Carter Center
Request for Proposals
Consultant: Gender Diagnostic in the Workplace
The Carter Center is seeking a consultant to carry out a gender diagnostic.1 The consultant (or
team) will work with the Center’s Deputy Country Representative in Guatemala, under the overall
supervision of the Director of the Rule of Law Program based in Atlanta, USA.
As a learning organization, the Center seeks to build upon its commitment to gender equality by
conducting a gender diagnostic of the internal operations and external support to partners in our
Guatemala office. As a result of this effort, a realistic and practical Gender Action and Capacity
Building Plan for The Carter Center staff in Guatemala will be developed. This plan should identify
concrete ways to operationalize principles of equal opportunity and gender equity in the workplace
to ensure there is a supportive working environment and ensure that The Carter Center’s in-country
interactions with local partners advance gender equality.
The gender diagnostic is expected to commence in February 2023. The completion date is expected to
be in March. A specific schedule for activities, deliverables, and completion will be detailed as
part of the work plan to be developed at the initiation of the gender diagnostic.
The maximum budget is $12,600. Additional funds may be available for locally based
The total estimated level of effort is 21 days, distributed as follows:
• Inception plan, review of background materials – 3 days (remote)
• Interviews with up to four local partners: 3 days (remote or in-country)
• Develop, administer, and analyze a survey of country and Atlanta staff: 3 days (remote)
• Facilitate in-country workshop to develop Gender Action and Capacity Building Plan and
provide remote follow-on support: 9 days (in-country and remote)
• Final report with results and recommendations (no more than 10 pages): 3 days
The consultant(s) travel expenses will be paid directly or reimbursed as per the policies of The
Carter Center.
Technical Approach
In the response to this RFP, the consultant(s) should propose a technical approach and
methodology that will address two issues: (1) what is required to ensure that the Guatemala
country office is/becomes a workplace rooted in gender empowerment and (2) the perceived
ability of OEPA/RLP in promoting gender empowerment with local partners.
The proposed methodology should include a timeline with sufficient detail to ensure confidence
that the consultant has the necessary skills in planning, facilitation, and communication to fulfill the
deliverables below.
Expected Deliverables:
- Completion of up to four (4) interviews with local partners.
- Develop, deliver, analyze, and present results of an online survey of up to 25 staff from
the Carter Center’s Guatemala office and relevant Atlanta backstops. - Facilitate an in-country participatory workshop (up to 3 days)
- Draft and finalize a Gender Action and Capacity Building Plan
- Final report in professional level English
While The Carter Center uses “gender diagnostic” in this consultancy, “gender audit” is the commonly used term.
Gender Audit | EIGE (europa.eu)
Bidders may propose the use of an alternative methodology, however, it must satisfy standards of gender audits as
the above or also found here:
Gender Audit Handbook – InterAction
How to apply
Evaluation Criteria:
(1) Proposed methodology and technical approach – 30 points
(2) Written example from a previous gender audit/diagnostic conducted by the consultant(s)
(no more than 10 pages). Work on different topics will not be reviewed or considered –
20 points
(3) Relevant skills in the region and previous similar experience as evidenced by CV(s) (4
pages maximum) – 30 points
(4) Interview (optional) – 20 points
Requirements: Fluency in written and spoken Spanish and professional level report-writing in
Submission Information:
– Applications are due no later than 11:59 PM EST on January 12, 2023
– Please submit all applications to the online form located at the link below:
Request for Applications for Gender Diagnostic (airtable.com)
Incomplete applications and applications that do not meet the criteria above will not be
Closing date: 12 Jan 2023