Job Specific
The Programme Management Specialist Role will help address critical health needs in Myanmar and those which impact regional and global health security. The programme aims to help poor and vulnerable people especially from conflict affected areas for improving access to quality health services.
Under the supervision of the Programme Manager, the Programme Specialist is responsible for the following:
Portfolio Management
- Support the development and implementation of a portfolio management system, ensuring alignment with Access to Health Fund strategy, principles and Theory of Change.
- Ensure delivery through the most efficient approach (number and nature of Implementing Partners, work through existing/sustainable structures, etc.)
- Pursue other efficiency gains wherever possible
- Ensure portfolio and grants management systems adopt principles of localization, building local partnerships and local capacity
Grant Management
Manage grants with respect to principles of localization and simplification, including:
- Lead call for proposal processes
- Manage grant negotiations
- Facilitate contracting and fund flow
- Oversee grant management processes
- Facilitate timely reporting from implementing partners, including review of results
- Support partners to manage grant-level risks, sharing risk burden wherever possible
- Conduct budget revisions where necessary
- Manage grant closure processes
Maintain a clear understanding of grant outcomes, in particular as they relate to the strengthening of health systems and the improved health situation of vulnerable communities. Regularly communicate on these outcomes with partners and stakeholders.
Work closely with implementing partners to understand their challenges and help to overcome them
Mainstream principles of localization, gender equality, conflict-sensitivity, inclusion
Ensure compliance of partners to UNOPS processes and procedures, including PSEA
Maintain flexibility and responsiveness to support partners to overcome challenges and ensure delivery of activities
Monitoring and Evaluation
- Coordinate program visits from the donors and team, where relevant
- Maintain strong M&E systems for funded projects
- Conduct timely reviews of program deliverables and of technical and financial reports.
- Work closely with colleagues from the Access to Health Fund to ensure coordination, as well as other partners where relevant
- Attend relevant coordination meetings at all levels, to ensure the activities funded meet needs and avoid duplication
Information and Knowledge Management
- Stay abreast of developments in the relevant geographic area and areas of operation
- Draft bi-annual achievement and narrative reports and/or case studies that highlight key developments in the area for reporting
- Document and share lessons learned
- On a regular basis, critically analyze risks to investments in the area. Develop, implement, and update mitigation plan(s) for identified risks, helping to maintain the risk register.
- Ensure that program activities are aligned with conflict sensitivity principles, utilizing a conflict-sensitive programme management approach.
- Support the program manager with information and assistance in establishing and maintaining reporting systems (narrative, financial and results) as per donor requirements
Support any other activities as per request of the Senior Program Manager.
How to apply