Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
NRC Geneva and IDMC are looking to establish a group of translation agencies with whom to enter into framework agreements for ad hoc work over a five-year period. The agencies should offer translation, revision and proofreading services in the six United Nations official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish), although the primary source language is English and the main target languages are French, Spanish, and Arabic.
The agency should also provide graphic design services to incorporate the translated text into InDesign templates to be provided by NRC/IDMC. The establishment of a framework agreement does not guarantee that services will be purchased by IDMC and NRC from the supplier. The agreement will serve as a pre-approval for IDMC and NRC to purchase services from suppliers during the framework period at predetermined rates.
Applications are welcome from registered companies that can provide translation, revision and proofreading services for all UN official languages.
In addition to the standard tender documentation (please see full invitation to tender here), interested candidates should submit the following as part of their application:
- A one-page test translation from English to Arabic, French and Spanish (see test enclosed).
- A sample of previous work laid out in InDesign.
- Specification of your standard delivery time and rate for translation, revision, proofreading, and incorporation into InDesign per word for each target language (Arabic, French and Spanish) in CHF or EUR only, inclusive VAT and all charges.
- CV of the graphic designer responsible for the incorporation of translations into InDesign.
- At least 3 references that can be contacted to verify the quality of services.
- Proof of status or registration as a company, consultant or sole trader in country of residence.
Note: sections of the tender documentation not relevant to individual consultants can be marked with N/A, and signatures can be used in lieu of a company stamp where required.
Any request for clarification must be received by NRC in writing at least 5 working days before the deadline for submission of tenders. NRC will reply to bidders’ questions at least 2 working days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Questions regarding the assignment, can be addressed to [email protected].
Costs incurred by the bidder in preparing and submitting the tender proposals will not be reimbursed. NRC reserves the right to accept or reject the whole or part of your offer based on the information provided. Incomplete offers which do not comply with our conditions will not be considered.
We look forward to receiving your submission on or before 23:59 (Geneva time) 14 October 2022 through the email address [email protected]. The bid application should be titled ‘TRANSLATION FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT NRC GENEVA/IDMC’
Please find the full tender announcement and the test for translation services here
How to apply
Please download the full tender announcement and application material here (including the test for translation services):
Please submit your submission on or before 23:59 (Geneva time) 14 October 2022 through the email address [email protected]. The bid application should be titled ‘TRANSLATION FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT NRC GENEVA/IDMC’
*Closing date: 14-Oct-22