Consultancy Announcement
Title: Baseline Assessment
- Background
ActionAid Myanmar (AAM)
ActionAid is a global federation working for a world free from poverty and injustice. In Myanmar, ActionAid works in partnership with local and national non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations.
About the Project
ActionAid Myanmar is implementing a multi-year project designed to build the agency of community members to reduce the shocks emerging from crisis and build the resilience. We will support individuals working in their communities with funding, training and research – so they have the tools and skills to identify existing and emergent shocks, make a collective plan and decision to overcome the impacts of such crisis, while also addressing community’s needs. We will specifically target women and youth groups, building on existing fellowship networks. We will work with civil society to identify the support needed, and provide funding, training and organisational development, whilst also supporting emergent new networks of solidarity across divides of gender and ethnicity. We will help these networks have their voices heard.
ActionAid Myanmar will listen, support and work alongside fellows, researchers, CSOs and networks to ensure they are equipped to meet basic needs in their communities. Longer term, guided by gender equality is fundamental to any hope of (re)building an inclusive economy free from poverty and inequality.
The ultimate goal of the project is “Civil society networks and grassroot, feminist youth leaders across Myanmar are more resilient to overcome shocks.”
This will be achieved through three intermediate outcomes:
– A strengthened national network of grassroot, feminist youth leaders and youth led CSOs and CBOs have enhanced resilience.
– Change makers have enhanced capacity to strengthen connections to advoacte for local issues.
– Greater capacity of Research Fellows to: (1) facilitate Action Research on enhancing the role women can play in mobilising community development work and (2) use research findings to strengthen gender-responsive development.
- Objectives of the assignment
Scope of Work
The baseline is intended for Programme Implementation team, partners and donor. This baseline assessment will be completed at the start of the project, with local stakeholders, to
measure the status of all indicators and to understand the starting point of key elements of the work against which later progress will be measured. This will enable project indicators at output and outcome level to be measured and tracked.
The purpose of the baseline data is to provide a benchmark from which to measure progress of the project through an in-depth situation analysis and needs assessment of fellows, researchers and communities. The baseline data will attempt to provide the current status of the indicators in the results framework and facilitate monitoring of progress towards meeting programme objectives. Several objectives are determined to see the results into below mentioned areas;
- Identify current status of project indicators and set a baseline benchmark
- Identify current landscape or status of capacity of CSOs and network and their work on community-led actions
- Investigate gaps in the community-led actions in project locations
- To identify potential additional interventions which may be required to strengthen community-led actions that is gendered and inclusiveness.
- Identify community/change agents Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards community-led actions
All objectives will be answered the baseline survey findings and reported to project team and Local responsible partners.
The baseline survey will use both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques to source for appropriate information from the respondents. In the wake of compounding crisis, the adopted approach will follow the conflict sensitivity principle by ensuring that the methodologies used do not result into increased risk for respondents or for the consultancy team. The consultancy will be conducted through a series of discrete activities beginning with desk reviews prior to the primary data collection. Depending on the severity of the crisis, the consultancy team will utilize appropriate means and tools such as virtual meetings to collect information. The project locations where the programme will be implemented will be target areas for this baseline. In their technical proposal, applicants should indicate their sampling plan including how they will select the project to be assessed and how these findings will be generalised or applied to the rest. Further, the applicants should indicate their proposed methodology including aspects of sampling, sample size, tools, design and administration, which will inform the the selection process. The successful consultancy team will be expected to provide a detailed methodology with tools for field work as part of their inception report.
Quantitative data collection methods
Base of this survey is the project logframe. Project team is intended to have baseline data at ultimate come, Intermediate Outcome and immidiate outcome and output levels. Possible key respondents or data sources are initially determined by project team; however the detailed data source and methods, and full questionnaires are required from consultant team. Project direct benefitted families are selected by project team before data collection and data collection will be covered through those selected 400 most vulnerable families. HH survey questionnaires are based on indicators of goal and outcomes which are shown in table 1. Consultant team should be submitted the draft questionnaires when they provide the technical proposal to WVIM for tender selection process.
Civil society networks and grassroot, feminist youth leaders across Myanmar are more resilient, and have the capacity to lead community-led actions
% of CSO and youth groups which demonstrated resilience through maintaining the implementation of activities during the life of the programme
Intermediate Outcome 1
A strengthened national network of grassroot, feminist youth leaders and youth led CSOs and CBOs have enhanced resilience.
% of community leaders trained who serve local services in their own communities disaggregated by gender
Intermediate Outcome 2 Change makers have enhanced capacity to strengthen connections to advoacte for local issues.
% of community leaders who perceive that their issues have been heard and advocated
Intermediate Outcome 3
Greater capacity of Research Fellows to: (1) facilitate Action Research on enhancing the role women can play in mobilising community development work and (2) use research findings to strengthen gender-responsive development.
Number of influential actors on gender equality who agree/act with the research findings
- Scope & Deliverables
The Consultant will be responsible for the following:
- Desk review of apporved proposals, relevant previous project reports, and any other documents related to the scope of this assignment.
- An inception report will be prepared by the consultant and shared with the AAM. The report should include a detailed methodology, including sample size, sampling plan, data collection tools, plan for field work, and data analysis.
- Based on plan for field work, data collection will be conducted utilising the data collection tools approved by AAM.
- Following the field visit, the consultancy team will prepare a short presentation of the initial findings, including at least 2 case studies, and tentative conclusions and recommendations. This will be used to debrief the Programme team to identify and address any misinterpretations or gaps. Building on the debrief and initial feedback received, the consultancy team will produce a draft report that will be shared with AAM for review.
- Once feedback is provided by AAM, the consultancy team will prepare the final report. The report will follow the same presentation logic and include, at a minimum: executive summary, list of acronyms, introduction, baseline context and purpose, baseline framework and methodology, findings, case studies, conclusions and recommendations. Annexes should include the TOR, inception report, programme baseline indicators with baseline values from the baseline survey, list of documents reviewed, list of persons interviewed or consulted and data collection instruments.
- The consultancy team will also prepare a Powerpoint presentation and two-page baseline Brief to facilitate sharing of the key findings, conclusions and recommendations. The Brief will include project information; baseline background (baseline purpose, baseline team, baseline timeframe, methodology); and baseline results: key findings and/or conclusions, and key recommendations.
- The selected consultant will be responsible to undertake a participatory, gender and conflict sensitive approaches for data collection and utilise AAM’s feminist research guidelines.
- Timeline & Expected Outputs
Applicable administrative and logistical support will be provided. The consultant is required to submit the final report by 10th January 2023. The tentative schedule of deliverables are as follows
Developing baseline assessment plan
- Review of exiting project documents, detailed methodology based on the M&E framework, ToC, initial meeting, and desk review, with detail timeframe, list of stakeholders to be interviewed, proposed sampling methodology.
30th November 2022
Submission of inception report
5th December 2022
Data collection
- Develop data collection tools (quantitative and qualitative) in consultation with AAM team, and protocols for data collection and analysis, and ethical procedures to be followed.
- Data Collection
19th December 2022
Analysis and Draft Reporting
- Analyse collected data of quantitative and qualitative
- Share preliminary analysis with key findings with AAM
30th December 2022
Validation meeting
- Address comments/feedback from AAM
2nd January 2023
Submission on second draft/ review from AAM
5th January 2023
Final Report Submission
- Annexes will be included
10th January 2023
The report should be written in English (Times New Roman, font size 12, single space). To complement the full report, the document should be accompanied by tools and plan for evaluation, list of document reviewed, list of respondents, reference list, ToR, itinerary for field visit if possible, list of documents reviewed and data collection tools and dataset. The full report and report should be submitted electronically in a MS-Word document.
Reference in APA format will be cited after each important facts and figures. Completed checklists, methodology and plan and photos have to be submitted to AAM.
The consultant is expected to build on the evaluation plan in consultation with AAM. AAM will provide the necessary feedback upon receiving the reviewed report.
- Qualifications
As the consultancy is multifaceted, the consultant is expected to have a mix of skills relevant to the
assignment. The required background and experience for the consultancy team is as follows:
a) Education
• Master’s degree in social science, sociology, political science, development studies, data science or any other related field from any reputed academic institution
b) Experience
• A solid understanding of the context and compounding crisis in Myanmar
• Minimum 8 years’ experience managing household-level surveys of similar scale (500+ households) such as programme strategy development, design and evaluations and must have demonstrated experience with research and participatory methods.
• Strong capacity and experience in planning and organizing survey logistics
• Good network of experienced enumerators, supervisors and data entry assistance.
• Strong capacity in data management and statistics.
• Strong knowledge in the following software: such as STATA, SPSS
• Strong interpersonal skills and a team-oriented spirit.
• Knowledge on community-led actions.
• Strong writing and analytical (a sample of recent analytical report is requested).
• Have relevant experience in working with international organizations on consultancy assignments, especially in M&E, or on community-led actions.
• Have excellent proven written, spoken English and communication skills.
• Experience in high quality report writing and editing for international development agencies’ documents
c) Language
• Fluency in English written and spoken.
• Ability to write high quality academic report in English.
d) Others
• Demonstrate strong written communication, research and analytical and ability to rapidly integrate information from various sources.
• Excellent analytical, negotiation and communication skills.
• Excellent presentation skills.
• Ability to work under pressure, meet deadlines and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
• Ability to adapt quickly to crisis context, to establish and maintain good working relations with individuals of diverse backgrounds and cultures.
• Strong interpersonal skills, team spirit, innovative and takes initiative
• Technical skills in production, editing, and ability to write quickly, clearly and concisely in English.
• Ability to deliver on time as committed and be responsive to all communications from AAM.
- Management & Reporting
The successful candidate will report to Interim Head of Programme Quality and Research.
How to apply
How to apply
Interested consultant/team should submit below documents not later than 5:00 pm, 28th November 2022 through the following email address: [email protected]
The Expression of Interest (EOI) should include:
- A motivational letter including an indicative methodology for conducting the study, as well as relevant credentials (should be a maximum of 3 pages).
- A budget for consultancy fee using daily fees and other relevant expenses related to the task.
- A CV or CVs if more than one consultant in the team
- An example of similar work done
Application Deadline: 28th November 2022
Please note that due to high volume of application, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview. ActionAid reserves the right to fill the post prior to the closing date if a suitable applicant is found beforehand.
Due to urgent needs, applications will be assessed on a rolling basis.
ActionAid Myanmar is an equal opportunity employer and women are encouraged to apply. All AAM International and Myanmar Staffs/Consultants/Interns/Volunteers are required to sign and adhere with ActionAid’s SHEA and Safeguarding Policies at all times.