International Committee of the Red Cross
What we do
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) works worldwide to provide protection and humanitarian assistance to people affected by conflict and armed violence. We take action in response to emergencies and at the same time promote respect for international humanitarian law. We are an independent and neutral organization, and our mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. We work closely with National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and with their International Federation in order to ensure a concerted, rational and rapid humanitarian response to the needs of the victims of armed conflict or any other situation of internal violence. We direct and coordinate the international activities conducted in these situations.
The ICRC has over 18 000 staff across 90 countries and is funded by voluntary contributions from the States party to the Geneva Conventions; national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies; supranational organizations and public and private sources.
Your Role at the ICRC
The ICRC nutritionist is part of the Economic Security (EcoSec) department that seeks to improve the livelihood of people unable to support themselves because of an armed conflict. The EcoSec department ensures the distribution of relief items such as food, hygiene or household items but also cash or vouchers, grains, seeds, agricultural equipment and vaccinations for livestock.
The nutritionist is responsible for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating nutrition- specific programs. They conceive and supervise interventions to restore, protect, or improve the food consumption and nutritional status of civilian populations or people deprived of freedom. They participate to the treatment of malnutrition in primary health centers, hospitals or places of detention. This should be done in compliance with ICRC’s guidelines and standards.
Furthermore, because people become malnourished for many reasons – not just because they are not eating enough nutritious food, but also because they lack health care, clean water, sanitary facilities and security and are vulnerable to illnesses that cause malnutrition. Therefore, he/she is responsible for advising and supporting the Economic Security team, as well as the others department of Protection and essential services at delegation level, to develop nutrition-sensitive approaches in programs, integrated into the various stages of the project cycle.
For more information please follow this link: https://www.icrc.org/en/document/working-icrc-nutritioniste
Main responsibilities
As a nutritionist with us, you will:
- Evaluate/monitor the nutrition situation, alert when required and participate in the immediate response to critical situations.
- Design, plan and implement the nutrition component of EcoSec assessments.
- Understand the causes of malnutrition and use this knowledge in programming and sensitization strategy.
- Design, plan and implement the nutrition component of EcoSec program to prevent and treat acute malnutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and other forms of malnutrition in civil population and/or places of detention.
- Provide recommendations to orient the ICRC program’s policy, strategy and targeting with regards to nutrition.
- Include nutrition considerations in economic security programs by facilitating, designing and implementing strategies to improve the nutritional status of household members.
- Contribute to internal reporting and analyses of program outcomes.
- Review and adapt nutrition inputs/interventions in emergency and recovery responses Evaluate the impact of nutrition/economic security interventions, and changes in population environment/livelihoods, and adapt the programs accordingly.
- Support capacity building of ICRC staff and partners.
- Participate in internal/external workshops and seminars, and nutrition-related forums.
- Promote the principles of the Red Cross and of international humanitarian law.
- As a representative of the ICRC, maintain contact and negotiate with government authorities and other parties to the conflict – civilian and military – in order to carry out the work as effectively as possible.
Required Qualifications and Desirable Skills/Experiences
- Excellent command of Spanish and/or French is mandatory (on top of English); any other language knowledge (e.g. Arabic, Russian) is an asset
- Master’s degree in Nutrition or Public Health or equivalent professional experience.
- Minimum 5 years field experience in the field of nutrition.
- Professional experience in international humanitarian work and field missions abroad, especially in emergencies.
- Possessing good capacity to analyse and summarise complex situations.
- Ability to take relevant decisions within a given framework.
- Sound understanding of the project cycle, establishing appropriate (SMART) objectives and indicators is required.
- Good organizational, managerial, planning, reporting skills.
- Strong capacities to recruit, manage, coach and motivate a small team of nutritionists.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills.
- Readiness and capacity to work in a multidisciplinary team involving other sectors linked to the economic security and collaborating with Red Cross and Red Crescent movement members.
- Fully conversant with word processing, spreadsheet software and basic nutrition computer programs
- Strongly motivated by humanitarian work.
- Open-minded and adaptable, empathic and diplomatic
- Excellent ability to work under pressure in a potentially dangerous environment.
- Ready to work in difficult contexts and spend time in the field, or to manage programs without direct access to the affected population.
- Experience of work with the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is an asset.
Our operational & Field Constraints
- In line with the principle of neutrality, the ICRC does not assign personnel to a country of which they are nationals
- Candidates must be in good health and will have to do a medical check-up prior to departure in the field
- Candidates must possess a driving license (for manual transmission vehicles)
- Candidates must be prepared to accept unaccompanied postings (i.e. no spouse, partner, children or dependents) for at least the first 24 months
- All successful candidates must agree to a background and reference check before a mission can be offered
What we offer
- Rewarding work in a humanitarian and multicultural environment
- A two-week orientation course and other opportunities for further in-house training
- Generous social benefits
- Competitive employment package
- Institutional onboarding courses
- Length of assignment: 12 months
- Opportunity to join an ICRC talent pool and be considered for future assignments elsewhere to experience different contexts, fields and challenges
Note: This posting is a pool recruitment position. Successful candidates will be validated to join the nutritionist pool for a period of 2 years, and will be proposed a mission as soon as one becomes available.
Additional information
Diversity Statement
The ICRC values diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates. Women are especially encouraged to apply for this position.
How to apply
Please apply through this link.