A. Introduction
The Principles for Peace initiative is seeking a consultant to carry out a focus group discussion with the objective of ensuring adequate Arabic translation of the Peacemakers’ Covenant and the key terminology therein into Arabic.
B. Background to the Principles for Peace Initiative
The Principles for Peace initiative (P4P) is a collective and participatory effort to develop principles and standards to support national and international actors to craft more effective and inclusive approaches to peace. The thought leadership of the initiative is spearheaded by the International Commission on Inclusive Peace.
The work of the International Commission is anchored in evidence and global consultations, and enabled by a Ministerial-level Steering Committee, a coalition of 120 organisations forming the P4P Stakeholder Platform, a Research Committee of eminent scholars, and a dedicated Secretariat in Geneva. Since its launch in December 2020, the initiative has gained significant momentum, building an expansive collective effort of specialised organisations, practitioners, policymakers and renowned scholars across peace and security, development, and humanitarian sectors.
The global participatory process of the Principles for Peace initiative has demonstrated that peace often breaks down because it is not broadly legitimate, because it is not sufficiently inclusive and because it is not consciously transformative.
To address this, P4P has developed, through a participatory collective process, something akin to the Humanitarian Principles or the Geneva Convention, for peace, which builds on the learning and collective best practice of the past. It is addressed to and will be used to hold all key actors into account: the international system, national governments, armed actors, private sector, and the civil society. To achieve this, the initiative will work towards uptake and anchoring the Principles in the international system and set up a Global Peace Monitor which will advance this agenda by advocating the change needed, monitoring, building capacity, and collating and making accessible knowledge about best practices.
C. The Peacemakers’ Covenant
The Principles for Peace global process revealed that building peaceful states and societies in this era of complexity will require a fundamental and comprehensive evolution in thinking and approaches among all participants in peacemaking processes: governments, local community and civil society groups, security actors, national elites, the media, private sectors actors, international agencies, and donor countries. The Principles for Peace Initiative articulates the required shifts, anchored in a solid base of knowledge, evidence and cumulative learning, drawing upon two years of sustained engagements with both high-level and grassroots voices and inputs, and designed to reflect practical and lived experience, pragmatism, and political feasibility.
The key findings of the P4P are articulated in the Peacemakers’ Covenant. The policy shifts proposed crystalise in seven interlocking and mutually reinforcing principles: dignity, solidarity, humility, legitimacy, pluralism, subsidiarity, and integrated solutions. These represent a moral compass, a lodestar and a partnership compact to guide the individual and collective actions and decisions of peacemakers. They are guided by evidence that suggests that the practical actions and concrete programmes of 21st century peacemaking must embrace a holistic vision, while recognizing the serious challenges, trade-offs, and obstacles to building sustainable peace.
D. Description of the Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is threefold, as follows.
Initial review of the Peacemakers’ Covenant
- The consultant will carry out an initial review of the Peacemakers’ Covenant (approximately 40 pages) with the objective of identifying any problematic translations and selecting the key terms and concepts that should be discussed in the focus group.
Identifying participants for the focus group discussion
- The consultant will identify a group of suitable participants (max 10 persons) to take part in the focus group. The participants should straddle linguistics and the peacemaking and peacebuilding space to ensure best topical expertise;
Convening the focus group
- The consultant would convene the focus group
Providing a report summarising the implications of the simulation for the Peacemakers’ Covenant
- Following the focus group and the initial review, the consultant should summarise the key learnings of the exercise in a report which is catered towards practical suggestions for revisions in the Peacemakers’ Covenant.
E. Objectives and Scope of the Assignment
- Initial review of the Peacemakers’ Covenant;
- Participant list for the focus group;
- Conducting and leading the focus group discussion;
- Final report with recommendations for translation review.
F. Timeframe and Deliverables
The exact timeframe will be defined through the initial conversation between consultant and the P4P Secretariat. Reporting and Feedback
All tasks are to be completed in close cooperation and under the guidance of the Principles for Peace Secretariat.
G. Qualifications
Candidates (companies, organisations, or individuals) with the following qualifications are invited to apply:
- Demonstrated track record and practical experience in peacebuilding, peace-making, development or related sector or academic institutions with a focus on research in peace and conflict studies, peacebuilding and peace-making, or related fields;
- Demonstrable track record in facilitation and moderation in the Arabic language.
How to apply
Qualified candidates are invited to send an Expression of Interest, including your CV highlighting relevant previous experience and a one-page outline of how you plan to approach the assignment. Please address the Expression of Interest to Hiba Qasas (Head of the Secretariat Principles for Peace) and send all relevant documents to [email protected] until Friday, 14 October 2022. Please include “P4P Localization” in the subject line.
Please indicate your daily rate or a lumpsum for the paper in your EoI.
Closing date: 14-Oct-22