipping the producer’s managers with relevant knowledge and skills of entrepreneurship which include coordination and control of the business, resource management, communication skills, cost control, employee management, sales and marketing skills.
b) Helping the participants to set business processes and policies and consequence management for non-conformity.
c) Ensuring the management acquires relevant operational skills.
d) Imparting basic finance skills which includes Profit and Loss (P&L) Management.
e) Improvement of general managerial potential and performance culture.
f) Marketing management which aims at ways in which the producers can market themselves and their products to the world.
The above objectives will be achieved within three days through:
a) Conducting a rapid training needs assessment within the targeted producer organizations.
b) Understanding and interpretation of Tea Policy analysis within the respective tea-producing countries and, linking the policies to market opportunities.
c) Developing an appropriate training package in consultation with the FTA-ECAN Commercial Manager and the Tea Manager. This includes the training program.
d) Facilitating training on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management training topics should be based on the assignment of objectives and the Training Needs Assessment (TNA) report.
e) Delivering the training sessions using mixed methods (lectures, lecture room exercises, participatory approach, etc.) to achieve the expected results. The training will be physical.
The following deliverables are expected from the consultant in due process of the assignment:
1. Training Content and Materials: Design PowerPoint presentations and other participatory training tools that shall be applicable during the training sessions. A workbook that the POS can carry away from the training will be a requirement and all training materials will be Fairtrade Africa property.
2. Delivery of the Training: Provide physical training to the management participants in line with the identified needs and set objectives with the stipulated timelines of the assignment.
3. Training Report: Prepare a detailed assignment report with the attachment of all the training materials and any resources that shall be generated during the training sessions and on-the-job training. The report should contain recommendations. The report will be a combination of soft copy and physical copy but will be discussed virtually.
Resources from ECAN
1. Market related Tea plans
2. Market trends
The consultant(s) should have the following academic qualifications, expertise, and experiences:
a) Advanced Degree in any of the following or related disciplines: Entrepreneurship, Business Management or Commerce.
b) Experience in undertaking varied training and capacity-building assignments related to entrepreneurship, operations, and small business management.
c) Excellent communication, report writing, and presentation skills;
d) Disclosure of conflict of interest.
e) A tea sector experience and knowledge are mandatory requirements
The consultant(s) should provide a quote for services with a detailed breakdown including applicable government taxes. A Local Purchase Order will be provided before the commencement of the training and the total amount for the training services will be paid after the delivery of the training and submission of the training report.
How to apply
Proposals will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. (Nairobi time), on 31st August 2022.
Completed proposals should be e-mailed to: [email protected]and cc to [email protected]
Any proposals received after this date and time will not be considered.
Closing date: 8/31/2022