SOS Children’s Village in Somaliland
Request of Proposal and ToR for Consultancy to conduct Baseline Study of Family Strengthening Program in Borama & Gabiley, Somaliland
April- 2022 **
PDF Link of the TOR
1 Context and rationale
1.1 About SOS Children’s Villages
SOS Children’s Villages is a global federation of 136 national SOS Children’s Villages associations, working in more than 2000 programme locations worldwide. We work together with a single vision: every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security.
SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland is part of SOS Children’s Villages International, the umbrella organization to which all SOS Children’s Villages including SOS in Somaliland Association is affiliated. SOS Children’s Village in Somaliland is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that is not for profit, non-sectarian and non-partisan and which has been in existence since 1999.
SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland shares vision with SOS Children’s Villages and beliefs that every child belongs to a family and grows with love, respect and security. To realize this, SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland builds families for children in need, help them shape their own futures and share in the development of their communities.
SOS Children’s Village in Somaliland is committed to the welfare of children who lost parental care or at risk of losing parental care – often ensuring that children grow up in a loving family environment, and to strengthening families and communities as a preventive measure in the fight against child abandonment and social neglect, and upholds child protection policy as part of their commitment to the protection of children and youth from abuse.
SOS Children’s Villages was established in Somaliland in 1999 and it started first operations in Sahil region. Currently, SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland implements programs ranging from child care, child protection, youth empowerment and participation, education and emergency interventions. SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland is operational in three regions of Somaliland: Awdal, Marodi-jeh and Sahil, and it had a good relationship with many stakeholders, including government institutions, local authorities at national, regional and district levels, INGOs, LNGOs and local communities, as well as other CSOs who are in and out of the operational area.**
1.2 Description of project locations and context
Somaliland is one of the Least Developed Countries (LCD) in the world. Over half of the population lives below the UN poverty line and has one of the highest youth unemployment rates where two out of three young people below the age 35 years are unemployed.
Somaliland has faced consecutive droughts in the past 5 years and the cyclone that hit in mid-2018 affected severely the livelihoods of the people living in the coastal area of Sahil and Awdal regions. With this protracted draughts as well as the effects of the cyclone, pastoralist and agro-pastoralist families lost their livestock, agricultural plots and shelter, and as a result of this, moved to urban areas. In addition, children under 5 years represent more than one-quarter of all those affected and are the most at risk of malnutrition and water and sanitation hygiene (WASH) related illnesses and other childhood diseases.
To ensure relevant intervention, SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland started to implement a Family Strengthening program in Borama and Gabiley towns to support the vulnerable families in the area with economic empowerment, skills development of youth, Shelter, WASH and protection interventions so that they will be able to create sustainable livelihoods, stand against future draughts and disasters, improve hygiene and sanitation practices, reduce GBV/child rights violations and provide adequate nutrition to their children. The project also entails to create stronger family and home environment for the children in the selected families and those in emergency situations by imparting good parenting skills to caregivers and enhancing their knowledge on child rights and protection, while building the capacity of the stakeholders (CBOs, relevant government line ministries, NGOs) to create lasting impact and generate multiplier effect with the aim to reach many children who are not in the program to benefit indirectly from the increased capacity of the duty bearers as well as policy implementation.
The proposed intervention targets 350 (300 Borama & 50 Gabiley families) with approximately 2100 children and 250 youth living in Borama who are at risk of losing the care of their parents to grow within a caring family environment and prosper in live. To realize this, the project aspires to enable targeted families and communities create safe living environment for the children and will focus on 1. Improving the commitment and capacity of families to adequately care for their children, 2. Strengthening the capacity of community structures so that they will sufficiently respond to the needs of vulnerable children 3. Advocating for the rights and protection of OVC children and young people at national level and regional levels 4. Providing young people with skills development programs and creating opportunities to learn skills to get jobs or start their own businesses.
The project duration – From January, 2022 to December, 2025
1.3 Rationale and overall objective of the baseline study
The overall objective of the baseline study is to serve as a benchmark for the family strengthening programme in Awdal Region (Borama town) and Gabiley town and provide information and statistical data on socio-economic indicators for the 350 targeted families prior to the intervention. The baseline is also needed to critically assess and update indicators to ensure the measurement of actual change in response to the outcomes/objectives of the project.
This study is expected to meet the following objectives: –
Establish a baseline indicator values for all indicators in the Result Framework of the project and propose possible improvements where needed.**
Assess the living conditions of the families in the target locations and recommend the appropriate support based on their need.**
Provide demographic information of the study locations (e.g. population Information (Children, Youth and Adults), Education level (literacy, numeracy and life skills) Shelter (Type and Condition of the family houses). **
Identify Percentage of vulnerable and marginalized families and children in the target locations. **
Assess the situation of children in the target community, risk factors and vulnerabilities that can put them at risk of losing parental care. **
Analyse causes of child abandonment in study locations, as well as local and existing responses on child abandonment, family separation, youth and family empowerment. **
Assess existing child and youth support services in the targeted areas focusing on services provided to separate and unaccompanied children, Disabled, GBV victims, and school dropouts. The assessment should also provide recommendations on how to improve these services.**
Identify barriers to women, men and young people’s achieving self-reliance. **
Detect existing challenges faced by young people, services available to them and appropriate interventions/solutions to address.**
Identify challenges specifically faced by youth graduated from Secondary schools and Universities in the targeted communities. **
Identify role of young people’s involvement and level of participation in their communities. **
Identify food security data including number, type and quality of meals per day in the target location and identify the sources of families’ food, income and nutrition intake. **
Identify community resilience and coping mechanisms in the study locations. **
Assess accessibility of water and sanitation facilities to families, water consumption per person per day and sanitation practices (defecation, waste management, Communicable diseases and etc.) in the targeted communities. **
Assess protection concerns and identify security risks against women/girls and children in the targeted communities. **
Identify the percentage of school-aged children who are not enrolled schools formal and informal in the target locations. **
Assess the level of knowledge of children, caregivers and Stakeholders on child rights, child protection and participation. **
Conduct market assessment and propose the best Income Generating Activities (IGA) which will give the families and youth a sustainable income to meet the basic needs of their children. The assessment should provide solid information on the businesses which are in high demand, support needed and Challenges/barriers faced to start small businesses in the intervention communities.**
Map out the existing TVET Centres in target locations and type of services they provide.**
Assess the capacity of the existing Community-Based Organizations in target communities and identify areas for improvements.**
The bidders are welcome to submit their proposal for a baseline study in Awdal region and Gabiley town of Somaliland. This bid is open to all national and international suppliers (independent consultants or companies) who are legally constituted and can provide the requested services. The bidder shall bear all costs of the bid; costs of a proposal cannot be included as a direct cost of the assignment. The proposal and all supplementary documents have to be submitted in English. Financial bid needs to be stated in USD.
2.1 Process of Submission of Bids
To facilitate the submission of proposals, the submission duly stamped and signed can be done electronically in PDF format and sent to [email protected] Electronic submissions preferred.
The titles of submitted documents should clearly state “Technical proposal for Baseline study of Family Strengthening programme in Awdal region and Gabiley town- by the company/consultant title” and “**Financial Proposal for baseline study of** Family Strengthening programme in Awdal region and Gabiley town- by the company/consultant title”. Please make sure that the technical and financial proposals to be submitted in a separate PDF files. During the process of evaluation, technical bids will be opened and evaluated first. The financial part of those proposals, which are shortlisted after evaluation of the technical proposal, will be opened in a second step.
2. Documents to submit
2.2 Bid submission / identification form
· Previous experience format
· Price schedule form (a separate PDF file)
· Technical proposal
· CVs of the research team member(s) including current geographical location(s)
· Three references (at least two of them must be familiar with your work)
· An example of a recent/relevant evaluation report (if available for public use)
2.3 Deadline for submission
The proposal has to be received by latest on 28/04/2022, by the end of the day. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.
2.4 Modification and withdrawal of bids
Proposals may be withdrawn on written request prior to the closing date of this invitation. Any corrections or changes must be received prior to the closing date. Changes must be clearly stated in comparison with the original proposal. Failure to do so will be at bidder’s own risk and disadvantage.
2.5 Signing of the contract
SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland will inform the successful bidder electronically and will send the contract form within 3 weeks after closure of the bid submission deadline. The successful bidder shall sign and date the contract, and return it to SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland within seven calendar days of receipt of the contract. After the contract is signed by two parties, the successful bidder shall deliver the services in accordance with the delivery schedule outlined in the bid.**
2.6 Rights of SOS Children’s Villages:
contact any or all references supplied by the bidder(s);
request additional supporting or supplementary data (from the bidder(s));
arrange interviews with the bidder(s);
reject any or all proposals submitted;
accept any proposals in whole or in part;
negotiate with the service provider(s) who has/have attained the best rating/ranking, i.e. the one(s) providing the overall best value proposal(s);
contract any number of candidates as required to achieve the overall evaluation objectives
2.7 Evaluation of proposals
After the opening, each proposal will be assessed first on its technical quality and compliance and subsequently on its price. The proposal with the best overall value, composed of technical merit and price, will be considered for approval. The technical proposal is evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the Term of Reference (TOR). Bidders may additionally be requested to provide additional information (virtual presentation or phone interview) to SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland on the proposed services.
3.1 Tasks and Questions
The baseline study is an analysis of the situation prior to a project, against which progress can be assessed and comparisons made. The baseline study tests indicators listed in the Result Framework regarding their validity, reliability, and data availability. In some cases, the baseline study report might suggest changing/refining indicators or adapting the source of verification within the RF, because it is not feasible to find reliable data for the originally proposed indicator. In addition to those minor changes, the baseline study should establish the starting indicator value so targets can be set and the source of verification can be tested to ensure it is reliable and data can be accessed or collected. A strong and accurate baseline is the starting point from which change can be measured during monitoring and evaluations.
Key Tasks:
Test indicators and their proposed sources of verification on availability and reliability
If necessary: suggest modification on either sources of verification or indicator definition / operationalisation (only in case of severe challenges in collecting reliable data)
Establish baseline indicator values for all indicators defined in the Result Frame Work
Provide a short report with recommendations and a narrative summary of the baseline findings.
3.2 Methodology
The data collection process is to be proposed by the consultant and should include e.g.: accessing existing data collection systems and existing reports such as the needs assessment; interviews with key stakeholders like representatives of the target group, community leaders and representatives of the Local Authority, accessing country statistics etc.. The technical proposal is expected to include a section on methodology.
3.3 Expected deliverables
Documentation of activities (e.g. interviews) carried out
Baseline study design and methodology in inception report
First Draft of the final report in English.
Presentation of preliminary results to SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland Management.
final report of the baseline study containing (see outline in the annex):
o Executive summary
o Methodology
o Recommendations on indicators and sources of verification
o Outcome of baseline study (table with baseline values)
o Narrative summary and recommendations
- Timetable
Time frame
Prepare Inception report
Conduct data collection (interviews etc.) and Test indicators and sources of verification
Analyse data and prepare draft report
Prepare final report and presentation
3.4 Qualification of the researcher / research team
The researcher / team of researchers must have:
a) proven competency (record of previous experiences) in project/programme evaluations, including formative programme evaluations / baseline studies
b) a good understanding of development work in Somaliland
c) a good understanding of child rights and issues affecting vulnerable children and their families
d) proven experience in working with conceptual frameworks and data collection methods (including age appropriate data collection methods)
e) strong analytical and conceptual skills
f) excellent written communication skills
3.5 Logistical arrangements
The full coverage of costs of accommodation and transport of the study must be included into the price proposal.
SOS Staff will provide the contacts of the local communities of the study areas.
3.6 Duration of the contract and terms of payment
Payment will be made only upon SOS Children’s Villages acceptance of the work performed in accordance with the above described deliverables. The consultant will be paid by SOS Children’s Villages Somaliland as follows:
40% upon signing of the contract.
60% on completion of final report and acceptance of SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland.
Duration of contract: the contract is effective from the moment it was signed until the acceptance of work by the SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland.
3.7 Notice of Delay
Shall the successful bidder encounter delay in the performance of the contract which may be excusable under unavoidable circumstances; the contractor shall notify SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland in writing about the causes of any such delays within one (1) week from the beginning of the delay.
After receipt of the Contractor’s notice of delay, SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland shall analyse the facts and extent of delay, and extend time for performance when in its judgment the facts justify such an extension.
3.8 Copyright and other propriety rights
SOS Children’s Villages shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights including, but not limited to, copyrights, and trademarks, with regard to products, processes, inventions, ideas, know-how, or documents and other materials which the Contractor has developed for SOS Children’s Villages under the Contract and which bear a direct relation to or are produced or prepared or collected in consequence of, or during the course of, the performance of the Contract. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents and other materials constitute works made for hire for SOS Children’s Villages.
All materials: interviews, reports, recommendations, and all other data compiled by or received by the Contractor under the Contract shall be the property of SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland and shall be treated as confidential, and shall be delivered only to SOS Children’s Villages authorized officials on completion of work under the Contract. The external consultant is obliged to hand over all raw data collected during the assessment to SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland.
3.9 Termination
SOS Children’s Villages reserves the right to terminate without cause this Contract at any time upon forty-five (45) days prior written notice to the Contractor, in which case SOS Children’s Villages shall reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor prior to receipt of the notice of termination.
SOS Children’s Villages reserves the right to terminate the contract without any financial obligations in case if the contractor is not meeting its obligations without any prior notice:
· agreed time schedule **
· withdrawal or replacement of key personal without obtaining written consent from SOS Children’s Villages in Somaliland
· The deliverables do not comply with requirements of ToR and research guide.
- Bid submission / identification form
This bid form must be completed, signed and returned to SOS Children’s Villages. Bids have to reflect the instructions described in the Request for Proposal and Terms of Reference.
Any requests for information regarding this Request for Proposal shall be send to [email protected].
The Undersigned, having read the complete Request for Proposals including all attachments, hereby offers to supply the services specified in the schedule at the price indicated in the Price Schedule Form, in accordance with the Terms of Reference included in this document.
Offering service for: [insert organization and name].
Company/Institution Name/Individual’s Name**___**
Address, Country: __
Telephone: __ Fax _ Website**___**
Date of establishment (for companies): _
Name of Legal Representative (if applicable): _
Contact Person: _ E-mail: __
Type of Company: Ltd. Other _
Number of Staff: __
Subsidiaries in the region:
Indicate name of subsidiaries and address
Validity of Offer: valid until:**__**
Signature and stamp
- Previous experience form
(services and products provided to the clients relevant to the current RFP)
Contact person/phone, e-mail address
Date of assignment
- Price schedule form
The financial proposal needs to include all taxes.
Staff involved (indicate profile)
Number of persons
Number of days
Daily rate
Price (all incl.)
Percentage of total price
Preparation of data collection
Data collection
First draft of the final report
Final report
Total Price (F)
Accommodation and local transportation to be covered by Member Association, not to be included into price proposal.
This proposal should be authorized, signed and stamped
(Name of Organisation)
Name of representative
- Technical proposal (guideline)
Name of Organisation/Firm/Independent Consultant
Name of contact person for this proposal (for organisation/firm)
The technical bid should be concisely presented and structured in the following order to include, but not necessarily be limited to the following information listed below.
1. Quality and Relevance of Technical Proposal
· Describe all actions related to defining data collection methodology and conducting the baseline study
· Realistic work plan with time lines in accordance with ToR
· Detailed quality assurance process for data collection and analysis
2. Qualification and expertise of or organisation/team of consultants/consultant submitting proposal
· Reputation of firm/organisation and staff and individual consultant/s (competence and reliability) in carrying out evaluations
· Relevance of:
Specialized knowledge
Proven expertise in carrying out formative evaluations
· CVs for key staff
The final baseline study report should be based on the proposed outline:
COVER PAGE (1 page)
[The cover page of the report must include the name of the SOS Member Association, programme location, country and date.]
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (1 page, main findings)
1.1 Short description of programme location
1.2 Description of the objectives
1.3 Methodology: description of the overall assessment process, research team, and methodology
2.1 Recommendations on indicators and sources of verification
2.2 Outcome of baseline study (table with baseline values)
[Analyse the main findings and give recommendations on indicators, data collection tools, reliability and validity of information]
How to apply
1.1 Process of Submission of Bids
To facilitate the submission of proposals, the submission duly stamped and signed can be done electronically in PDF format and sent to [email protected] Electronic submissions preferred.
The titles of submitted documents should clearly state “Technical proposal for Baseline study of Family Strengthening programme in Awdal region and Gabiley town- by the company/consultant title” and “**Financial Proposal for baseline study of** Family Strengthening programme in Awdal region and Gabiley town- by the company/consultant title”. Please make sure that the technical and financial proposals to be submitted in a separate PDF files. During the process of evaluation, technical bids will be opened and evaluated first. The financial part of those proposals, which are shortlisted after evaluation of the technical proposal, will be opened in a second step.