Global Development Network
- Background
The Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project is a competitive grant program under the umbrella of the Global Development Awards Competition, administered by the Global Development Network (GDN), funded under the Policy and Human Resources Development Fund (PHRD) trust fund managed by the World Bank, and generously supported by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan. The award program invites non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to submit project proposals supporting (in particular) improved service delivery, and innovative approaches that may be scaled-up through a grant. The Award targets projects currently at the stage of implementation, and which have a high potential for impact targeting exceptionally marginalized and disadvantaged groups located in developing countries.
- Scope of the call
The aim of the call is to identify a team of reviewers (consultants) to conduct the review of applications received under the MIDP category of the 2022 edition of the Global Development Awards Competition, through desk-based work and site visits.
Applicants will have to demonstrate professional experience in developing countries (up to middle-income countries[1]) and a mix of international, regional and local exposure.
- Profile of applicants
GDN is expecting reviewers to demonstrate the following:
- Have demonstrable experience in reviewing and assessing social development projects as part of granting program (for at least 5-6 years), including project design, staffing, budgets, financial and institutional capacity;
- Have previous experience assessing World Bank Environmental and Social (E&S) compliance and familiarity with the World Bank’s current Environment and Social Frameworks’ (ESF) and associated Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) and be willing to undergo E&S training including an online self-paced training.
- Demonstrate appropriate regional representation within the team: no more than 40% of the team for each review stage should be from the same geographic region[2].
[1] Press here to visit the list of countries which are recognized as low- and middle-income countries by the World Bank
[2] Press here to visit the list of geographic regions as classified by the World Bank
How to apply
- Application structure
Each team through their representative (Team Leader) must submit the following information:
Detailed background of the applying team
- Submission of comprehensive CVs specifying all relevant professional affiliations
- Specify past experience in conducting reviews of development projects, including details of reports produced, etc.
A note (not more than 5 pages) detailing the proposed review methodology for the multi-stage assessment detailed in theTerms of Reference(ToR). The applicant may use this note also to:
- Propose improvements to structure of the review (see details in the ToRattached);
- Propose changes and/or addition to the standard list of review criteria proposed by GDN;
- Describe which dimensions will be assessed through desk review, and which ones will require site visits;
- Define the quality threshold justifying site visits to projects; and
- Detail the grading scales to be used and justify the choice of qualitative and quantitative grading.
A detailed budget for the assignment.
A list of social development projects handled/completed during the last three years.
Contacts of three references that can support the applicant’s qualifications for undertaking the review process.
Contact information of the two leading team members (full names, full postal address, telephone numbers, email addresses, professional website) who will act as contact points with GDN, if selected.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be reviewed against the following weighed criteria:
Quality of Application (60%)
- Quality of proposed process for undertaking multi-stage review (including criteria to be used for selecting projects)
- Feasibility of work plan and proposed review process based on overall task timeline
- Appropriateness of proposed budget
Capacity of Applying Team (40%)
- Experience of Lead Team Member(s)
- Relevant expertise of team in conducting a review of social development project in different developing countries (no. of cumulative years)
- Appropriateness of the composition of the team to cover the different aspects of the review process
Application Procedure
- Follow to GDN’s dedicated online submission platform using the following link: www.gdn.int/gdac/2022/apply
- Register or Log-in into the platform to have access to your profile. You will receive an email confirming the successful registration of your profile and define your password. Only after verifying your profile, will you be able to submit an application.
- On your profile page, follow the displayed instructions and go to [Applications] “Funding Opportunities” to select the Call you wish to apply to or resume one from the [Applications] “In Progress” section.
- A collaborator must accept and fill their Collaborator Form which is found at [Collaboration Forms and Applications] “Action Required” before being filled. Afterwards, he/she will have access to the proposal they are associated with and can make edits and even submit it. This application will not be at [Collaboration Forms and Applications] “Applications”
- Take note that you will be able to resume your entry at any time up to the deadline. If there are duplicate entries, the most recent one will be considered as only one proposal per applicant is allowed.
- You will be asked to provide the details of the proposal and you must invite your team members by placing their name and email address on the “Collaborators” tab. Don’t forget to press “Invite” and check if people have accepted by checking their status on this tab.
- Upload all necessary documents and fill all sections otherwise your application will not be submitted.
- Once you have completed your application, click on “Submit”. You will receive an email notifying you on the successful submission of your application with a copy of the entire submission.
Check our website for additional information on how to interact with the platform or reach out to us if you need any assistance.
Enquiries must be addressed to [email protected].
Closing date: 10/16/2022