Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion
Business Skills Training
Date : 11 /09/2022
1.1 About Handicap International (HI) “Humanity & Inclusion”
Handicap International is running its projects under the new name of Humanity & Inclusion (HI). Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and by vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity. HI is an international, independent and impartial non-profit organization that intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, HI acts and takes notice, to meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. HI is currently implementing projects in more than 50 countries worldwide.
1.2 About Humanity & Inclusion in Egypt
Handicap International (HI) registered in Egypt with the Ministry of Social Solidarity in 2013. Since then, HI has been implementing various programs to promote access to inclusive and adapted services for Persons with Disabilities & vulnerable groups.
2.1 Presentation of the project
HI and Caritas Egypt have decided to collaborate within the framework of the project entitled “Response to the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on extremely vulnerable households: Basic needs, Mental Health and Psycho-social Support (MHPSS), Economic recovery and resilience, Gender equality – Egypt”; funded by EU. The objective of the project is to “Ensure that extremely vulnerable households in Greater Cairo are able to cope with or recover from the COVID-19 socio-economic consequences, with meaningful participation of women”
One component of the project will target 500 vulnerable households, whose livelihood has been significantly affected by the crisis, owners of micro/small businesses or productive assets that are challenging, lost or affected severely by the crisis especially COVID-19; or those with potential and willingness to start new business.
The project will build the capacity of the targeted households, either with financial capacity “to recover lost assets or support working capital” or non-financial services “soft, business skills trainings, business planning and development services, post-emergency adaptive marketing capacities”, Finally 425 households will be supported to recover their own micro/small businesses, and 25 households will be supported to start their new businesses.
2.2 Problems to be solved under the consultancy
The desired support supposed to identify and addresses the non-financial gaps “knowledge, skills and attitudes “KSA’s” gaps for the targeted households that needed for building and managing resilient and adapted businesses: i.e., the limited skills, experience and capacities of the targeted beneficiaries in terms of business skills, soft skills, business development and management skills, adaptive approaches and marketing skills”, in addition to the ToT skills and capacity of the project team to be able to deliver the proposed training to the project beneficiaries including complementing and developing a training packages fits the identified needs gaps of both the project team and beneficiaries.
3.1 The Objective of the Assignment
The objective of this consultancy is to:
“Strengthen the capacity of B-Safe-2 project to provide vulnerable households living in Omranya, Bolaq, Kafr EISisi- Matarya and Ezbet ElHagana with effective business skills training that adapted to their needs”
The specific objectives of the consultancy are:
· Assess the capacity (knowledge, skills, manuals, and procedures) of B-Safe-2 project in business development services.
· Building the capacity (knowledge and skills) of B-Safe-2 project team in micro- business development, and economic resilience.
·Building the B-Safe2 project training and coaching methodology and tools to support project beneficiaries to improve their capacity in business development and management.
· Support project team to build the capacity of project’s beneficiaries (knowledge and skills) in micro-business development.
The expected results of the assignment
At the end, the training is intended to improve the capacity of the project team and equip them with the knowledge, skills and tools that enables them to deliver this training to the targeted community and enables them to improve the knowledge and skills of the end-beneficiaries in key areas related to business development and planning and management so that they became more capable of developing (includes developing their own business plans) and managing their businesses and it’s profitability and undertaking the technically sound practices; and making the right decisions to address challenges and problems they face through the different phases of the business management.
3.2 The services required
· Propose a simple tool to assess the target households’ capacity and experience to manage their businesses and to identify main needs in terms of business development skills training;
·Design a business development skills training package (curriculum, materials and methodology) that addresses the most recurrent gaps identified and that is suitable to the profile of trainees (most households are expected to have low level of education and limited literacy and numeracy skills);
·Propose a methodology to provide target households with business development coaching after the training;
· Provide project team with:
·Training on the business skills training package, focused on the gaps that project team may have themselves in terms of business development skills;
·Training of Trainers (ToT) on how to deliver the training package to beneficiaries;
·Training on the coaching methodology.
HI proposes the following methodology, which could be revised at inception phase based on the recommendations from the consultant:
· The consultant will first propose a simple tool to assess the target households’ capacity and experience to manage their businesses and to identify main needs in terms of business development skills training. The consultant will also assess the knowledge and skills of project technical staff in terms of business development skills (benchmark: the knowledge required to support the project target group on business development and management) and provide training to address their gaps and on the tool to assess the households.
·Review (and build upon) the existing training curricula and packages currently or recently in use in EGYPT in the fields of life skills, economic resilience, sustainable micro-business development (including partners’ own packages if exists).
· Develop curricula and packages that are appropriate to the local context and relevant to local micro-business development.
·Identify key training topics or modules within life skills and micro-business development skills which are responsive to the training needs of the target group.
·Validate the review findings and the proposed training topics with HI prior to beginning the curricula development process.
·Develop the business development skills training curricula package (trainee handbook, training manuals, guides, methods, tools, and material). The trainee handbook should cover the following modules (life skills and micro-business development). The full training will be delivered to B-Safe2 project teams to build their knowledge in the identified modules and to build their skills in delivering selected modules (i.e. life skills and micro-business development) to B-Safe2 project beneficiaries. The full training is expected to satisfy the following conditions:
i.Include the following modules:
i.Life skills: The life skills module will be delivered in 2 sessions over a period of 2 days in week 1. The life skills module shall demonstrate the significance of life skills to a micro-business owner. Illustrative life skills may include inter-personal communication, problem solving, (analytical, critical, and creative) thinking, decision-making, negotiation, networking, team building, coping & self-management, and selected 21st century skills.
ii.Micro business development (MBD): The MBD module will be
delivered in 4 sessions over a period of 2 weeks. Participants will
build skills in micro-business development through exposure to the
best practices of financing, starting, and managing microbusinesses
through a combination of training, accompaniment (coaching and mentorship), business plan development, networking, and others. Illustrative skills include: Market analysis, business plan development, financing small business, managing business/household income, financial management, book-keeping, building professional business support network, marketing…etc.
iii. Include work breaks and homework assignments. Illustrative real-world assignments may include market-based assessments, consultations with local businesses, and professional networking. These breaks will allow participants to review micro-business development fundamentals, collect real-market information and practice the knowledge/skills away from the training environment.
·Develop and provide the full curricula package:
a.Trainee Handbook that covers all the MBD training content,
b.Trainer Facilitation Guide,
c.PowerPoint presentation,
d.Handouts, Exercises, and templates for training sessions, activities, and learning exercises,
e.Model Business Plan Template tailored to micro-businesses development in vulnerable communities,
f.Pre/post-tests for the MBD training for each participant to evaluate their knowledge and/or skills,
g.Trainee evaluation for each training participant upon training completion to evaluate their participation, commitment, understanding of microbusiness management principles, enthusiasm, and other entrepreneurial characteristics.
h.Coaching form to document coaching session.
· Deliver a Training-of-Trainers (ToT) for project team on the full training curricula in the 3 modules and simple coaching methodologies. The ToT should be tailored to enable project staff (i.e., approximately 10 staff members including business recovery technical officers and centers coordinators) to efficiently use, effectively deliver, and broadly roll-out curricula to project target groups in their communities.
Training Target group:
The training target group consists of the project staff, the target group could include female and male members, persons with and without disability.
The deliverables of the consultancies are:
·A brief inception report (max 5 pages), which explains the consultant’s understanding of the work and context, the detailed methodology, matrix and work plan;
· A tool to assess the target households’ capacity and experience to manage their businesses and to identify main needs in terms of business development skills training;
·A brief report on the main gaps in the target households’ capacity to manage their businesses and recommendations for the micro-business skills training and coaching;
·A business development skills training package (curriculum, methodology, materials, pre/port training tests) for beneficiary households and its TOT module.
·A methodology to coach target households on business development, including a simple form to document/monitor progress in household capacity;
· A brief final report (max 5 pages) explaining the results of the training and coaching provided to project staff, remaining gaps (identifying specific point of attentions per trainee) and recommendations for the project.
The service (including all mentioned deliverables in section 5) is expected to be delivered in December 2022, within a level of effort corresponding to maximum 7 working days (full time equivalent), non-consecutive..
Suggested timeframe
Kick off
Meeting with HI Inception report
(early November)
Prepare assessment tool
Tool to assess the target households’ capacity to manage their businesses.
Assessment of project staff on business development skills + training.
(early November)
(early November)
Design capacity building package for beneficiaries and project staff
Business Development skills training package for beneficiaries
its TOT module for project staff
coaching methodology + documentation/monitoring tool
Training to project staff
Training on developed package
Final report
(end of December)
This consultancy service is expected to be delivered by consultancy firm.
The consultants should have the following qualifications:
– Academic qualification in marketing, economic development, business administration, humanitarian development or any other relevant field. Master’s degree and above is a plus.
– At least 10 years of experience of working in the sector of livelihood and economic empowerment, especially in areas related to labour market and building economic resilience.
– Relevant experience of working with NGOs/INGOs, Human rights organizations and/or civil society organizations.
– At least 5 years of experience in providing training on business/financial literacy skills for small-scale projects in Egypt..
– Good reporting, writing, and communication skills.
-Demonstrated and strong understanding of humanitarian standards, right to participation, and Human Rights, especially rights of people with disability.
– Ability to develop concrete methodology and timeframe for delivering the required consultancy service within the specified duration.
– Proficiency in English. Arabic is an asset. (The final report shall be written in English).
– Excellent interpersonal skills, the ability to engage and communicate at BNFs level.
Candidates should submit the following information with their application:
1. Technical proposal:
This information assists us in judging your suitability for the requested service. You are required to submit the following documents:
– Brief explanation of the consultant’s understanding of the service required
– The implementation methodology including work plan, tools and techniques that will be adopted to deliver the consultancy services.
– A brief analysis of the problems faced by vulnerable households
-A proposed outline for the business development skills training;
– A proposed coaching methodology;
-A timeframe for implementing the consultancy with clear details concerning the work to be executed, and specifying interim deliverables.
– Detailed account of similar work:
-Previous experiences in designing and providing financial literacy training and/or supporting financial literacy of vulnerable households in Egypt;
– Summary of the lessons learned;
– Consultancy team description: composition, leadership and curriculum of all members.
– An example of similar works produced by the consultancy team or consultancy lead (added value is for valid hyperlinks to online adopted published works) that is relevant to the required consultancy service.
– Work references – contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees (clients for whom you’ve produced similar assignments)
2.Detailed Financial proposal:
-The financial proposal should be submitted in EGP (using the BOQ template, Annex 1)
-Complete applications should be sent to:
– Applications should indicate as subject: Business Skills Training
-Deadline for submission of applications: 10 October 2022
– Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
– Selected applicants will be invited for interview.
– we encourage submissions of companies and groups have diversity of profiles.
“Humanity & inclusion is committed to protect the rights of the children and opposes to all forms of child exploitation and child abuse. HI contractors must commit to protect children against exploitation and abuse”.
Offers will be assessed first on their technical merit using the evaluation criteria below. Only technical scores of at least 70 points will qualify for the financial review. The financial offer weight is 30% from the total weight while the technical offer is 70% of the total weight. The technical offers will be scored out of 70 according to the following criteria:
– Analysis of the problems faced by vulnerable households and project team (those addressed by the consultancy): 15%
– A proposed outline for the business development skills training to beneficiaries and coaching methodology: 30%
– Detailed account of similar work: 30%
– Team composition and qualifications: 25%
– Value for money: HI will pay the lowest price for equivalent service
The deadline for the submission of applications is 10th Oct 2022, Shortlisted consultancy firms will be subsequently requested to submit/present their detailed methodology. For the successful applicant, the submitted methodology will act as the agreement between parties as to how the assignment will be conducted.
Proposals should be submitted by mail on [email protected] with the subject of “Business skills training”
No. of Units
Unit Cost (EGP)
Total Cost (EGP)
Conducting Training on Business Skills for project staff, where the staff will be provided with 7 working days where each day consists of continuous 5 training hours (- the price not includes the rest hours and breaks, – the price includes all requested deliverables mentioned in section 5).
– All costs above must be in EGP.
– The successful applicant is required to submit an invoice with the contracting amount.
Name and signature and stamp of the applicant
How to apply
Proposals should be submitted by mail on [email protected] with the subject of “Business skills training”