The audit must be carried out in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and in particular the auditing standards (Dutch- or International Standards on Auditing; ISAs) of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB),
The auditor must establish that the financial statements meet the requirements laid down in section 2 of this protocol. The auditor will ascertain that:
- expenditures and receipts are accurate and complete;
- expenditures and receipts relate to the activities referred to in section 1.1 of this protocol;
- expenditures are legitimate and comply with the criteria laid down in points a. to e. The auditor must establish that:
- expenditures are corroborated by supporting documents;
- the organisation keeps project records and documentation with argumentation for linking (staff) costs to the project (such as timesheets). The information in the project records and other documentation agrees with the information in the financial administration;
- the procurement procedures comply with the Principles and Procedures applicable;
- tax and social insurance remittances have been made in accordance with the tax laws of the country where the organisation is established and for the period to which the audit opinion relates;
- invoices are settled on the basis of actual costs or lump sum amounts set in accordance with the organisation’s internal policies.
The individual consortium partners, including the lead party, supply the following documents to the lead party:
- the financial report of the consortium partners (including the lead party for their part of the expenditure)
- the ISA 800/805 report for the financial report of the consortium partners
- an audit report (exemption report – in accordance with the text of Annes (1) of this protocol)
Audit procedures concerning individual consortium partners
1. Introduction
This chapter describes the audit activities concerning the financial statement of each consortium partner to the Strengthening Civil Society.
The activities described in section 1.3 result in an audit opinion on the financial statement, drawn up in accordance with auditing ISA 800/805 and a report in accordance with the text of Annes (1) of this protocol.
2. Audit objective and scope
The auditor must establish that the transactions as accounted for in the financial statement comply with the framework mentioned under paragraph 1.2. The audit must be carried out in accordance with the requirements laid down in this Audit Protocol and with the relevant auditing standards.
The audit subject is the consortium partners’ financial statement for the year under review including processes and administrations relevant for the Strengthening Civil Society.
How to apply
a detailed description of the assignment, services required by Oxfam and conditions of participating in this bidding is contained in the RFQ dossier and can be downloaded from the following link:
The deadline for submission of bids is October 06, 2022 upon conditions in the RFQ dossier.
Responses (Offers) shall be sent only to ([email protected])
Offer shall be sent in 2 separate files – PDF format – (one for Technical Offer and one for Price Offer)
Oxfam does not bind itself to award the tender to the lowest offer and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender.
We look forward to receiving a proposal from you and thank you for your interest in our account.
Closing date: 6-Oct-22