People in Need
Terms of reference
Project: Switching on the Green Economy
Assignment: Feasibility study on existing international and national eco-labelling, green certification platform
Expected location: Remote
Period of assignment: 45-60 working days (days will be negotiated)
Type of contract: Service contract
Mongolia’s agricultural sector accounts for 13% of GDP (as of 2021) and 25.9% of the total workforce and is one of the second largest industries after the mining sector. The agricultural sector is divided between the livestock husbandry sub-sector and the agri-food farming sub-sector.
Compared to the traditional livestock husbandry sub-sector, which occupies 72 percent of the country’s territory and takes up almost 83 percent of the total agriculture sector production, the agri-food farming sub-sector is still a growing and developing industry. Facing constraints in Mongolia’s extreme season and weather, degrading nature, low precipitation, and desertification which is putting 90% of the whole land at risk, the agri-food farming sub-sector shows space for improvements and developments. Benefits of strengthening the soil health that is currently degraded due to overgrazed pastureland, increasing vegetation cover, and also accelerating the independence of agri-food consumption from local producers, put more emphasis on the need to support agri-food business.
In 2021, Mongolia imported 1,073.0 MLN USD worth of staple agricultural products and raw materials, of which 607.2 MLN USD or 56.6% were food products, 187.6 MLN USD or 17.5% were vegetable products.
As of 2017, Mongolia imported about 5 million dollars’ worth of agricultural products including 3.5 million dollars import of horticultural products and 286 million dollars import of grains and feed products. By supporting the Food and Beverage sector which consists of 6099 companies employing about 50 thousand employees with gross production of 1191 billion MNT, Mongolia can build its capability in the food and beverage industry. In other words, the agriculture sector excluding livestock husbandry sub-sector, which earns 20% of total agricultural production can strengthen to more capacity nourishing population nutrition intake, growing inclusive employment, and supporting local businesses.
Moreover, the agriculture sector accounts for 48.5% (16.7MtCO2) of total emission, highest after the energy sector (as of 2014) and one of the most vulnerable sectors to the climate change. The agri-food farming sub-sector shows vast potential both economically and ecologically, such as through providing solutions to land degradation and absorption of carbon dioxide emissions through vegetation. Therefore, having both high potential for development and high impact towards climate change, there will be more feasible environment and financial ecosystem for the retailers by connecting customer trust to retailers through eco-labeling schemes.
The Parliament of Mongolia and the Government approved the Law on Organic Food in April 2016. In addition, the “Vision-2050” long-term development policy of Mongolia states that “To support the consumption of organic food, develop organic livestock production, increase exports, create an organic food chain supplied from rural areas, increase the range of organic products, and invest Creating a favorable environment” is an important impetus for the implementation of the concept of organic development in Mongolia. In alignment with this long-term development policy, the food and beverage industry aimed to eco-certify 5% of the food and agriculture products of Mongolia.
PIN Mongolia and its implementing partners are starting a project to support agri-food and beverage MSMEs and retailers in adopting sustainable practices through a market-based labeling system, capacity building and access to green finance. The Theory of Change of the project is that (1) if labeling is mainstreamed and linked with existing digital platform, this will increase the interest of agri-food and beverage MSMEs and retailers to adopt circular economy practices and eco-labeling and (2) if MSMEs are provided with the know-how and tools to introduce sustainable circular economy practices and have access to green financing opportunities THEN this will enhance their environmental performance and allow them to effectively contribute to faster transition to resource-efficient economy and poverty alleviation.
Purpose of the Service
PIN Mongolia is looking for a consultancy service to conduct a feasibility study on existing international and national green certification platforms to identify best practices, gaps and lessons learnt to inform PIN’s decision-making processes for creating an eco-labelling platform. The consultant shall bring recommendations on possibilities to reduce transaction costs and improve operational efficiency of the eco-labelling processes.
Findings from the study will serve as a basis for development of a new online platform and its business model and will specifically focus on EU best practices, while also considering examples from other Asian countries as well as past SWITCH-Asia projects in the eco-labelling area.
The study will also be complemented by a workshop to share with key stakeholders the results of the assessment, with clear recommendations that will guide the implementation of the development of a new online platform and its business model. The study will also investigate the sustainability and financial model associated with Circular Business Verifiers (CBV), who will be responsible for auditing MSMEs and retailers.
Scope of Work
The consultant, in collaboration with PIN Mongolia’s staff, is expected to conduct a comprehensive review and benchmark of existing international and national eco-labelling platforms, with a focus on the food and beverage industry. The specific outputs and activities expected are outlined below:
Output: Development of the final report with best practices in the green labelling platforms
- Review and map international and country-specific eco-labelling platforms, including but not limited to the EU, and other country/regional/international platforms.
- Develop a map of various approaches to business models for eco-labelling platforms internationally which has incentive system; and provide a description for each approach, including the pros and cons, how they interface with other platform, its functions, detailed processes for different users like Circular Business Verifiers (CBV), administrators, producers and consumers. In addition is there any AI exist and how it assists or supports other functions; define comprehensive customer journey capabilities, broad integrative functionality and how the frameworks built encompass future innovation etc.
- Research what method, technologies, or resources like the national electricity database they use to get measurable information (water, electricity usage, waste amount, and any data collected on GH emission via the platform before labelling).
- Compare the process flows of the eco-labelling platforms, their features, technical functions under research, and the detailed steps in how the system generates the data. Do the personnel involved in the operations or fully automated platforms?
- Review the performance of analysed platforms, and identify key lessons learned and factors for the development of a successful labelling platform in Mongolia. The research and recommendations for the eco-labelling platform shall take into account the concept of CBV, who will be a key component ensuring compliance of eco-labeling standards required from participating MSMEs, retailers, and vendors.
- Provide clear recommendations on the new online certification platform design and the roadmap for its business model, flow based on the benchmark findings, opportunities, gaps for Mongolia’s context.
The consultant will work closely with PIN and implementing partners throughout the assignment period, under the supervision of the PIN Project Manager and focal points of the project. The consultant shall continuously integrate feedback from the PIN Project Manager and the project focal points into the deliverables.
Deliverables and Deadlines
The following is the indicative schedule of the assignment. The final schedule will be agreed upon in the beginning of the consultancy agreement. All deliverables must be submitted to PIN (in English) in soft copies.
Expected Deliverables
- Comprehensive research/study on existing international and national green certification platforms
- Final report and clear recommendations on the new online certification platform and the roadmap for its business model
- Final dissemination workshop
Estimated duration & target due date
45-60 working days (days will be negotiated)
Evaluation Method and Criteria
The consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodology
Cumulative analysis
The award of the contract shall be made to the team of consultants whose offer has been evaluated and determined as a) responsive/compliant/acceptable; and b) having received the highest score out of set of weighted technical criteria (70%) and financial criteria (30%). Financial proposal shall be evaluated as a ratio of the Proposal’s offer to the lowest price among the proposals received by PIN.
Technical proposal – criteria weight 70 %, maximum point 100
Technical criteria 1: Academic qualification
At least Master’s degree in related fields – 20 points
Technical criteria 2: Professional experience
Work experience in relative fields – 20 points
Previous experience in carrying out stakeholders’ consultations and performing research studies, or policy analysis in related fields – 10 points
Proven experience working with agencies or other stakeholders in eco/green labeling or certification, especially in the agri-food and beverage sub-sector – 20 points
Technical criteria 3: Methodology/approach and workplan
A brief proposal describing the methodologies, work plan and timeframe – 30 points
Financial Proposal – criteria weight 30 %
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70 % of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
Requirements on Consultant Qualification
Educational Qualifications:
- A Master’s degree in the relevant fields.
Professional Experience for consultant:
- 3+ years of experience in the field of agriculture, agri-food production, circular practices and schemes, eco/green labeling or any related fields.
- Experience in carrying out stakeholders’ consultations and performing research studies, or policy analysis.
- Proven experience working with agencies or other stakeholders in eco/green labeling or certification, especially in the agri-food and beverage sub-sector.
- Proven ability to facilitate dialogue among senior agency officials and other stakeholders.
- Research and analytical experience in areas in the aforementioned fields
- Excellent knowledge of data collection and analysis.
- Experience on eco-labelling projects is an advantage.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
- Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities skills;
- Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback;
- Ability to plan, organize, implement and report on work;
- Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines;
- Proficiency in the use of IT applications;
- Outstanding communication, project management and organizational skills;
- Excellent presentation and facilitation skills;
- Demonstrate integrity and ethical standards;
- Positive, constructive attitude to work; and
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Language requirement:
- Fluency in English (written and spoken), and an ability to summarise and present information effectively.
Payment modalities
The consultant must send a financial proposal based on a Lump Sum Amount. The total amount quoted shall be all-inclusive and include all costs components required to perform the deliverables identified in the TOR, including professional fee, travel costs, living allowance (if any work is to be done outside the IC´s duty station) and any other applicable cost to be incurred by the IC in completing the assignment. The contract price will be fixed output-based price regardless of extension of the herein specified duration.
Payments will be done upon completion of the deliverables/outputs and as per below percentages:
- Inception report including detailed workplan, methodology and report outline – 20%
- Comprehensive research and study on existing international and national green certification platforms that identifies the best practices, gaps and lessons learnt – 40%
- Final report and dissemination workshop – 40%
Documentation required
Interested individual consultants and a team of consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications to following e-mail address [email protected] before 09 Jan 2023 by 6 p.m. Ulaanbaatar time zone.
Please group them into one (1) single PDF document with no more than 25 pages as the application only allows to upload a maximum one document:
- PIN Eligibility Sworn Statement /please see the Annex A/;
- Personal CV(s) of consultant(s), indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least two (2) professional references.
- Technical proposal, including a) a brief description of why the consultants considers him/herself/themselves as the most suitable for the assignment, b) proposed approach for the assignment.
- Financial proposal, as per template provided in Annex B.
Annex A
Eligibility Sworn Statement
We, ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………
declare, that:
We are not bankrupt or have not wound up, are not having their affairs administered by the courts, have not entered into an arrangement with creditors, have not suspended business activities, are not the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are not in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;
We or persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over us have not been convicted of an offence concerning our professional conduct by a judgment that has the force of res judicata;
We have not been found guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means that the contracting authority can justify;
We have fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which we are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;
We or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over us have not been subject of any judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity;
Following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by PIN or any other contractual agency, we have not been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations;
We do not engage in the employment of children. We respect basic social rights of our employees and provide them with proper working conditions;
We have not engaged in the trafficking in persons and have avoided any support (direct or indirect) of terrorism, including the financing of terrorism, or transactions with persons connected with terrorism.
We are currently no subject to any administrative penalty imposed by donor or have been listed by the donor as ineligible for participation in award procedures financed by donor´s money.
We don´t find ourselves in any situation which could give raise to a conflict of interest in what concerns the implementation of the contract. We, or any of our employees, associates or other persons related to us, have not provided any technical assistance to PIN under this same procurement.
In the event of the contract being awarded to us, we commit ourselves to act with complete impartiality and in good faith in what concerns its performance and outcome.
In ………………………….……….. on ………………………………………
On behalf of ……………………………………(Name of the person, title) ……………
Signature …………………………………………………………..
Annex B
- Breakdown of Cost by Deliverables*
[list them as referred to in the TOR]
Percentage of Total Price (Weight for payment)
Inception report including detailed workplan, methodology and report outline
Comprehensive research and study on existing international and national green certification platforms that identifies the best practices, gaps, and lessons learnt
Final report and dissemination workshop
*Basis for payment tranches
The costs should only cover the requirements identified in the Terms of Reference (TOR)
How to apply
Interested individual consultants and a team of consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications to following e-mail address [email protected] before 09 Jan 2023 by 6 p.m. Ulaanbaatar time zone.
Please group them into one (1) single PDF document with no more than 25 pages as the application only allows to upload a maximum one document:
- PIN Eligibility Sworn Statement /please see the Annex A/;
- Personal CV(s) of consultant(s), indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least two (2) professional references.
- Technical proposal, including a) a brief description of why the consultants considers him/herself/themselves as the most suitable for the assignment, b) proposed approach for the assignment.
- Financial proposal, as per template provided in Annex B.
Closing date: 9 Jan 2023