Plan International
Joining Forces for child protection in emergencies (JF-CPiE) project
Terms of reference Events Coordinator
Hybrid Global Project Launch event
Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) is a multi-country project of more than 16 million euros funded by the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) implemented in 6 countries: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ethiopia, South Sudan. The project kicked off in July 2022 and has a total duration of 24 months.
The project reunites the six largest child rights organisations in Germany, the so-called Joining Forces Alliance (ChildFund, Terre des Hommes, SOS Children’s Villages, Save the Children, World Vision & Plan International) to improve the protection of vulnerable girls, boys, adolescent girls and adolescent boys (<18 years) living in refugee and IDP settings, as well as host communities through access to quality child protection prevention, mitigation, and response services & supports. Plan International Germany is the lead organization, responsible for the overall management of the project.
The project is planning to have a hybrid Global Launch event, the objective of which is to raise awareness amongst key stakeholders of the Joining Forces Consortium, the JF-CPiE Project, the support of GFFO for the JF-CPiE Project, and more broadly the importance of child protection (CP) programming.
The Global Launch will be a hybrid event, with an online & in-person component. The event will take place on Wednesday 30 November 2022. The online component will be open to the public, whereas the in-person component will reunite programme directors, key staff and GFFO representatives in Hamburg.
The expected outcomes of the launch are:
- Key Global Child Protection stakeholders such as the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, UNICEF, donors and civil society actors are informed about the Joining Forces Consortium, the JF-CPIE Project, and the support of GFFO for the JF-CPIE Project
- Key Child Protection stakeholders are aware of opportunities to engage with the Joining Forces Consortium, the JF-CPIE Project and the JOFA Project[1], particularly in learning and sharing events and processes.
- Implementing & local partners, entities playing a role in the implementation, and key Child Protection stakeholders understand the context, amplitude and the importance of the project (which some of them are contributing to)
- Important project themes such as child participation, crosscutting themes of gender equality and disability inclusion and learning and sharing/added value of working in a consortium are shared and discussed with child protection stakeholders
A consultant is sought to provide event coordination support for the global launch.
Key deliverables for the consultant role will be :
- Supporting preparations of speakers and panellists
- Support the setting up of the hybrid event, ensuring all logistical support is identified and secured for smooth event running
- Supporting communications colleagues in the timely delivery of communication products promoting the event and key messages.
A person is sought to provide events coordination support to the Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) project global coordination team who are leading the event on behalf of the JF-CPiE consortium. The event preparation will involve the participation of a wide number of stakeholders and support is required to ensure key tasks and deliverables are completed in a timely manner. The support to event coordination and project management is essential as the organisation processes must be conducted online and in-person and under tight deadlines.
Contracting period:
Part Time from 26th September until 30th November (TBC).
Stakeholders to work with:
- JF-CPiE global coordination team @ Plan Germany (contracting party)
- JF-CPiE global launch task force
- JF-CPiE Consortium Steering Committee
- Joining Forces secretariat (TBC)
- Plan International Global Headquarters
- Communications Working Group – providing support to ensuring development of communication products and communications strategy for the event(s).
Key Tasks:
- Establish, update and manage event coordination timeline
- Monitor and support all responsible parties to complete tasks according to agreed timeline
- Flag any issues arising from tasks being delayed/incomplete and support event leaders to find solutions
- Ensure all relevant documentation for communication and safeguarding is completed and archived
- Support the preparation of materials and the development of preparatory activities prior to the event.
- Support the setting up of the hybrid event, ensuring all logistical support is identified and secured for smooth event running. (the online part likely through Zoom platform)
- Other tasks as required.
- Extensive experience of event coordination (particularly with hybrid events)
- Experience of child participation and event safeguarding procedures (including online)
- Experience of coordinating organisations/actors in different countries/time zones
- Experience working in or with an international NGO, preferably in the child protection sector
- Available for the estimated time period (immediate availability is key)
- French language skills an asset.
- Own computer and professional email address
- Access to Microsoft Teams platform (own account)
- Responsible for own taxes, administration as per country rules
- Paid on receipt of invoiced hours
- Agreed confidentiality and safeguarding policy requirements
[1] The JOFA or “Joining Forces for Africa – protecting children during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond” project is currently being implemented in five countries (Senegal, Mali, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda) for a duration of three years (between August 2020 and 2023). The Joining Forces Alliance being a collaboration between the six biggest child focused agencies Child Fund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children International, SOS Children’s Villages International, Terre des Hommes International Federation, World Vision International, this initiative has been awarded a €10 million grant from the EU to address the major child protection issues arising from and exacerbated by COVID-19. After more than 2 years of implementation, some key learnings & good practices can be shared.
How to apply
Please send your CV and cover letter in English to both:
- Katharina Witkowski (Teamleader WACA at Plan Germany): [email protected]
- Kiani Raets (Interim Global Project Manager JF-CPiE): [email protected]
The deadline for applications closes on Sunday 25th September 2022.
Closing date: 25-Sep-22