Production of an interactive, digital and audio Model AICHR Guidebook
Terms of Reference
I. Introduction to Plan International
Founded in 1937, Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. Plan International has no religious, political or governmental affiliations. We strive for a just world, working together with children, young people, communities and partners. We see clear links between fulfilling children’s rights, achieving gender equality and ending child poverty. We have programmes in over 50 countries across Africa, the Americas and Asia. We also have offices in a further 20 countries, where our aim is mainly to mobilise support. We work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until adulthood and enable children and young people to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national, regional and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge. For over 80 years we have been building meaningful partnerships for children. For more information, please visit
II. Background and Rationale
The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) was established by ASEAN Leaders on 23 October 2009 at the 15th ASEAN Summit in Cha-Am Hua Hin, Thailand. This was further enhanced with the promulgation of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD), adopted in November 2012 with the Phnom Penh Statement on the Adoption of the AHRD signed by ASEAN Leaders. The establishment of the AICHR demonstrates ASEAN’s commitment to pursue forward-looking strategies to strengthen the regional cooperation on human rights. The AICHR is designed to be an integral part of ASEAN organisational structure and an overarching institution with overall responsibility for the promotion and protection of human rights in ASEAN.
The AICHR members are called Representatives, who are nominated by their respective Governments. Decision-making of the AICHR is based on consultation and consensus. Since its establishment, the AICHR has adopted several key documents, including the Guidelines on the Operations of AICHR and the Guidelines on the AICHR’s Relations with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). For more information, please visit
In solidarity, young people in Southeast Asia play an active role in advocating their rights and for the rights of others. Many times, their civic engagement and efforts are interactive with national and regional bodies representatives. To help them understand how AICHR operates within their mandate, it would be helpful for young advocates to learn from the simulation and together with AICHR representatives to understand its rules and procedures by practices. This Model AICHR would provide a great opportunity and unique platform for young participants to learn about AICHR and its decision-making process effectively but will also providean authentic learning environment, appreciation of different values and cultural backgrounds and will encourage the creation of a peaceful community. This will also give young people the chance to hone their advocacy skills and a platform to present their ideas and aspirations of what an AICHR should be.
Through Model AICHR meeting, Plan International and its partner organisations intends to produce a youth-friendly cohort of Southeast Asian youth that has the capabilities to simulate AICHR representatives in the AICHR meetings, initiating a ripple effect that helps spread Model AICHR Meeting movement across the region. This should ground a deeper understanding of the AICHR structure inside out (history, role and responsibilities of ASEAN member states amongst the youth).
III. Objectives – supporting activities and expected outcome
The overall objective of this consultancy is to produce a Model AICHR e-Guidebook which should be a unique, interactive, accessible, inclusive and youth-friendly guide which will not only enable youth especially in the region to learn about AICHR and its decision-making process but also about model meetings in an authentic learning environment. This would in turn encourage the creation of a peaceful community and tolerance towards different value and cultural background.
Specific activities to follow resulting in concrete deliverables
Conduct a literature review of all ASEAN and AICHR relevant documents (Annex 1)
Collect data if there has been previous initiation with good practices for similar activities to create a solid and practical Model AICHR, particularly learning from Model UN and MODEL ASEAN Meeting.
Identify an interactive online Model AICHR Simulation Platform
Produce and Ineractively digital and audio Model AICHR e-Guidebook (Can be printed)
IV. Scope of Work
Tasks are likely to include but not limited to
The consultancy will build and draft an interactive and practical e-guidebook both for Southeast Asian youth delegates and organisers that will be used as a guidance for the targeted audience in the region. This is also to design a youth-friendly, simple, accessible, and easy to comprehend Model AICHR Meeting guide.
The consultant will consider to include the following chapters for the Handbook which should be in line with the background, role and responsibilities of AICHR. This should also aim to include and reach the diverse youth groups in the region that would encourage better engagement. The handbook needs to reference AICHR’s organisational policies and procedures, and all work must be considerate of the local organisational, cultural and political backgrounds, developing recommendations and action plans for a way forward.
Chapter 01 Introduction
1.1 Overview of this e-Guidebook
· The purpose of this e-Guidebook
· Who this e-Guidebook is for
· How to use this e-Guidebook
1.2 Inspiration and lessons learnt from Model UN and Model ASEAN meeting
Chapter 02 About AICHR
2.1 ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR)
· AICHR – a brief history – the link between AICHR and Human Rights on the ASEAN agenda
· AICHR TOR – key information such as mandates and functions
· AICHR programme, workplan and annual activities
· Civil Society Roles and Networks
· Young people’s participation in AICHR
2.2 AICHR composition / AICHR representatives
· Roles and Responsibilities (accountability)
· Who are AICHR Representatives and selection criteria/process
· Modalities
· Role of the secretary-General and ASEAN Secretariat
2.3 How decisions are made at the AICHR
· How to set up the agenda
· Consensus and non-interference principles
2.4 AICHR meetings
· meetings and the purpose
· seating arrangement
2.5 Further readings and resources (only to summarise one paragraph what it is about and only provide the relevant links for full information)
· AICHR pillars and principles
· AICHR Sectoral Ministerial Bodies
· ASEAN Human Rights Convention
· ASEAN Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC)
· Knowledge on AICHR Protocol Arrangements
· Accurate Terminology
· Language and Formulation of AICHR Documents
· AICHR Dialogue Partners
· AICHR Community Councils
· AICHR Coordinating Council
· AICHR Summit
· AICHR Symbol
· AICHR Emblem and flag
· AICHR Anthem
· Ceremony Arrangements
· ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD) and the Phnom Penh statement on the adoption of the AHRD
Chapter 03 Preparation for ASEAN Youth delegate
3.1 Purpose of a model AICHR meeting
3.2 Preparation and things to consider
· Agenda, workplan, documents, rules and procedures
· Leadership roles
· Membership roles
· Research and preparation
· Speeches and negotiation
· Resolution
3.3 Mentorship role
3.4 Participants & Criteria
Chapter 04 Preparation for Model AICHR Organisers
4.1 Initial planning
4.2 Structural planning
4.3 External relations and/or communications
4.4 Registration
4.5 Format of meeting (including Venue / platform)
4.6 Agenda
4.7 Notification of representation
4.8 Chairmanship
4.9 Documentation
4.10 Summary record
4.11 Organizational planning
4.12 Importance of AICHR meeting protocol arrangements general
4.13 Meeting Seating Arrangements (virtual platform or hybrid)
Chapter 05 attending a hybrid/virtual Model AICHR meeting
5.1 Login
5.2 Rules
5.3 Introduction
5.4 How to raise points
5.5 Making argument
5.6 Roles of the chair person and secretariat
5.7 Safeguarding
5.8 Breaching the rules and agreements
Chapter 05 post and evaluation
Chapter 06 – Frequently Asked Questions
V. Target audiences
Youth activists and youth advocates This Model AICHR would mainly be targeted to be used by all youth advocates, young activists, or students at high school or university levels. This is to enhance their knowledge of Human Rights mechanisms in the region and participate in the Model AICHR meetings.
Internally, this Model AICHR e-Guidebook would strengthen the projects supported by the Plan International and CSO partners in Southeast Asia. This would also foster to create an enabling environment youth and children to flourish, including networking and skills building in the region.
VI. Key Deliverables
A youth-led Model AICHR e-Guidebook in English (not more than 50 pages), which will be a backbone to establishing a Model AICHR meetings.
VII. Budget
The consultant should propose budget including VAT together with the proposed timeline for this consultancy work. The consultant is invited to submit a single budget for this consultancy. Payment will be made based on agreed amounts in the consultant’s contract, and upon approval of invoices.
VIII. Selection criteria
We are looking for a consultant who can demonstrate the strong technical knowledge and practical experience of working to advance gender equality, as well as experience of working with children and young people.
Candidates will be evaluated in following:
Criteria / Weight
Academic qualification / 20%
Technical knowledge, skills and experience / 40%
Relevant task in the past / 20%
Financial proposal / 20%
Total 100 %
The consultant/trainer should demonstrate the following expertise and skills:**
· Experience in developing e-Guidebook and design a virtual platform, particularly with ASEAN and AICHR; and for young people.
· Excellent knowledge and experience about history, operational and procedures of ASEAN/ ACWC, and AICHR:
· Demonstrated technical expertise in engaging with ASEAN/ ACWC, and AICHR;
· Good communications (particularly writing), analytical skills and high proficiency in English;
· It is an advantage if the consultant is part of the development of similar guidebook such as Model United Nation or the ASEAN Foundation Model ASEAN Meeting (AFMAM).
How to apply
Please submit your expression of interest/work plan, detailed budget (including consultant’s daily rates), CVs and example of previous work as minimum to Plan International Asia and Pacific Hub the latest by Friday the 2th of May, 2022. Email: [email protected]