RFQ – FY22 – 113 Ukraine- Urban Response Consultancy

  • Contract
  • Remote
  • Closing date: 22 Apr 2022

  • Job applications may no longer be accepted for this opportunity.

Plan International

Background Information on Plan International

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.

We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood. And we enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.

We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 75 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries.

Read more about Plan International’s Global Strategy: 100 Million Reasons at https://plan-international.org/strategy

2. Background/Context

As part of Plan International’s Ukraine crisis response, a Ukraine Response Hub has been established by Plan International’s Global Hub. Recognising the distinctive urban nature of the current crisis in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, the Ukraine Response Hub – together with Plan International’s Urban Hub – is seeking a consultant to rapidly map and review existing literature, tools, and resources to support our urban response programming.

Plan International’s new Global Strategy highlights the importance of scaling up our humanitarian work. Working together with Plan International’s Urban Hub, our goal is to position Plan International as a go-to agency for girl focussed urban programmes in the Ukraine crisis.

The Urban Hub is a joint global initiative by Plan International Denmark and Australia launched in August 2020. The purpose of the Urban Hub is to coordinate the sharing and expansion of knowledge and good practice, across programming, interventions and influencing activities in urban contexts. A key area of concern and interest is the development and scaling up of humanitarian expertise from an urban perspective.

3. Deliverables

  • Literature scan and review: Search for and synthesize peer-reviewed and grey literature that evaluate or point to effective strategies and highlight best practices and key knowledge gaps to reach, work for and with refugees in urban contexts with Plan International’s core sectors (child protection, education in emergencies, cash & voucher assistance), particularly those with a child rights and gender-related lens.

  • Map tools and resources: Search for and highlight existing tools and resources (internal and external) that supports urban humanitarian response programming, including those with a child rights and gender-related lens.

  • Identify operational research gaps: Through the literature scan and review, and mapping of tools and resources, advise on key knowledge gaps where further operational research is needed.

  • Contact list: Provide an overview of key contacts and relevant networks for the Ukraine response programming.

  • Key events and meetings calendar: Draw together an overview of key events and meetings related to the Ukraine crisis and urban humanitarian response programming, including donor pledging conferences, UN meetings etc.


The consultancy will help ensure that Plan International integrates best urban humanitarian practice into our response design and delivery and enable us to document key learnings for wider dissemination in the humanitarian sector.


The consultant will be home-based with online meetings with Plan International staff in the Ukraine Response Hub and Urban Hub (CET time zone).



This work will primarily be used by the Ukraine response teams including management and technical specialists. In addition, the tools will support the wider humanitarian teams across Plan International who may be considering urban humanitarian response activities.

Review Team Members

Global Head of Disaster Preparedness & Response

Urban Hub Manager

Deployable Emergency Response Manager**

Review Framework and Methodology

The consultants should propose a methodology and framework for completing the scope of work. Gender will be a critical focus of all work, and how Plan International can work with and for adolescent girls in urban settings.

The consultant (s) should provide a clear timeline for each of the work streams. In addition, setting up shared folder for providing all material, guidance, tools that may be identified during the work.

4. Timeline

Week of 25th April 2022:Evaluation of proposals & Supplier/Consultant interviews/ Contract finalisation

Week of 2nd May 2022: Consultancy assignment (Up to 20 days)

5. Core competencies and expertise

  • Experience of urban humanitarian programme design and implementation

  • Knowledge of at least one of Plan International’s core sectors (child protection, education in emergencies, cash voucher assistance)

  • Significant experience of working in a broad range of humanitarian contexts, and in particular refugee settings.

  • Demonstrated experience of integrating gender and inclusion in to humanitarian programmes.

  • Experience of working with local partner organisations.

  • Demonstrated awareness of the global humanitarian architecture and inter-agency coordination.

  • Familiar with existing humanitarian standards and guidance related to humanitarian response.

6. Contact

Any questions in relation to this RFQ as well as submission of proposals please send to:

[email protected]

7. List of documents to be submitted with the RFQ

Technical Proposal

  • Detailed response to the RFQ (a maximum of 2 pages on how they will approach and deliver on the above-mentioned deliverables)
  • Ethics and child safeguarding approaches, including any identified risks and associated mitigation strategies
  • Proposed timelines
  • CVs or company profile including contact details
  • Example of previous work
  • Reference

All consultants/applicant are required to agree and adhere to Plan International’s Non-Staff Code of Conduct (Annex A)

All suppliers are required to complete Supplier Questionnaire (Annex B)

Financial Proposal

Plan follow a fair and transparent Procurement process and therefore it is not possible to share our budget. Please provide a detailed breakdown of your daily rate and the number of days and resources required per activity, as well as the associated cost. We anticipate that the consultancy will be no more than 20 days within the timelines above.

Please include all additional costs Plan should be aware of.

  1. Submission of offers

Please send your application to Plan International [email protected] by 22nd April 2022 referencing “RFQ – FY22 – 113 Ukraine- Urban Response Consultancy” in the subject line and including supporting documents as outlined in section 7.

9. Evaluation of offers

Ø Shortlisted suppliers may be invited to discuss their proposals in more detail at Plan’s discretion.

Ø Plan International, at its sole discretion, will select the successful RFQ.

Ø Plan international shall be free to:

· accept the whole, or part only, of any submission

· Accept none of the proposals

· Republish this Request for Quotations

Ø Plan International reserves the right to keep confidential the circumstances that have been considered for the selection of offers.

Ø Part of the evaluation process may include a presentation from the supplier.

Ø Value for money is very important to Plan International, as every additional £ saved is money that we can use on our humanitarian and development work throughout the world.

Ø Plan International may award multiple contracts and all contracts will be non-exclusive. **

Women-owned businesses and companies actively engaged or advancing gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace are especially encouraged to apply

10. Contract & Payment terms

Please note that, if successful, Plan International’s standard terms of payment are 30 days after the end of the month of receipt of invoice, or after acceptance of the Goods/Services/Works, if later.

11. IR35 Requirements – Only applicable for UK based or connections to the UK Consultants

As of April 2021, all Global Hub UK-based contractors (Consultant/personal service company/agency/intermediary) employing “people” in their chain to deliver serves to Plan International must follow a strict process of IR35 determination.

Plan Limited will conduct a CES tool on all relevant shortlisted proposers as outlined above to determine whether they fall inside or outside IR35.

12. Plan International’s Ethical & Environmental Statement

The supplier should establish environmental standards and good practices that follow the principles of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, and in particular to ensure compliance with environmental legislation

13. Clarifications

The onus is on the invited individual/companies to ensure that its offer is complete and meets Plan International’s requirements. Failure to comply may lead to the offer being rejected. Please therefore ensure that you read this document carefully and answer fully all questions asked.

If you have any queries in relation to your submission, or to any requirements of this RFQ, please email: [email protected] **

Thank you for your proposal.

How to apply

Please send your application to Plan International [email protected] by 22nd April 2022 referencing “RFQ – FY22 – 113 Ukraine- Urban Response Consultancy” in the subject line and including supporting documents as outlined in section 7.