FORUT invites tenders regarding:
Endline survey of FORUT’s 5-year development programme cycle (2019-2023)
As part of the 5-year programme cycle, FORUT and partners will conduct a survey in late 2022 and beginning of 2023, as a follow-up of the baseline survey from 2018. The aim of this endline survey is to see the change/impact we and our partner organisations have made since 2018 on the indicators that were part of the baseline survey, and which are included in the FORUT RFF. The results will be part of the annual report for 2022 and submitted by May 2023.
Objectives of the survey assignment are as follows:
1. Based on the research protocol and questionnaires from 2018, revise and adjust survey and questionnaires as appropriate to reflect the reduced scope of the 2022 endline survey, and finalise the plan for the work
2. Conduct survey and analysis
3. Deliver data analysis results (SPSS)
Required and preferred qualifications:
- Experience with conducting surveys and quantitative data analysis.
- Knowledge of l and ocal context in the programme countries to be a part of the endline survey: Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Malawi
- Preferably local consultants on the ground in the programme countries to be a part of the endline survey: Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Malawi
How to apply
The tendering process will be in two stages.
Stage 1: Tenderers are invited to submit an Expression of Interest as the first stage in the tendering process which must include: a) A confirmation that the requirements specified above (point 3) are fulfilled, as well as a description of previous similar projects b) A brief description of the tenderer and their relevant background and experience (facts about the company/person, competence and capacity) c) A confirmation that the required resources will be at the disposal of the tenderer when the project is to be implemented.
Stage 2: Based on received Expressions of Interests a shortlist of persons/teams will be selected by FORUT. These persons/teams will be requested to submit a technical proposal based on the Terms of Reference.
See Call for Tenders and Terms of Reference at the FORUT website